Gamedev Framework (gf)  0.5.0
A C++11 framework for 2D games
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
Core classes and functions

All the core generic classes and functions. More...


class  gf::Array2D< T, I >
 A two-dimensional array. More...
class  gf::ArrayRef< T >
 A constant reference to an array and its size. More...
class  gf::BufferRef< T >
 A reference to a modifiable buffer and its size. More...
struct  gf::Circ< T >
 Utility class for manipulating circles. More...
class  gf::Clock
 Utility class that measures the elapsed time. More...
class  gf::Ease
 Predefined easing functions. More...
class  gf::Flags< E >
 Bitfield relying on an enumeration. More...
class  gf::InputStream
 Abstract class for custom file input streams. More...
class  gf::FileInputStream
 File based input stream. More...
class  gf::MemoryInputStream
 Memory based input stream. More...
struct  gf::Library::Version
 Information about version. More...
class  gf::Library
 A class to represent the library. More...
class  gf::Log
 Logging functions. More...
struct  gf::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLS >
 General purpose math matrix. More...
struct  gf::Matrix< T, 2, 2 >
 A 2x2 matrix. More...
struct  gf::Matrix< T, 3, 3 >
 A 3x3 matrix. More...
struct  gf::Matrix< T, 4, 4 >
 A 4x4 matrix. More...
class  gf::Noise2D
 2D A noise function More...
class  gf::Noise3D
 3D A noise function More...
class  gf::ValueNoise2D
 Value 2D noise. More...
class  gf::GradientNoise2D
 Gradient 2D noise. More...
class  gf::GradientNoise3D
 Gradient 3D noise. More...
class  gf::BetterGradientNoise2D
 Better gradient 2D noise. More...
class  gf::FractalNoise2D
 Fractal 2D noise. More...
class  gf::FractalNoise3D
 Fractal 3D noise. More...
class  gf::PerlinNoise2D
 Perlin 2D noise. More...
class  gf::PerlinNoise3D
 Perlin 3D noise. More...
class  gf::SimplexNoise2D
 Simplex 2D noise. More...
class  gf::OpenSimplexNoise2D
 OpenSimplex 2D noise. More...
class  gf::OpenSimplexNoise3D
 OpenSimplex3D noise. More...
class  gf::WaveletNoise3D
 Wavelet 3D noise. More...
class  gf::WorleyNoise2D
 Worley 2D noise. More...
class  gf::Multifractal2D
 Multi Fractal 2D noise. More...
class  gf::HeteroTerrain2D
 Hetero Terrain 2D noise. More...
class  gf::HybridMultifractal2D
 Hybrid Multifractal 2D noise. More...
class  gf::RidgedMultifractal2D
 Ridged Multifractal 2D noise. More...
class  gf::Noise3DTo2DAdapter
 An adapter that make a 2D noise from a 3D noise. More...
struct  gf::Paths
 Special paths. More...
class  gf::Polygon
 A convex polygon. More...
class  gf::Polyline
 A polyline. More...
class  gf::Queue< T >
 A simple concurrent queue. More...
class  gf::Random
 A random engine. More...
struct  gf::Range< T >::Iterator
 A range iterator. More...
struct  gf::Range< T >
 A half-open range of values. More...
struct  gf::Rect< T >
 Utility class for manipulating 2D axis aligned rectangles. More...
class  gf::Singleton< T >
 A singleton that wraps a pointer provided by a storage. More...
class  gf::SingletonStorage< T >
 A storage for a singleton. More...
class  gf::StringRef
 A constant reference to a string and its size. More...
class  gf::SystemInfo
 A class for system info. More...
class  gf::Time
 Represents a time value. More...
struct  gf::NoneType
 Semantic type to represent "none". More...
struct  gf::AllType
 Semantic type to represent "all". More...
struct  gf::Vector< T, N >
 General purpose math vector. More...
struct  gf::Vector< T, 2 >
 A 2D vector. More...
struct  gf::Vector< T, 3 >
 A 3D vector. More...
struct  gf::Vector< T, 4 >
 A 4D vector. More...


using gf::CircF = Circ< float >
 A float circle. More...
using gf::CircI = Circ< int >
 A int circle. More...
using gf::CircU = Circ< unsigned >
 A unsigned circle. More...
using gf::CircZ = Circ< std::size_t >
 A std::size_t circle. More...
using gf::Easing = float(*)(float)
 An easing function. More...
using gf::Id = uint64_t
 An identifier. More...
template<typename T >
using gf::Step = T(*)(T)
 A step is a function with special features. More...
using gf::Matrix2f = Matrix< float, 2, 2 >
 A float square matrix of size 2. More...
using gf::Matrix3f = Matrix< float, 3, 3 >
 A float square matrix of size 3. More...
using gf::Matrix4f = Matrix< float, 4, 4 >
 A float square matrix of size 4. More...
using gf::Path = boost::filesystem::path
 A path in the filesystem. More...
using gf::RangeF = Range< float >
 A float range. More...
using gf::RangeI = Range< int >
 A int range. More...
using gf::RangeU = Range< unsigned >
 A unsigned range. More...
using gf::RangeZ = Range< std::size_t >
 A std::size_t range. More...
using gf::RectF = Rect< float >
 A float rectangle. More...
using gf::RectI = Rect< int >
 A int rectangle. More...
using gf::RectU = Rect< unsigned >
 A unsigned rectangle. More...
using gf::RectZ = Rect< std::size_t >
 A std::size_t rectangle. More...
using gf::Vector2f = Vector< float, 2 >
 A float vector with 2 components. More...
using gf::Vector3f = Vector< float, 3 >
 A float vector with 3 components. More...
using gf::Vector4f = Vector< float, 4 >
 A float vector with 4 components. More...
using gf::Vector2d = Vector< double, 2 >
 A double vector with 2 components. More...
using gf::Vector3d = Vector< double, 3 >
 A double vector with 3 components. More...
using gf::Vector4d = Vector< double, 4 >
 A double vector with 4 components. More...
using gf::Vector2i = Vector< int, 2 >
 A int vector with 2 components. More...
using gf::Vector3i = Vector< int, 3 >
 A int vector with 3 components. More...
using gf::Vector4i = Vector< int, 4 >
 A int vector with 4 components. More...
using gf::Vector2u = Vector< unsigned, 2 >
 A unsigned vector with 2 components. More...
using gf::Vector3u = Vector< unsigned, 3 >
 A unsigned vector with 3 components. More...
using gf::Vector4u = Vector< unsigned, 4 >
 A unsigned vector with 4 components. More...
using gf::Vector2z = Vector< std::size_t, 2 >
 A std::size_t vector with 2 components. More...
using gf::Vector3z = Vector< std::size_t, 3 >
 A std::size_t vector with 3 components. More...
using gf::Vector4z = Vector< std::size_t, 4 >
 A std::size_t vector with 4 components. More...
using gf::Vector2b = Vector< bool, 2 >
 A bool vector with 2 components. More...
using gf::Vector3b = Vector< bool, 3 >
 A bool vector with 3 components. More...
using gf::Vector4b = Vector< bool, 4 >
 A bool vector with 4 components. More...
using gf::Color3f = Vector< float, 3 >
 A float color vector with 3 components. More...
using gf::Color4f = Vector< float, 4 >
 A float color vector with 4 components. More...
using gf::Color3u = Vector< uint8_t, 3 >
 A uint8_t color vector with 3 components. More...
using gf::Color4u = Vector< uint8_t, 4 >
 A uint8_t color vector with 4 components. More...
template<typename T , std::size_t N>
using gf::Distance = T(*)(Vector< T, N >, Vector< T, N >)
 A distance function. More...
template<typename T >
using gf::Distance2 = Distance< T, 2 >
 A distance function for 2D vectors. More...
template<typename T >
using gf::Distance3 = Distance< T, 3 >
 A distance function for 3D vectors. More...


enum  gf::Direction : int {
  gf::Direction::Center = -1,
  gf::Direction::Up = 0,
  gf::Direction::Right = 1,
  gf::Direction::Down = 2,
  gf::Direction::Left = 3
 Main four directions. More...
enum  gf::Orientation : int {
  gf::Orientation::Center = -1,
  gf::Orientation::North = 0,
  gf::Orientation::NorthEast = 1,
  gf::Orientation::East = 2,
  gf::Orientation::SouthEast = 3,
  gf::Orientation::South = 4,
  gf::Orientation::SouthWest = 5,
  gf::Orientation::West = 6,
  gf::Orientation::NorthWest = 7
 Cardinal and ordinal orientation. More...
enum  gf::Winding {
 The direction of a polygon's rotation. More...


Vector2f gf::unit (Direction direction)
 Get a unit vector from a direction. More...
Vector2i gf::displacement (Direction direction)
 Get a vector from a direction. More...
float gf::angle (Direction direction)
 Get an angle from a direction. More...
Direction gf::opposite (Direction direction)
 Get the opposite direction. More...
Direction gf::orthogonalCW (Direction direction)
 Get the orthogonal direction clockwise. More...
Direction gf::orthogonalCCW (Direction direction)
 Get the orthogonal direction counter-clockwise. More...
Direction gf::nextCW (Direction direction)
 Get the next direction clockwise. More...
Direction gf::nextCCW (Direction direction)
 Get the next direction counter-clockwise. More...
constexpr Id gf::hash (const char *str, std::size_t sz)
 Get an identifier from a string. More...
Id gf::hash (const std::string &str)
 Get an idenfitier from a string. More...
template<typename T >
bool gf::almostEquals (T a, T b, T epsilon=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon())
 Compare two floats. More...
constexpr float gf::degreesToRadians (float degrees)
 Convert degrees to radians. More...
constexpr float gf::radiansToDegrees (float radians)
 Convert radians to degrees. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr T gf::linearStep (T t)
 Linear step. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr T gf::cubicStep (T t)
 Cubic step (smoothstep) More...
template<typename T >
constexpr T gf::quinticStep (T t)
 Quintic step (smootherstep) More...
template<typename T >
gf::cosineStep (T t)
 Cosine step. More...
template<typename T , typename U >
gf::lerp (T lhs, T rhs, U t)
 Linear interpolation function. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr T gf::clamp (T val, T lo, T hi)
 Clamping function. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr T gf::square (T val)
 Square function. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr int gf::sign (T val)
 Sign function. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr T gf::absdiff (T lhs, T rhs)
 Absolute difference of two values. More...
Vector2f gf::unit (Orientation orientation)
 Get a unit vector from an orientation. More...
Vector2i gf::displacement (Orientation orientation)
 Get a vector from an orientation. More...
float gf::angle (Orientation orientation)
 Get an angle from a orientation. More...
Orientation gf::opposite (Orientation orientation)
 Get the opposite orientation. More...
Orientation gf::orthogonalCW (Orientation orientation)
 Get the orthogonal orientation clockwise. More...
Orientation gf::orthogonalCCW (Orientation orientation)
 Get the orthogonal orientation counter-clockwise. More...
Orientation gf::nextCW (Orientation orientation)
 Get the next orientation clockwise. More...
Orientation gf::nextCCW (Orientation orientation)
 Get the next orientation counter-clockwise. More...
void gf::sleep (Time duration)
 Make the current thread sleep for a given duration. More...
std::string gf::niceNum (float num, float precision)
 Create a string representation of a floating point number. More...
std::u32string gf::computeUnicodeString (const std::string &str)
 Compute a UTF-32 string from a UTF-8 string. More...
constexpr Vector2f gf::transform (const Matrix3f &mat, Vector2f point)
 Apply an affine transformation to a 2D point. More...
RectF gf::transform (const Matrix3f &mat, const RectF &rect)
 Apply an affine transformaton to a rectangle. More...
constexpr Matrix3f gf::identityTransform ()
 Identity transform. More...
Matrix3f gf::translation (Vector2f offset)
 Get a translation matrix. More...
void gf::translate (Matrix3f &mat, Vector2f offset)
 Combine the current transform with a translation. More...
Matrix3f gf::rotation (float angle)
 Get a rotation matrix. More...
Matrix3f gf::rotation (float angle, Vector2f center)
 Get a rotation matrix. More...
void gf::rotate (Matrix3f &mat, float angle)
 Combine the current transform with a rotation. More...
void gf::rotate (Matrix3f &mat, float angle, Vector2f center)
 Combine the current transform with a rotation. More...
Matrix3f gf::scaling (Vector2f factor)
 Get a scaling matrix. More...
Matrix3f gf::scaling (Vector2f factor, Vector2f center)
 Get a scaling matrix. More...
void gf::scale (Matrix3f &mat, Vector2f factor)
 Combine the current transform with a scaling. More...
void gf::scale (Matrix3f &mat, Vector2f factor, Vector2f center)
 Combine the current transform with a scaling. More...
template<typename... Args>
void gf::unused (Args &&...)
 A simple way to avoid warnings about unused variables. More...


constexpr Id gf::InvalidId = 0
 The invalid id (which is 0) More...
constexpr float gf::Pi = 3.14159265358979323846f
 The \( \pi \) constant. More...
constexpr float gf::Pi2 = Pi / 2
 The \( \frac{\pi}{2} \) constant. More...
constexpr float gf::Pi4 = Pi / 4
 The \( \frac{\pi}{4} \) constant. More...
constexpr float gf::Sqrt2 = 1.41421356237309504880f
 The \( \sqrt{2} \) constant. More...
constexpr float gf::InvSqrt2 = 1 / Sqrt2
 The \( \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \) constant. More...
constexpr float gf::Sqrt3 = 1.7320508075688772935f
 The \( \sqrt{3} \) constant. More...
constexpr float gf::Epsilon = std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()
 Machine epsilon. More...
constexpr NoneType gf::None = { }
 Constant to represent "none". More...
constexpr AllType gf::All = { }
 Constant to represent "all". More...

Detailed Description

All the core generic classes and functions.

Typedef Documentation

◆ CircF

using gf::CircF = typedef Circ<float>

A float circle.

See also

◆ CircI

using gf::CircI = typedef Circ<int>

A int circle.

See also

◆ CircU

using gf::CircU = typedef Circ<unsigned>

A unsigned circle.

See also

◆ CircZ

using gf::CircZ = typedef Circ<std::size_t>

A std::size_t circle.

See also

◆ Color3f

using gf::Color3f = typedef Vector<float, 3>

A float color vector with 3 components.

See also
gf::Vector, gf::Vector<T, 3>

◆ Color3u

using gf::Color3u = typedef Vector<uint8_t, 3>

A uint8_t color vector with 3 components.

See also
gf::Vector, gf::Vector<T, 3>

◆ Color4f

using gf::Color4f = typedef Vector<float, 4>

A float color vector with 4 components.

See also
gf::Vector, gf::Vector<T, 4>

◆ Color4u

using gf::Color4u = typedef Vector<uint8_t, 4>

A uint8_t color vector with 4 components.

See also
gf::Vector, gf::Vector<T, 4>

◆ Distance

template<typename T , std::size_t N>
using gf::Distance = typedef T (*)(Vector<T, N>, Vector<T, N>)

A distance function.

A distance function is a function that gives the distance between two vectors.

gf::Distance<float, 3> distFn = gf::manhattanDistance<float, 3>;
Vector3f vec1 = ...;
Vector3f vec2 = ...;
float distance = distFn(vec1, vec2);
See also
manhattanDistance(), squareDistance(), euclideanDistance(), chebyshevDistance()
gf::Distance2, gf::Distance3

◆ Distance2

template<typename T >
using gf::Distance2 = typedef Distance<T, 2>

A distance function for 2D vectors.

See also

◆ Distance3

template<typename T >
using gf::Distance3 = typedef Distance<T, 3>

A distance function for 3D vectors.

See also

◆ Easing

using gf::Easing = typedef float (*)(float)

An easing function.

An easing function is a function that specifies how a value changes over time. A normalized easing function has the following properties:

  • \( f(0) = 0 \)
  • \( f(1) = 1 \)

Usual easing functions are provided in gf::Ease.

See also
gf::Ease, gf::Step

◆ Id

using gf::Id = typedef uint64_t

An identifier.

◆ Matrix2f

using gf::Matrix2f = typedef Matrix<float, 2, 2>

A float square matrix of size 2.

See also
gf::Matrix, gf::Matrix<T, 2, 2>

◆ Matrix3f

using gf::Matrix3f = typedef Matrix<float, 3, 3>

A float square matrix of size 3.

See also
gf::Matrix, gf::Matrix<T, 3, 3>

◆ Matrix4f

using gf::Matrix4f = typedef Matrix<float, 4, 4>

A float square matrix of size 4.

See also
gf::Matrix, gf::Matrix<T, 4, 4>

◆ Path

using gf::Path = typedef boost::filesystem::path

A path in the filesystem.

gf::Path is a simple typedef for boost::filesystem::path. Boost.Filesystem will eventually be part of the C++17 standard. So, in the future, gf::Path will be a typedef for std::path.

◆ RangeF

using gf::RangeF = typedef Range<float>

A float range.

See also

◆ RangeI

using gf::RangeI = typedef Range<int>

A int range.

See also

◆ RangeU

using gf::RangeU = typedef Range<unsigned>

A unsigned range.

See also

◆ RangeZ

using gf::RangeZ = typedef Range<std::size_t>

A std::size_t range.

See also

◆ RectF

using gf::RectF = typedef Rect<float>

A float rectangle.

See also

◆ RectI

using gf::RectI = typedef Rect<int>

A int rectangle.

See also

◆ RectU

using gf::RectU = typedef Rect<unsigned>

A unsigned rectangle.

See also

◆ RectZ

using gf::RectZ = typedef Rect<std::size_t>

A std::size_t rectangle.

See also

◆ Step

template<typename T >
using gf::Step = typedef T (*)(T)

A step is a function with special features.

A step \( f \) is a (mathematical) function which has the following properties:

  • \( f(0) = 0 \)
  • \( f(1) = 1 \)

It can be used to smooth a linear interpolation.

gf::Vector2f point1 = ...;
gf::Vector2f point2 = ...;
float t = ...;
gf::Step<float> step = gf::cubicStep<float>;
gf::Vector2f interpolatedPoint = gf::lerp(point1, point2, t);
gf::Vector2f smoothedInterpolatedPoint = gf::lerp(point1, point2, step(t));
See also
linearStep(), cubicStep(), quinticStep(), cosineStep()

◆ Vector2b

using gf::Vector2b = typedef Vector<bool, 2>

A bool vector with 2 components.

See also
gf::Vector, gf::Vector<T, 2>

◆ Vector2d

using gf::Vector2d = typedef Vector<double, 2>

A double vector with 2 components.

See also
gf::Vector, gf::Vector<T, 2>

◆ Vector2f

using gf::Vector2f = typedef Vector<float, 2>

A float vector with 2 components.

See also
gf::Vector, gf::Vector<T, 2>

◆ Vector2i

using gf::Vector2i = typedef Vector<int, 2>

A int vector with 2 components.

See also
gf::Vector, gf::Vector<T, 2>

◆ Vector2u

using gf::Vector2u = typedef Vector<unsigned, 2>

A unsigned vector with 2 components.

See also
gf::Vector, gf::Vector<T, 2>

◆ Vector2z

using gf::Vector2z = typedef Vector<std::size_t, 2>

A std::size_t vector with 2 components.

See also
gf::Vector, gf::Vector<T, 2>

◆ Vector3b

using gf::Vector3b = typedef Vector<bool, 3>

A bool vector with 3 components.

See also
gf::Vector, gf::Vector<T, 3>

◆ Vector3d

using gf::Vector3d = typedef Vector<double, 3>

A double vector with 3 components.

See also
gf::Vector, gf::Vector<T, 3>

◆ Vector3f

using gf::Vector3f = typedef Vector<float, 3>

A float vector with 3 components.

See also
gf::Vector, gf::Vector<T, 3>

◆ Vector3i

using gf::Vector3i = typedef Vector<int, 3>

A int vector with 3 components.

See also
gf::Vector, gf::Vector<T, 3>

◆ Vector3u

using gf::Vector3u = typedef Vector<unsigned, 3>

A unsigned vector with 3 components.

See also
gf::Vector, gf::Vector<T, 3>

◆ Vector3z

using gf::Vector3z = typedef Vector<std::size_t, 3>

A std::size_t vector with 3 components.

See also
gf::Vector, gf::Vector<T, 3>

◆ Vector4b

using gf::Vector4b = typedef Vector<bool, 4>

A bool vector with 4 components.

See also
gf::Vector, gf::Vector<T, 4>

◆ Vector4d

using gf::Vector4d = typedef Vector<double, 4>

A double vector with 4 components.

See also
gf::Vector, gf::Vector<T, 4>

◆ Vector4f

using gf::Vector4f = typedef Vector<float, 4>

A float vector with 4 components.

See also
gf::Vector, gf::Vector<T, 4>

◆ Vector4i

using gf::Vector4i = typedef Vector<int, 4>

A int vector with 4 components.

See also
gf::Vector, gf::Vector<T, 4>

◆ Vector4u

using gf::Vector4u = typedef Vector<unsigned, 4>

A unsigned vector with 4 components.

See also
gf::Vector, gf::Vector<T, 4>

◆ Vector4z

using gf::Vector4z = typedef Vector<std::size_t, 4>

A std::size_t vector with 4 components.

See also
gf::Vector, gf::Vector<T, 4>

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Direction

enum gf::Direction : int

Main four directions.

gf::Direction represents one of the four main directions. A special value is added to represent the center, it indicates no direction.

See also

The center, indicates no direction.


The up direction.


The right direction.


The down direction.


The left direction.

◆ Orientation

enum gf::Orientation : int

Cardinal and ordinal orientation.

gf::Orientation represents one the four cardinal orientations and the four ordinal (or intercardinal) orientations. A special value is added to represent the center, it indicates no orientation.

See also

The center, indicates no orientation.


The north orientation.


The north-east orientation.


The east orientation.


The south-east orientation.


The south orientation.


The south-west orientation.


The west orientation.


The north-west orientation.

◆ Winding

enum gf::Winding

The direction of a polygon's rotation.


Same direction as a clock's hands.


Opposite direction of a clock's hands.

Function Documentation

◆ absdiff()

template<typename T >
constexpr T gf::absdiff ( lhs,

Absolute difference of two values.

This function is defined as:

\[ \text{absdiff}(a, b) = | a - b | \]

lhsThe first value
rhsThe second value
The absolute difference between the two values

◆ almostEquals()

template<typename T >
bool gf::almostEquals ( a,
epsilon = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() 

Compare two floats.

aThe first float
bThe second float
epsilonA small value that controls the equality comparison
See also
Comparison - The Floating-Point Guide

◆ angle() [1/2]

float gf::angle ( Direction  direction)

Get an angle from a direction.

Up is at angle 0 and angle grows clockwise.

directionThe direction
an angle (in radians) representing the direction

◆ angle() [2/2]

float gf::angle ( Orientation  orientation)

Get an angle from a orientation.

North is at angle 0 and angle grows clockwise.

orientationThe orientation
an angle (in radians) representing the orientation

◆ clamp()

template<typename T >
constexpr T gf::clamp ( val,

Clamping function.

This function takes a value and returns it if it is in a specified range. If not, the returned value is the nearest value in the range.

valThe value to clamp
loThe minimum accepted value
hiThe maximum accepted value
The clamped value

◆ computeUnicodeString()

std::u32string gf::computeUnicodeString ( const std::string &  str)

Compute a UTF-32 string from a UTF-8 string.

strA UTF-8 string
The corresponding UTF-32 string

◆ cosineStep()

template<typename T >
T gf::cosineStep ( t)

Cosine step.

\[ f(t) = (1 - \cos(\pi * t)) * 0.5 \]

See also

◆ cubicStep()

template<typename T >
constexpr T gf::cubicStep ( t)

Cubic step (smoothstep)

\[ f(t) = -2 * t^3 + 3 * t^2 \]

Compared to a step, it has the following properties:

  • \( f'(0) = 0 \)
  • \( f'(1) = 0 \)

This function is also known as smoothstep

See also

◆ degreesToRadians()

constexpr float gf::degreesToRadians ( float  degrees)

Convert degrees to radians.

degreesAn angle in degrees
The angle in radians
See also

◆ displacement() [1/2]

Vector2i gf::displacement ( Direction  direction)

Get a vector from a direction.

The vector has its coordinates at -1, 0 or 1 depending on the direction. It can be used to represent the displacement on a grid in the given direction.

directionThe direction
A vector representing the direction

◆ displacement() [2/2]

Vector2i gf::displacement ( Orientation  orientation)

Get a vector from an orientation.

The vector has its coordinates at -1, 0 or 1 depending on the orientation. It can be used to represent the displacement on a grid in the given orientation.

orientationThe orientation
A vector representing the orientation

◆ hash() [1/2]

constexpr Id gf::hash ( const char *  str,
std::size_t  sz 

Get an identifier from a string.

The hash is a Fowler–Noll–Vo 1a hash. This function is mainly for internal use. You should instead use the user-defined literal _id.


gf::Id id = "A string"_id; // computed at compile time
strThe string
szThe size of the string

◆ hash() [2/2]

Id gf::hash ( const std::string &  str)

Get an idenfitier from a string.

The hash is a Fowler–Noll–Vo 1a hash. This function can be used for computing an id at runtime. For computing an id from a string at compile time, you should use the the user-defined literal _id.

◆ identityTransform()

constexpr Matrix3f gf::identityTransform ( )

Identity transform.

The identity matrix

◆ lerp()

template<typename T , typename U >
T gf::lerp ( lhs,

Linear interpolation function.

This functions returns an interpolated value between two values lhs and rhs according to a parameter \( t \). When \( t = 0 \) then lhs is returned, and when \( t = 1 \) then rhs is returned.

lhsThe first value
rhsThe second value
tThe interpolation parameter, generally in the interval \( [0,1] \)
A value between the first and second value

◆ linearStep()

template<typename T >
constexpr T gf::linearStep ( t)

Linear step.

\[ f(t) = t \]

See also

◆ nextCCW() [1/2]

Direction gf::nextCCW ( Direction  direction)

Get the next direction counter-clockwise.

directionThe direction
The next direction counter-clockwise

◆ nextCCW() [2/2]

Orientation gf::nextCCW ( Orientation  orientation)

Get the next orientation counter-clockwise.

orientationThe orientation
The next orientation counter-clockwise

◆ nextCW() [1/2]

Direction gf::nextCW ( Direction  direction)

Get the next direction clockwise.

directionThe direction
The next direction clockwise

◆ nextCW() [2/2]

Orientation gf::nextCW ( Orientation  orientation)

Get the next orientation clockwise.

orientationThe orientation
The next orientation clockwise

◆ niceNum()

std::string gf::niceNum ( float  num,
float  precision 

Create a string representation of a floating point number.

It is based on Python niceNum.

numThe number to display
precisionThe precision to use for display
A string representing the number

◆ opposite() [1/2]

Direction gf::opposite ( Direction  direction)

Get the opposite direction.

directionThe direction
The opposite direction

◆ opposite() [2/2]

Orientation gf::opposite ( Orientation  orientation)

Get the opposite orientation.

orientationThe orientation
The opposite orientation

◆ orthogonalCCW() [1/2]

Direction gf::orthogonalCCW ( Direction  direction)

Get the orthogonal direction counter-clockwise.

directionThe direction
The orthogonal direction counter-clockwise

◆ orthogonalCCW() [2/2]

Orientation gf::orthogonalCCW ( Orientation  orientation)

Get the orthogonal orientation counter-clockwise.

orientationThe orientation
The orthogonal orientation counter-clockwise

◆ orthogonalCW() [1/2]

Direction gf::orthogonalCW ( Direction  direction)

Get the orthogonal direction clockwise.

directionThe direction
The orthogonal direction clockwise

◆ orthogonalCW() [2/2]

Orientation gf::orthogonalCW ( Orientation  orientation)

Get the orthogonal orientation clockwise.

orientationThe orientation
The orthogonal orientation clockwise

◆ quinticStep()

template<typename T >
constexpr T gf::quinticStep ( t)

Quintic step (smootherstep)

\[ f(t) = 6 * t^5 - 15 * t^4 + 10 * t^3 \]

Compared to a step, it has the following properties:

  • \( f'(0) = 0 \)
  • \( f'(1) = 0 \)
  • \( f''(0) = 0 \)
  • \( f''(1) = 0 \)

This function is also known as smootherstep

See also

◆ radiansToDegrees()

constexpr float gf::radiansToDegrees ( float  radians)

Convert radians to degrees.

radiansAn angle in radians
The angle in degrees
See also

◆ rotate() [1/2]

void gf::rotate ( Matrix3f mat,
float  angle 

Combine the current transform with a rotation.

matThe current transform
angleThe angle of the rotation (in radians)

◆ rotate() [2/2]

void gf::rotate ( Matrix3f mat,
float  angle,
Vector2f  center 

Combine the current transform with a rotation.

matThe current transform
angleThe angle of the rotation (in radians)
centerThe center of the rotation

◆ rotation() [1/2]

Matrix3f gf::rotation ( float  angle)

Get a rotation matrix.

angleThe angle of the rotation (in radians)
A rotation of angle radians

◆ rotation() [2/2]

Matrix3f gf::rotation ( float  angle,
Vector2f  center 

Get a rotation matrix.

angleThe angle of the rotation (in radians)
centerThe center of the rotation
A rotation of angle radians of origin center

◆ scale() [1/2]

void gf::scale ( Matrix3f mat,
Vector2f  factor 

Combine the current transform with a scaling.

matThe current transform
factorThe scaling factor

◆ scale() [2/2]

void gf::scale ( Matrix3f mat,
Vector2f  factor,
Vector2f  center 

Combine the current transform with a scaling.

matThe current transform
factorThe scaling factor
centerThe center of the scaling

◆ scaling() [1/2]

Matrix3f gf::scaling ( Vector2f  factor)

Get a scaling matrix.

factorThe scaling factor
A scaling by factor

◆ scaling() [2/2]

Matrix3f gf::scaling ( Vector2f  factor,
Vector2f  center 

Get a scaling matrix.

factorThe scaling factor
centerThe center of the scaling
A scaling by factor of origin center

◆ sign()

template<typename T >
constexpr int gf::sign ( val)

Sign function.

The sign function of \( x \) is:

  • \( -1 \) if \( x < 0 \)
  • \( 0 \) if \( x = 0 \)
  • \( 1 \) if \( x > 0 \)
valA value
The sign of the value
See also
Sign function

◆ sleep()

void gf::sleep ( Time  duration)

Make the current thread sleep for a given duration.

gf::sleep is the best way to block a program or one of its threads, as it doesn't consume any CPU power.

durationThe time to sleep

◆ square()

template<typename T >
constexpr T gf::square ( val)

Square function.

For a value \( x \), the square value is \( x^2 \).

valA value
The square of the value

◆ transform() [1/2]

constexpr Vector2f gf::transform ( const Matrix3f mat,
Vector2f  point 

Apply an affine transformation to a 2D point.

matThe transformation matrix
pointThe point to transform
The transformed point

◆ transform() [2/2]

RectF gf::transform ( const Matrix3f mat,
const RectF rect 

Apply an affine transformaton to a rectangle.

The resulting rectangle is axis-aligned

matThe transformation matrix
rectThe rectangle to transform
The transformed rectangle

◆ translate()

void gf::translate ( Matrix3f mat,
Vector2f  offset 

Combine the current transform with a translation.

matThe current transform
offsetThe offset of the translation

◆ translation()

Matrix3f gf::translation ( Vector2f  offset)

Get a translation matrix.

offsetThe offset of the translation
A translation by offset

◆ unit() [1/2]

Vector2f gf::unit ( Direction  direction)

Get a unit vector from a direction.

directionThe direction
A unit vector representing the direction

◆ unit() [2/2]

Vector2f gf::unit ( Orientation  orientation)

Get a unit vector from an orientation.

orientationThe orientation
A unit vector representing the orientation

◆ unused()

template<typename... Args>
void gf::unused ( Args &&  ...)

A simple way to avoid warnings about unused variables.

Variable Documentation

◆ All

constexpr AllType gf::All = { }

Constant to represent "all".

See also
gf::AllType, gf::None

◆ Epsilon

constexpr float gf::Epsilon = std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()

Machine epsilon.

◆ InvalidId

constexpr Id gf::InvalidId = 0

The invalid id (which is 0)

◆ InvSqrt2

constexpr float gf::InvSqrt2 = 1 / Sqrt2

The \( \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \) constant.

◆ None

constexpr NoneType gf::None = { }

Constant to represent "none".

See also
gf::NoneType, gf::All

◆ Pi

constexpr float gf::Pi = 3.14159265358979323846f

The \( \pi \) constant.

◆ Pi2

constexpr float gf::Pi2 = Pi / 2

The \( \frac{\pi}{2} \) constant.

◆ Pi4

constexpr float gf::Pi4 = Pi / 4

The \( \frac{\pi}{4} \) constant.

◆ Sqrt2

constexpr float gf::Sqrt2 = 1.41421356237309504880f

The \( \sqrt{2} \) constant.

◆ Sqrt3

constexpr float gf::Sqrt3 = 1.7320508075688772935f

The \( \sqrt{3} \) constant.