Gamedev Framework (gf)  0.17.0
A C++14 framework for 2D games
gf::Rect< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for gf::Rect< T >, including all inherited members.

contains(Vector< T, 2 > point) const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
contains(const Rect &other) const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
empty() noexceptgf::Rect< T >inlinestatic
extend(const T(&point)[2]) noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
extend(Vector< T, 2 > point) noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
extend(const Rect &other) noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
fromCenterSize(Vector< T, 2 > center, Vector< T, 2 > size) noexceptgf::Rect< T >inlinestatic
fromMinMax(Vector< T, 2 > min, Vector< T, 2 > max) noexceptgf::Rect< T >inlinestatic
fromPositionSize(Vector< T, 2 > position, Vector< T, 2 > size) noexceptgf::Rect< T >inlinestatic
getBottomLeft() const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
getBottomRight() const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
getCenter() const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
getExtended(const Rect &other) const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
getExtentLength() const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
getHeight() const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
getIntersection(const Rect &other) const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
getIntersectionExtentLength(const Rect &other) const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
getIntersectionVolume(const Rect &other) const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
getMinimumEdge() const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
getPosition() const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
getPositionFromAnchor(Anchor anchor) const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
getSize() const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
getTopLeft() const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
getTopRight() const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
getVolume() const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
getWidth() const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
grow(T value) const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
intersects(const Rect &other) const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
intersects(const Rect &other, Rect &result) const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
isEmpty() const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
maxgf::Rect< T >
mingf::Rect< T >
normalize() noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
operator!=(const Rect< T > &lhs, const Rect< T > &rhs)gf::Rect< T >related
operator==(const Rect< T > &lhs, const Rect< T > &rhs)gf::Rect< T >related
operator|(Archive &ar, Rect< T > &rect)gf::Rect< T >related
Rect() noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline
shrink(T value) const noexceptgf::Rect< T >inline