Gamedev Framework (gf)  0.17.0
A C++14 framework for 2D games
1 /*
2  * Gamedev Framework (gf)
3  * Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Julien Bernard
4  *
5  * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
6  * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
7  * arising from the use of this software.
8  *
9  * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
10  * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
11  * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
12  *
13  * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
14  * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
15  * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
16  * appreciated but is not required.
17  * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
18  * misrepresented as being the original software.
19  * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
20  */
21 #ifndef GF_TMX_H
22 #define GF_TMX_H
24 #include <cstdint>
26 #include <map>
27 #include <memory>
28 #include <string>
29 #include <vector>
31 #include "Flags.h"
32 #include "Id.h"
33 #include "Path.h"
34 #include "Portability.h"
35 #include "Rect.h"
36 #include "Stagger.h"
37 #include "TileTypes.h"
38 #include "Time.h"
39 #include "Vector.h"
41 namespace gf {
43 inline namespace v1 {
44 #endif
49  enum class TmxRenderOrder {
50  RightDown,
51  RightUp,
52  LeftDown,
53  LeftUp,
54  };
61  class GF_API TmxProperties {
62  public:
66  TmxProperties() = default;
71  TmxProperties(TmxProperties&&) = default;
76  TmxProperties& operator=(TmxProperties&&) = default;
84  void addStringProperty(std::string name, std::string value);
92  void addIntProperty(std::string name, int value);
100  void addFloatProperty(std::string name, double value);
108  void addBoolProperty(std::string name, bool value);
116  void addColorProperty(std::string name, Color4u value);
124  void addFileProperty(std::string name, Path value);
133  std::string getStringProperty(const std::string& name, const std::string& def) const;
142  int getIntProperty(const std::string& name, int def) const;
151  double getFloatProperty(const std::string& name, double def) const;
160  bool getBoolProperty(const std::string& name, bool def) const;
169  Color4u getColorProperty(const std::string& name, const Color4u& def) const;
178  Path getFileProperty(const std::string& name, const Path& def) const;
180  private:
181  std::map<std::string, std::string> m_stringProps;
182  std::map<std::string, int> m_intProps;
183  std::map<std::string, double> m_floatProps;
184  std::map<std::string, bool> m_boolProps;
185  std::map<std::string, Color4u> m_colorProps;
186  std::map<std::string, Path> m_fileProps;
187  };
189  struct TmxLayers;
191  struct TmxTileLayer;
192  struct TmxObjectLayer;
193  struct TmxImageLayer;
194  struct TmxGroupLayer;
203  class GF_API TmxVisitor {
204  public:
208  virtual ~TmxVisitor();
216  virtual void visitTileLayer(const TmxLayers& map, const TmxTileLayer& layer);
224  virtual void visitObjectLayer(const TmxLayers& map, const TmxObjectLayer& layer);
232  virtual void visitImageLayer(const TmxLayers& map, const TmxImageLayer& layer);
240  virtual void visitGroupLayer(const TmxLayers& map, const TmxGroupLayer& layer);
241  };
252  struct GF_API TmxLayer {
256  virtual ~TmxLayer();
266  virtual void accept(const TmxLayers& map, TmxVisitor& visitor) const = 0;
269  std::string name;
270  double opacity;
271  bool visible;
273  };
279  struct GF_API TmxCell {
280  int gid;
281  Flags<Flip> flip = None;
282  };
288  struct GF_API TmxChunk {
291  std::vector<TmxCell> cells;
292  };
298  struct GF_API TmxTileLayer : public TmxLayer {
299  std::vector<TmxCell> cells;
300  std::vector<TmxChunk> chunks;
302  void accept(const TmxLayers& map, TmxVisitor& visitor) const override;
303  };
309  enum class TmxDrawOrder {
310  TopDown,
311  Index,
312  };
331  struct GF_API TmxObject {
335  virtual ~TmxObject();
340  enum Kind {
348  };
354  int id;
355  std::string name;
356  std::string type;
358  double rotation;
359  bool visible;
360  };
366  struct GF_API TmxRectangle : public TmxObject {
368  };
374  struct GF_API TmxEllipse : public TmxObject {
376  };
382  struct GF_API TmxTileObject : public TmxObject {
383  int gid;
385  };
393  struct GF_API TmxPolyline : public TmxObject {
394  std::vector<Vector2f> points;
395  };
403  struct GF_API TmxPolygon : public TmxObject {
404  std::vector<Vector2f> points;
405  };
411  struct GF_API TmxText : public TmxObject {
412  std::string text;
414  std::string fontFamily;
416  bool wrap;
418  bool bold;
419  bool italic;
420  bool underline;
421  bool strikeout;
422  bool kerning;
427  enum class HAlign {
428  Left,
429  Center,
430  Right,
431  };
438  enum class VAlign {
439  Top,
440  Center,
441  Bottom,
442  };
445  };
451  struct GF_API TmxPoint : public TmxObject {
452  };
458  struct GF_API TmxObjectLayer : public TmxLayer {
461  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TmxObject>> objects;
463  void accept(const TmxLayers& map, TmxVisitor& visitor) const override;
464  };
470  struct GF_API TmxImage {
471  std::string format;
475  };
481  struct GF_API TmxImageLayer : public TmxLayer {
482  std::unique_ptr<TmxImage> image;
484  void accept(const TmxLayers& map, TmxVisitor& visitor) const override;
485  };
492  struct GF_API TmxGroupLayer : public TmxLayer {
493  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TmxLayer>> layers;
495  void accept(const TmxLayers& map, TmxVisitor& visitor) const override;
496  };
504  struct GF_API TmxFrame {
505  int tileId;
507  };
513  struct GF_API TmxAnimation {
514  std::vector<TmxFrame> frames;
515  };
523  struct GF_API TmxTerrain {
525  std::string name;
526  int tile;
527  };
535  struct GF_API TmxTile {
537  int id;
538  std::string type;
539  std::array<int, 4> terrain;
542  std::unique_ptr<TmxImage> image;
543  std::unique_ptr<TmxObjectLayer> objects;
544  std::unique_ptr<TmxAnimation> animation;
545  };
551  struct GF_API TmxTileset {
554  int firstGid;
555  std::string name;
557  int spacing;
558  int margin;
559  int tileCount;
564  std::unique_ptr<TmxImage> image;
565  std::vector<TmxTerrain> terrains;
566  std::vector<TmxTile> tiles;
568  public:
575  const TmxTile *getTile(int id) const noexcept;
584  RectI getSubTexture(int id, Vector2i size) const noexcept;
585  };
591  struct GF_API TmxLayers {
594  std::string version;
595  std::string tiledVersion;
599  bool infinite;
611  std::vector<TmxTileset> tilesets;
612  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TmxLayer>> layers;
614  public:
621  const TmxTileset *getTileSetFromGID(int gid) const noexcept;
628  void visitLayers(TmxVisitor& visitor) const;
635  bool loadFromFile(const Path& filename);
636  };
639 }
640 #endif
641 }
643 #endif // GF_TMX_H
MapCellAxis mapCellAxis
The stagger axis for hexagonal map.
Definition: Tmx.h:604
double opacity
The opacity of the layer.
Definition: Tmx.h:270
VAlign valign
The vertical alignment of the text.
Definition: Tmx.h:444
Vector2i tileSize
The size of a tile in the tileset.
Definition: Tmx.h:556
Flags< Flip > flip
Definition: Tmx.h:384
A layer with an image.
Definition: Tmx.h:481
MapCellIndex mapCellIndex
The stagger index for hexagonal map.
Definition: Tmx.h:605
Vector2i size
Definition: Tmx.h:290
bool bold
Is the text in bold?
Definition: Tmx.h:418
int spacing
The spacing between tiles (in pixels)
Definition: Tmx.h:557
int gid
The global id of the tile.
Definition: Tmx.h:280
A visitor for layers in the visitor pattern.
Definition: Tmx.h:203
TmxProperties properties
The properties of the terrain.
Definition: Tmx.h:524
bool wrap
The wrap mode.
Definition: Tmx.h:416
std::string text
The text of the object.
Definition: Tmx.h:412
std::vector< TmxTerrain > terrains
The terrains of the tileset.
Definition: Tmx.h:565
No alignement.
A rectangle object.
Definition: Tmx.h:366
std::string name
The name of the object.
Definition: Tmx.h:355
A chunk in a tile layer (for infinite maps)
Definition: Tmx.h:288
std::vector< Vector2f > points
The points of the polygon.
Definition: Tmx.h:404
std::vector< TmxFrame > frames
The frames of the animation.
Definition: Tmx.h:514
Color4u backgroundColor
The background color.
Definition: Tmx.h:607
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< TmxObject > > objects
The objects of the layer.
Definition: Tmx.h:461
The draw order of the objects.
Definition: Tmx.h:309
std::unique_ptr< TmxImage > image
The image of the layer.
Definition: Tmx.h:482
An ellipse object.
Definition: Tmx.h:374
Vector2i mapSize
The size of the map.
Definition: Tmx.h:600
TmxDrawOrder drawOrder
The draw order of the objects.
Definition: Tmx.h:460
double rotation
The rotation of the object.
Definition: Tmx.h:358
std::vector< Vector2f > points
The points of the polyline.
Definition: Tmx.h:394
A layer with objects.
Definition: Tmx.h:458
An ellipse object.
Definition: Tmx.h:342
A layer in the whole map.
Definition: Tmx.h:252
Path source
The path to the image.
Definition: Tmx.h:472
std::string tiledVersion
The tiled version of the map.
Definition: Tmx.h:595
std::string name
The name of the tileset.
Definition: Tmx.h:555
A tile animation.
Definition: Tmx.h:513
A TMX map.
Definition: Tmx.h:591
bool kerning
Is the text using kerning?
Definition: Tmx.h:422
A tile object.
Definition: Tmx.h:345
std::vector< TmxTileset > tilesets
The tilesets used in the map.
Definition: Tmx.h:611
Represents a time value.
Definition: Time.h:65
int sizeInPixels
The size of the text in pixel.
Definition: Tmx.h:415
std::unique_ptr< TmxAnimation > animation
The animation data of the tile.
Definition: Tmx.h:544
std::vector< TmxTile > tiles
The tiles of the tileset.
Definition: Tmx.h:566
int id
The id of the object.
Definition: Tmx.h:354
int probability
The probability of the tile.
Definition: Tmx.h:540
Vector2i position
Definition: Tmx.h:289
std::string fontFamily
The font family.
Definition: Tmx.h:414
Color4u transparent
The transparent color.
Definition: Tmx.h:473
Vector2i offset
The offset of the layer.
Definition: Tmx.h:272
int tileCount
The number of tiles.
Definition: Tmx.h:559
A text object.
Definition: Tmx.h:411
HAlign halign
The horizontal alignment of the text.
Definition: Tmx.h:433
std::string type
The type of the object.
Definition: Tmx.h:356
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< TmxLayer > > layers
The layers of the map.
Definition: Tmx.h:612
std::string name
The name of the terrain.
Definition: Tmx.h:525
std::string version
The version of the map.
Definition: Tmx.h:594
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< TmxLayer > > layers
The other layers.
Definition: Tmx.h:493
TmxRenderOrder renderOrder
The render order of the map.
Definition: Tmx.h:597
The kind of object.
Definition: Tmx.h:340
int tileId
Definition: Tmx.h:505
A point object.
Definition: Tmx.h:451
int nextObjectId
The next object id.
Definition: Tmx.h:609
The namespace for gf classes.
Definition: Action.h:35
A polyline object.
Definition: Tmx.h:393
TmxProperties properties
The properties of the tile.
Definition: Tmx.h:536
std::unique_ptr< TmxObjectLayer > objects
The objects in the tile.
Definition: Tmx.h:543
int firstGid
The first global id of the tileset.
Definition: Tmx.h:554
A frame in a tile animation.
Definition: Tmx.h:504
Map cell index in a map celled or hexagonal map.
Definition: MapCell.h:35
Vector2i offset
The offset of the tileset.
Definition: Tmx.h:562
TmxProperties properties
The properties of the tileset.
Definition: Tmx.h:552
TmxProperties properties
The properties of the map.
Definition: Tmx.h:592
Kind kind
The kind of the object.
Definition: Tmx.h:350
std::string type
The type of the tile.
Definition: Tmx.h:538
int gid
Definition: Tmx.h:383
A 4D vector.
Definition: Vector.h:852
Color4u color
The color of the text.
Definition: Tmx.h:417
int margin
The margin around tiles (in pixels)
Definition: Tmx.h:558
std::array< int, 4 > terrain
The terrain if the corners (top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right)
Definition: Tmx.h:539
A description of a kind of terrain on the map.
Definition: Tmx.h:523
A rectangle object.
Definition: Tmx.h:341
The properties for TMX entities.
Definition: Tmx.h:61
bool visible
The visibility of the object.
Definition: Tmx.h:359
A vertical alignment.
Definition: Tmx.h:438
A rectangular part of a tileset.
Definition: Tmx.h:535
the render order of the tiles.
Definition: Tmx.h:49
std::string format
The format of the image.
Definition: Tmx.h:471
int id
The local id of the tile.
Definition: Tmx.h:537
A horizontal alignment.
Definition: Tmx.h:427
boost::filesystem::path Path
A path in the filesystem.
Definition: Path.h:44
Color4u color
The color of the objects.
Definition: Tmx.h:459
TileOrientation orientation
The orientation of the map.
Definition: Tmx.h:596
A polygon object.
Definition: Tmx.h:344
A geometrical object.
Definition: Tmx.h:331
A cell in a tile layer.
Definition: Tmx.h:279
std::unique_ptr< TmxImage > image
The image of this tile.
Definition: Tmx.h:542
Left alignement.
A text object.
Definition: Tmx.h:346
Vector2f size
The size of the rectangle.
Definition: Tmx.h:367
TmxProperties properties
The properties of the object.
Definition: Tmx.h:352
A set of tiles in a single file (image or TSX file)
Definition: Tmx.h:551
int hexSideLength
The length of the side for hexagonal map.
Definition: Tmx.h:603
Right alignement.
An image put in the map identified by its global id.
Definition: Tmx.h:382
int columnCount
The number of columns.
Definition: Tmx.h:560
Vector2f size
The size of the ellipse.
Definition: Tmx.h:375
bool italic
Is the text in italic?
Definition: Tmx.h:419
A layer with tiles in cells.
Definition: Tmx.h:298
std::unique_ptr< TmxImage > image
The image of the tileset.
Definition: Tmx.h:564
std::vector< TmxCell > cells
The cells of the layer.
Definition: Tmx.h:299
A polyline object.
Definition: Tmx.h:343
A layer with other layers.
Definition: Tmx.h:492
bool strikeout
Is the text striked out?
Definition: Tmx.h:421
Vector2i tileSize
The size of the tiles.
Definition: Tmx.h:601
std::vector< TmxCell > cells
Definition: Tmx.h:291
Time duration
Definition: Tmx.h:506
std::string name
The name of the layer.
Definition: Tmx.h:269
bool infinite
Is the map infinite?
Definition: Tmx.h:599
A point object.
Definition: Tmx.h:347
A polygon object.
Definition: Tmx.h:403
Centered alignment.
Map cell axis in a map celled.
Definition: MapCell.h:46
int tile
The representing tile for the terrain.
Definition: Tmx.h:526
bool visible
The visibility of the layer.
Definition: Tmx.h:271
The orientation of the tile.
Definition: TileTypes.h:37
std::vector< TmxChunk > chunks
The chunks of the layer.
Definition: Tmx.h:300
TmxProperties properties
The properties of the layer.
Definition: Tmx.h:268
bool underline
Is the text underlined?
Definition: Tmx.h:420
Vector2f position
The position of the object.
Definition: Tmx.h:357
Vector2i size
The size of the image.
Definition: Tmx.h:474
A reference to an image.
Definition: Tmx.h:470