Gamedev Framework (gf)  0.1.0
A C++11 framework for 2D games
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
Core classes and functions

All the core generic classes and functions. More...


class  gf::Array2D< T >
 A two-dimensional array. More...
class  gf::Clock
 Utility class that measures the elapsed time. More...
class  gf::Direction
 Cardinal and ordinal directions. More...
class  gf::InputStream
 Abstract class for custom file input streams. More...
class  gf::FileInputStream
 File based input stream. More...
class  gf::MemoryInputStream
 Memory based input stream. More...
class  gf::Library
 A class to represent the library. More...
struct  gf::Library::Version
 Information about version. More...
class  gf::Log
 Logging functions. More...
struct  gf::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLS >
 General purpose math matrix. More...
struct  gf::Matrix< T, 2, 2 >
 A 2x2 matrix. More...
struct  gf::Matrix< T, 3, 3 >
 A 3x3 matrix. More...
struct  gf::Matrix< T, 4, 4 >
 A 4x4 matrix. More...
class  gf::GradientNoise
 Gradient noise. More...
class  gf::FractalNoise
 Fractal noise. More...
class  gf::PerlinNoise
 Perlin noise. More...
class  gf::SimplexNoise
 Simplex noise. More...
class  gf::OpenSimplexNoise
 OpenSimplex noise. More...
class  gf::Queue< T >
 A simple concurrent queue. More...
class  gf::Random
 A random engine. More...
struct  gf::Range< T >
 A half-open range of values. More...
struct  gf::Range< T >::Iterator
 A range iterator. More...
struct  gf::Rect< T >
 Utility class for manipulating 2D axis aligned rectangles. More...
class  gf::Singleton< T >
 A singleton that wraps a pointer provided by a storage. More...
class  gf::SingletonStorage< T >
 A storage for a singleton. More...
class  gf::SystemInfo
 A class for system info. More...
class  gf::Time
 Represents a time value. More...
struct  gf::Vector< T, N >
 General purpose math vector. More...
struct  gf::Vector< T, 2 >
 A 2D vector. More...
struct  gf::Vector< T, 3 >
 A 3D vector. More...
struct  gf::Vector< T, 4 >
 A 4D vector. More...


using gf::Path = boost::filesystem::path
 A path in the filesystem. More...
typedef uint64_t gf::Id
 An identifier. More...
template<typename T >
using gf::Step = T(*)(T)
 A step is a function with special features. More...
typedef Matrix< float, 2, 2 > gf::Matrix2f
 A float square matrix of size 2. More...
typedef Matrix< float, 3, 3 > gf::Matrix3f
 A float square matrix of size 3. More...
typedef Matrix< float, 4, 4 > gf::Matrix4f
 A float square matrix of size 4. More...
typedef Range< float > gf::RangeF
 A float range. More...
typedef Range< int > gf::RangeI
 A int range. More...
typedef Range< unsigned > gf::RangeU
 A unsigned range. More...
typedef Range< std::size_t > gf::RangeZ
 A std::size_t range. More...
typedef Rect< float > gf::RectF
 A float rectangle. More...
typedef Rect< int > gf::RectI
 A int rectangle. More...
typedef Rect< unsigned > gf::RectU
 A unsigned rectangle. More...
typedef Rect< std::size_t > gf::RectZ
 A std::size_t rectangle. More...
typedef Vector< float, 2 > gf::Vector2f
 A float vector with 2 components. More...
typedef Vector< float, 3 > gf::Vector3f
 A float vector with 3 components. More...
typedef Vector< float, 4 > gf::Vector4f
 A float vector with 4 components. More...
typedef Vector< double, 2 > gf::Vector2d
 A double vector with 2 components. More...
typedef Vector< double, 3 > gf::Vector3d
 A double vector with 3 components. More...
typedef Vector< double, 4 > gf::Vector4d
 A double vector with 4 components. More...
typedef Vector< int, 2 > gf::Vector2i
 A int vector with 2 components. More...
typedef Vector< int, 3 > gf::Vector3i
 A int vector with 3 components. More...
typedef Vector< int, 4 > gf::Vector4i
 A int vector with 4 components. More...
typedef Vector< unsigned, 2 > gf::Vector2u
 A unsigned vector with 2 components. More...
typedef Vector< unsigned, 3 > gf::Vector3u
 A unsigned vector with 3 components. More...
typedef Vector< unsigned, 4 > gf::Vector4u
 A unsigned vector with 4 components. More...
typedef Vector< std::size_t, 2 > gf::Vector2z
 A std::size_t vector with 2 components. More...
typedef Vector< std::size_t, 3 > gf::Vector3z
 A std::size_t vector with 3 components. More...
typedef Vector< std::size_t, 4 > gf::Vector4z
 A std::size_t vector with 4 components. More...
typedef Vector< bool, 2 > gf::Vector2b
 A bool vector with 2 components. More...
typedef Vector< bool, 3 > gf::Vector3b
 A bool vector with 3 components. More...
typedef Vector< bool, 4 > gf::Vector4b
 A bool vector with 4 components. More...
typedef Vector< float, 3 > gf::Color3f
 A float color vector with 3 components. More...
typedef Vector< float, 4 > gf::Color4f
 A float color vector with 4 components. More...
typedef Vector< uint8_t, 3 > gf::Color3u
 A uint8_t color vector with 3 components. More...
typedef Vector< uint8_t, 4 > gf::Color4u
 A uint8_t color vector with 4 components. More...


enum  gf::Log::Level : int {
 The severity level of the log. More...
enum  gf::Log::Category : int {
 The category of the log. More...


constexpr Id gf::hash (const char *str, std::size_t sz)
 Get an identifier from a string. More...
Id gf::hash (const std::string &str)
 Get an idenfitier from a string. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr T gf::linearStep (T t)
 Linear step. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr T gf::cubicStep (T t)
 Cubic step (smoothstep) More...
template<typename T >
constexpr T gf::quinticStep (T t)
 Quintic step (smootherstep) More...
template<typename T >
gf::cosineStep (T t)
 Cosine step. More...
template<typename T , typename U >
gf::lerp (T lhs, T rhs, U t)
 Linear interpolation function. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr T gf::clamp (T val, T lo, T hi)
 Clamping function. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr T gf::square (T val)
 Square function. More...
Vector2f gf::transform (const Matrix3f &mat, Vector2f point)
 Apply an affine transformation to a 2D point. More...
RectF gf::transform (const Matrix3f &mat, const RectF &rect)
 Apply an affine transformaton to a rectangle. More...
Matrix3f gf::translation (Vector2f offset)
 Get a translation matrix. More...
void gf::translate (Matrix3f &mat, Vector2f offset)
 Combine the current transform with a translation. More...
Matrix3f gf::rotation (float angle)
 Get a rotation matrix. More...
Matrix3f gf::rotation (float angle, Vector2f center)
 Get a rotation matrix. More...
void gf::rotate (Matrix3f &mat, float angle)
 Combine the current transform with a rotation. More...
void gf::rotate (Matrix3f &mat, float angle, Vector2f center)
 Combine the current transform with a rotation. More...
Matrix3f gf::scaling (Vector2f factor)
 Get a scaling matrix. More...
Matrix3f gf::scaling (Vector2f factor, Vector2f center)
 Get a scaling matrix. More...
void gf::scale (Matrix3f &mat, Vector2f factor)
 Combine the current transform with a scaling. More...
void gf::scale (Matrix3f &mat, Vector2f factor, Vector2f center)
 Combine the current transform with a scaling. More...


constexpr Id gf::InvalidId = 0
 The invalid id (which is 0) More...
constexpr float gf::Pi = 3.14159265358979323846f
 The \( \pi \) constant. More...
constexpr float gf::Pi2 = Pi / 2
 The \( \frac{\pi}{2} \) constant. More...
constexpr float gf::Pi4 = Pi / 4
 The \( \frac{\pi}{4} \) constant. More...
constexpr float gf::Sqrt2 = 1.41421356237309504880f
 The \( \sqrt{2} \) constant. More...
constexpr float gf::InvSqrt2 = 1 / Sqrt2
 The \( \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \) constant. More...

Detailed Description

All the core generic classes and functions.

Typedef Documentation

typedef Vector<float, 3> gf::Color3f

A float color vector with 3 components.

typedef Vector<uint8_t, 3> gf::Color3u

A uint8_t color vector with 3 components.

typedef Vector<float, 4> gf::Color4f

A float color vector with 4 components.

typedef Vector<uint8_t, 4> gf::Color4u

A uint8_t color vector with 4 components.

typedef uint64_t gf::Id

An identifier.

typedef Matrix<float, 2, 2> gf::Matrix2f

A float square matrix of size 2.

See also
Matrix<T, 2, 2>
typedef Matrix<float, 3, 3> gf::Matrix3f

A float square matrix of size 3.

See also
Matrix<T, 3, 3>
typedef Matrix<float, 4, 4> gf::Matrix4f

A float square matrix of size 4.

See also
Matrix<T, 4, 4>
using gf::Path = typedef boost::filesystem::path

A path in the filesystem.

gf::Path is a simple typedef for boost::filesystem::path. Boost.Filesystem will eventually be part of the C++17 standard. So, in the future, gf::Path will be a typedef for std::path.

typedef Range<float> gf::RangeF

A float range.

typedef Range<int> gf::RangeI

A int range.

typedef Range<unsigned> gf::RangeU

A unsigned range.

typedef Range<std::size_t> gf::RangeZ

A std::size_t range.

typedef Rect<float> gf::RectF

A float rectangle.

typedef Rect<int> gf::RectI

A int rectangle.

typedef Rect<unsigned> gf::RectU

A unsigned rectangle.

typedef Rect<std::size_t> gf::RectZ

A std::size_t rectangle.

template<typename T >
using gf::Step = typedef T (*)(T)

A step is a function with special features.

A step \( f \) is a (mathematical) function which has the following properties:

  • \( f(0) = 0 \)
  • \( f(1) = 1 \)

It can be used to smooth a linear interpolation.

gf::Vector2f point1 = ...;
gf::Vector2f point2 = ...;
float t = ...;
gf::Step<float> step = gf::cubicStep<float>;
gf::Vector2f interpolatedPoint = gf::lerp(point1, point2, t);
gf::Vector2f smoothedInterpolatedPoint = gf::lerp(point1, point2, step(t));
See also
linearStep(), cubicStep(), quinticStep(), cosineStep()
typedef Vector<bool, 2> gf::Vector2b

A bool vector with 2 components.

typedef Vector<double, 2> gf::Vector2d

A double vector with 2 components.

typedef Vector<float, 2> gf::Vector2f

A float vector with 2 components.

typedef Vector<int, 2> gf::Vector2i

A int vector with 2 components.

typedef Vector<unsigned, 2> gf::Vector2u

A unsigned vector with 2 components.

typedef Vector<std::size_t, 2> gf::Vector2z

A std::size_t vector with 2 components.

typedef Vector<bool, 3> gf::Vector3b

A bool vector with 3 components.

typedef Vector<double, 3> gf::Vector3d

A double vector with 3 components.

typedef Vector<float, 3> gf::Vector3f

A float vector with 3 components.

typedef Vector<int, 3> gf::Vector3i

A int vector with 3 components.

typedef Vector<unsigned, 3> gf::Vector3u

A unsigned vector with 3 components.

typedef Vector<std::size_t, 3> gf::Vector3z

A std::size_t vector with 3 components.

typedef Vector<bool, 4> gf::Vector4b

A bool vector with 4 components.

typedef Vector<double, 4> gf::Vector4d

A double vector with 4 components.

typedef Vector<float, 4> gf::Vector4f

A float vector with 4 components.

typedef Vector<int, 4> gf::Vector4i

A int vector with 4 components.

typedef Vector<unsigned, 4> gf::Vector4u

A unsigned vector with 4 components.

typedef Vector<std::size_t, 4> gf::Vector4z

A std::size_t vector with 4 components.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum gf::Log::Category : int

The category of the log.


The general category.


The graphics category.


The network category.


The physics category.


The resources category.

enum gf::Log::Level : int

The severity level of the log.


The debug level.


The info level.


The warn level.


The error level.


The fatal level.

Function Documentation

template<typename T >
constexpr T gf::clamp ( val,

Clamping function.

This function takes a value and returns it if it is in a specified range. If not, the returned value is the nearest value in the range.

valThe value to clamp
loThe minimum accepted value
hiThe maximum accepted value
The clamped value
template<typename T >
T gf::cosineStep ( t)

Cosine step.

\[ f(t) = (1 - \cos(\pi * t)) * 0.5 \]

See also
template<typename T >
constexpr T gf::cubicStep ( t)

Cubic step (smoothstep)

\[ f(t) = -2 * t^3 + 3 * t^2 \]

Compared to a step, it has the following properties:

  • \( f'(0) = 0 \)
  • \( f'(1) = 0 \)

This function is also known as smoothstep

See also
constexpr Id gf::hash ( const char *  str,
std::size_t  sz 

Get an identifier from a string.

The hash is a Fowler–Noll–Vo 1a hash. This function is mainly for internal use. You should instead use the user-defined literal _id.


gf::Id id = "A string"_id; // computed at compile time
strThe string
szThe size of the string
Id gf::hash ( const std::string &  str)

Get an idenfitier from a string.

The hash is a Fowler–Noll–Vo 1a hash. This function can be used for computing an id at runtime. For computing an id from a string at compile time, you should use the the user-defined literal _id.

template<typename T , typename U >
T gf::lerp ( lhs,

Linear interpolation function.

This functions returns an interpolated value between two values lhs and rhs according to a parameter \( t \). When \( t = 0 \) then lhs is returned, and when \( t = 1 \) then rhs is returned.

lhsThe first value
rhsThe second value
tThe interpolation parameter, generally in the interval \( [0,1] \)
A value between the first and second value
template<typename T >
constexpr T gf::linearStep ( t)

Linear step.

\[ f(t) = t \]

See also
template<typename T >
constexpr T gf::quinticStep ( t)

Quintic step (smootherstep)

\[ f(t) = 6 * t^5 - 15 * t^4 + 10 * t^3 \]

Compared to a step, it has the following properties:

  • \( f'(0) = 0 \)
  • \( f'(1) = 0 \)
  • \( f''(0) = 0 \)
  • \( f''(1) = 0 \)

This function is also known as smootherstep

See also
void gf::rotate ( Matrix3f &  mat,
float  angle 

Combine the current transform with a rotation.

matThe current transform
angleThe angle of the rotation (in radians)
void gf::rotate ( Matrix3f &  mat,
float  angle,
Vector2f  center 

Combine the current transform with a rotation.

matThe current transform
angleThe angle of the rotation (in radians)
centerThe center of the rotation
Matrix3f gf::rotation ( float  angle)

Get a rotation matrix.

angleThe angle of the rotation (in radians)
A rotation of angle radians
Matrix3f gf::rotation ( float  angle,
Vector2f  center 

Get a rotation matrix.

angleThe angle of the rotation (in radians)
centerThe center of the rotation
A rotation of angle radians of origin center
void gf::scale ( Matrix3f &  mat,
Vector2f  factor 

Combine the current transform with a scaling.

matThe current transform
factorThe scaling factor
void gf::scale ( Matrix3f &  mat,
Vector2f  factor,
Vector2f  center 

Combine the current transform with a scaling.

matThe current transform
factorThe scaling factor
centerThe center of the scaling
Matrix3f gf::scaling ( Vector2f  factor)

Get a scaling matrix.

factorThe scaling factor
A scaling by factor
Matrix3f gf::scaling ( Vector2f  factor,
Vector2f  center 

Get a scaling matrix.

factorThe scaling factor
centerThe center of the scaling
A scaling by factor of origin center
template<typename T >
constexpr T gf::square ( val)

Square function.

For a value \( x \), the square value is \( x^2 \).

valA value
The square of the value
Vector2f gf::transform ( const Matrix3f &  mat,
Vector2f  point 

Apply an affine transformation to a 2D point.

matThe transformation matrix
pointThe point to transform
The transformed point
RectF gf::transform ( const Matrix3f &  mat,
const RectF &  rect 

Apply an affine transformaton to a rectangle.

The resulting rectangle is axis-aligned

matThe transformation matrix
rectThe rectangle to transform
The transformed rectangle
void gf::translate ( Matrix3f &  mat,
Vector2f  offset 

Combine the current transform with a translation.

matThe current transform
offsetThe offset of the translation
Matrix3f gf::translation ( Vector2f  offset)

Get a translation matrix.

offsetThe offset of the translation
A translation by offset

Variable Documentation

constexpr Id gf::InvalidId = 0

The invalid id (which is 0)

constexpr float gf::InvSqrt2 = 1 / Sqrt2

The \( \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \) constant.

constexpr float gf::Pi = 3.14159265358979323846f

The \( \pi \) constant.

constexpr float gf::Pi2 = Pi / 2

The \( \frac{\pi}{2} \) constant.

constexpr float gf::Pi4 = Pi / 4

The \( \frac{\pi}{4} \) constant.

constexpr float gf::Sqrt2 = 1.41421356237309504880f

The \( \sqrt{2} \) constant.