Gamedev Framework (gf)  0.17.0
A C++14 framework for 2D games
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gf::Console Class Reference

A virtual console. More...

#include <gf/Console.h>

Inheritance diagram for gf::Console:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

enum  PrintAction {
 An action when printing. More...

Public Member Functions

 Console (const ConsoleFont &font, Vector2i size)
 Constructor. More...
int getWidth () const
 Get the width of the console. More...
int getHeight () const
 Get the height of the console. More...
void blit (const RectI &src, Console &con, Vector2i dst, float foregroundAlpha=1.0f, float backgroundAlpha=1.0f) const
 Blit a console on another console. More...
virtual void draw (RenderTarget &target, const RenderStates &states) override
 Draw the object to a render target. More...
Basic printing
void setDefaultBackground (const Color4f &color)
 Set the default background color. More...
const Color4fgetDefaultBackground () const
 Get the default background color. More...
void setDefaultForeground (const Color4f &color)
 Set the default foreground color. More...
const Color4fgetDefaultForeground () const
 Get the default foreground color. More...
void clear ()
 Clear the console. More...
void setCharBackground (Vector2i position, const Color4f &color, ConsoleEffect effect=ConsoleEffect::Set)
 Set the character background color. More...
const Color4fgetCharBackground (Vector2i position) const
 Get the character background color. More...
void setCharForeground (Vector2i position, const Color4f &color)
 Set the character foreground color. More...
const Color4fgetCharForeground (Vector2i position) const
 Get the character foreground color. More...
void setChar (Vector2i position, char16_t c)
 Set a character. More...
char16_t getChar (Vector2i position) const
 Get a character. More...
void putChar (Vector2i position, char16_t c, ConsoleEffect effect=ConsoleEffect::Default)
 Modify a cell in the console. More...
void putChar (Vector2i position, char16_t c, const Color4f &foreground, const Color4f &background)
 Modify a cell in the console. More...
String printing
void setDefaultConsoleEffect (ConsoleEffect effect)
 Set the default console effect. More...
ConsoleEffect getDefaultConsoleEffect () const
 Get the default console effect. More...
void setDefaultAlignment (ConsoleAlignment alignment)
 Set the default alignment. More...
ConsoleAlignment getDefaultAlignment () const
 Get the default alignment. More...
void print (Vector2i position, const char *fmt,...)
 Print a formatted string. More...
void print (Vector2i position, ConsoleEffect effect, ConsoleAlignment alignment, const char *fmt,...)
 Print a formatted string. More...
int printRect (const RectI &rect, const char *fmt,...)
 Print a multi-line formatted string. More...
int printRect (const RectI &rect, ConsoleEffect effect, ConsoleAlignment alignment, const char *fmt,...)
 Print a multi-line formatted string. More...
int getHeight (const RectI &rect, const char *fmt,...)
 Get the expected number of console lines of a multi-line formatted string. More...
void setColorControl (ConsoleColorControl ctrl, const Color4f &foreground, const Color4f &background)
 Set a color for color control. More...
Advanced printing
void drawRectangle (const RectI &rect, PrintAction action=PrintAction::None, ConsoleEffect effect=ConsoleEffect::Default)
 Draw a filled rectangle. More...
void drawHorizontalLine (Vector2i left, int width, ConsoleEffect effect=ConsoleEffect::Default)
 Draw a horizontal line. More...
void drawVerticalLine (Vector2i top, int height, ConsoleEffect effect=ConsoleEffect::Default)
 Draw a vertical line. More...
void drawFrame (const RectI &rect, PrintAction action=PrintAction::None, ConsoleEffect effect=ConsoleEffect::Default, const char *title=nullptr,...)
 Draw a frame. More...
Screen fading
void setFade (float amount, const Color4f &color)
 Set the fading parameters. More...
float getFadingAmount () const
 Get the fading amount. More...
const Color4fgetFadingColor () const
 Get the fading color. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from gf::Transformable
 Transformable ()
 Default constructor. More...
void setOrigin (Vector2f origin)
 Set the local origin of the object. More...
Vector2f getOrigin () const
 Get the local origin of the object. More...
void setPosition (Vector2f position)
 Set the position of the object. More...
Vector2f getPosition () const
 Get the position of the object. More...
void move (Vector2f offset)
 Move the object by a given offset. More...
void setRotation (float angle)
 Set the orientation of the object. More...
float getRotation () const
 Get the orientation of the object. More...
void rotate (float angle)
 Rotate the object. More...
void setScale (Vector2f factors)
 Set the scale factors of the object. More...
void setScale (float factor)
 Set the scale factor of the object. More...
Vector2f getScale () const
 Get the current scale of the object. More...
void scale (Vector2f factors)
 Scale the object. More...
void scale (float factor)
 Scale the object. More...
Matrix3f getTransform () const
 Get the combined transform of the object. More...
Matrix3f getInverseTransform () const
 Get the inverse of the combined transform of the object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from gf::Drawable
virtual ~Drawable ()
 Virtual desctructor. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from gf::Transformable
void setOriginFromAnchorAndBounds (Anchor anchor, const RectF &bounds)
 Set the origin from an anchor and bounds. More...

Detailed Description

A virtual console.

A console is a virtual terminal where you can print the characters from a console font. Each cell of the console has a background color, a foreground color and a 8-bit character.

A console has a state with default values for different aspects:

Several functions use this state to determine actual values.

See also

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ PrintAction

An action when printing.


No action.


Fill the area with space characters.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Console()

gf::Console::Console ( const ConsoleFont font,
Vector2i  size 


fontA console font
sizeThe size of the console, in characters

Member Function Documentation

◆ blit()

void gf::Console::blit ( const RectI src,
Console con,
Vector2i  dst,
float  foregroundAlpha = 1.0f,
float  backgroundAlpha = 1.0f 
) const

Blit a console on another console.

srcThe source rectangle on the source console
conThe destination console
dstThe destination position on the destination console
foregroundAlphaThe alpha of the blitted console foreground color, 0 is a completely transparent source console and 1 is a completely opaque source console
backgroundAlphaThe alpha of the blitted console background color, 0 is a completely transparent source console and 1 is a completely opaque source console

◆ clear()

void gf::Console::clear ( )

Clear the console.

For each cell of the console, this function:

  • sets the background color to the default background color
  • sets the foreground color to the default foreground color
  • sets the character to space (ASCII 32)

◆ draw()

virtual void gf::Console::draw ( RenderTarget target,
const RenderStates states 

Draw the object to a render target.

This is a pure virtual function that has to be implemented by the derived class to define how the drawable should be drawn.

targetRender target to draw to
statesCurrent render states

Implements gf::Drawable.

◆ drawFrame()

void gf::Console::drawFrame ( const RectI rect,
PrintAction  action = PrintAction::None,
ConsoleEffect  effect = ConsoleEffect::Default,
const char *  title = nullptr,

Draw a frame.

This funtion first draws a rectangle using the specified action and effect. Then it draws a frame. If a title is given, it is printed on the top of the frame with inverted colors.

rectThe rectangle to print the rectangle
actionThe action when drawing
effectThe effect to apply to the background
titleThe format string of the title

◆ drawHorizontalLine()

void gf::Console::drawHorizontalLine ( Vector2i  left,
int  width,
ConsoleEffect  effect = ConsoleEffect::Default 

Draw a horizontal line.

This function draws a horizontal line using gf::SpecialChar::WallHorizontalLine.

leftThe left end point of the line
widthThe width of the line
effectThe effect to apply to the background

◆ drawRectangle()

void gf::Console::drawRectangle ( const RectI rect,
PrintAction  action = PrintAction::None,
ConsoleEffect  effect = ConsoleEffect::Default 

Draw a filled rectangle.

This function fills the specified rectangle with the default background color. If the print action is gf::PrintAction::Clear, then the characters inside the rectangle are set to space (ASCII 32).

rectThe rectangle to print the rectangle
actionThe action when drawing
effectThe effect to apply to the background

◆ drawVerticalLine()

void gf::Console::drawVerticalLine ( Vector2i  top,
int  height,
ConsoleEffect  effect = ConsoleEffect::Default 

Draw a vertical line.

This function draws a vertical line using gf::SpecialChar::WallVerticalLine.

topThe top end point of the line
heightThe height of the line
effectThe effect to apply to the background

◆ getChar()

char16_t gf::Console::getChar ( Vector2i  position) const

Get a character.

positionThe position of the cell
The current character at the position
See also

◆ getCharBackground()

const Color4f& gf::Console::getCharBackground ( Vector2i  position) const

Get the character background color.

positionThe position of the cell
The current character background color
See also

◆ getCharForeground()

const Color4f& gf::Console::getCharForeground ( Vector2i  position) const

Get the character foreground color.

positionThe position of the cell
The current character foreground color
See also

◆ getDefaultAlignment()

ConsoleAlignment gf::Console::getDefaultAlignment ( ) const

Get the default alignment.

The current default alignment
See also

◆ getDefaultBackground()

const Color4f& gf::Console::getDefaultBackground ( ) const

Get the default background color.

The current default background color
See also

◆ getDefaultConsoleEffect()

ConsoleEffect gf::Console::getDefaultConsoleEffect ( ) const

Get the default console effect.

The current default console effect
See also

◆ getDefaultForeground()

const Color4f& gf::Console::getDefaultForeground ( ) const

Get the default foreground color.

The current default foreground color
See also

◆ getFadingAmount()

float gf::Console::getFadingAmount ( ) const

Get the fading amount.

The current fading amount

◆ getFadingColor()

const Color4f& gf::Console::getFadingColor ( ) const

Get the fading color.

The current fading color

◆ getHeight() [1/2]

int gf::Console::getHeight ( ) const

Get the height of the console.

◆ getHeight() [2/2]

int gf::Console::getHeight ( const RectI rect,
const char *  fmt,

Get the expected number of console lines of a multi-line formatted string.

This function does not print anything, it only computes the number of lines that a formatted string would take if it was printed with printRect()

rectThe rectangle to print the string
fmtThe format string
See also

◆ getWidth()

int gf::Console::getWidth ( ) const

Get the width of the console.

◆ print() [1/2]

void gf::Console::print ( Vector2i  position,
const char *  fmt,

Print a formatted string.

This function uses the default values for background color, foreground color, console effect and alignment.

The specified position indicates:

positionThe position of a cell
fmtThe format string

◆ print() [2/2]

void gf::Console::print ( Vector2i  position,
ConsoleEffect  effect,
ConsoleAlignment  alignment,
const char *  fmt,

Print a formatted string.

This function uses the default values for background color, foreground color but uses the specified console effect and alignment.

The specified position indicates:

positionThe position of a cell
effectThe effect to apply to the background
alignmentThe alignment of the text
fmtThe format string

◆ printRect() [1/2]

int gf::Console::printRect ( const RectI rect,
const char *  fmt,

Print a multi-line formatted string.

The string is split in paragraphs according to new lines and then split in lines to fit the width of the specified rectangle. If the specified height is reached, the string is truncated. I the height is 0, then the string is truncated at the bottom of the console.

rectThe rectangle to print the string
fmtThe format string
The height in console lines of the printed string

◆ printRect() [2/2]

int gf::Console::printRect ( const RectI rect,
ConsoleEffect  effect,
ConsoleAlignment  alignment,
const char *  fmt,

Print a multi-line formatted string.

The string is split in paragraphs according to new lines and then split in lines to fit the width of the specified rectangle. If the specified height is reached, the string is truncated. I the height is 0, then the string is truncated at the bottom of the console.

rectThe rectangle to print the string
effectThe effect to apply to the background
alignmentThe alignment of the text
fmtThe format string
The height in console lines of the printed string

◆ putChar() [1/2]

void gf::Console::putChar ( Vector2i  position,
char16_t  c,
ConsoleEffect  effect = ConsoleEffect::Default 

Modify a cell in the console.

At the specified position, this function:

  • sets the background color thanks to the effect and the default background color
  • sets the foreground color thanks to the default foreground color
  • sets the character to a new value
positionThe position of the cell
cThe character to set
effectThe effect to apply to the background

◆ putChar() [2/2]

void gf::Console::putChar ( Vector2i  position,
char16_t  c,
const Color4f foreground,
const Color4f background 

Modify a cell in the console.

At the specified position, this function:

  • sets the background color to the specified color
  • sets the foreground color to the specified color
  • sets the character to a new value
positionThe position of the cell
cThe character to set
foregroundThe foreground color to set
backgroundThe background color to set

◆ setChar()

void gf::Console::setChar ( Vector2i  position,
char16_t  c 

Set a character.

positionThe position of the cell
cThe character
See also
putChar(), getChar()

◆ setCharBackground()

void gf::Console::setCharBackground ( Vector2i  position,
const Color4f color,
ConsoleEffect  effect = ConsoleEffect::Set 

Set the character background color.

positionThe position of the cell
colorThe new background color
effectThe effect to apply to background
See also

◆ setCharForeground()

void gf::Console::setCharForeground ( Vector2i  position,
const Color4f color 

Set the character foreground color.

positionThe position of the cell
colorThe new foreground color
See also

◆ setColorControl()

void gf::Console::setColorControl ( ConsoleColorControl  ctrl,
const Color4f foreground,
const Color4f background 

Set a color for color control.

Color control codes allow to change color in a string on the fly. There are five color control codes: gf::ConsoleColorControl1, gf::ConsoleColorControl2, gf::ConsoleColorControl3, gf::ConsoleColorControl4 and gf::ConsoleColorControl5. Each one is associated with a foreground and a background color that you can set with this function. The color control code gf::ConsoleColorControlStop changes the colors back to their default.

gf::Console console(font, size);
// A string with a red over black word, using predefined color control codes
console.print({ 1, 1 }, "String with a %cred%c word.", gf::ConsoleColorControl1, gf::ConsoleColorControlStop);

◆ setDefaultAlignment()

void gf::Console::setDefaultAlignment ( ConsoleAlignment  alignment)

Set the default alignment.

alignmentThe new alignment
See also

◆ setDefaultBackground()

void gf::Console::setDefaultBackground ( const Color4f color)

Set the default background color.

colorThe new background color
See also

◆ setDefaultConsoleEffect()

void gf::Console::setDefaultConsoleEffect ( ConsoleEffect  effect)

Set the default console effect.

effectThe new effect
See also

◆ setDefaultForeground()

void gf::Console::setDefaultForeground ( const Color4f color)

Set the default foreground color.

colorThe new foreground color
See also

◆ setFade()

void gf::Console::setFade ( float  amount,
const Color4f color 

Set the fading parameters.

amountThe fading amount, with 0 meaning the fading color and 1 meaning no fading
colorThe fading color