Gamedev Framework (gf)  0.17.0
A C++14 framework for 2D games
Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | List of all members
gf::ConsoleChar Struct Referencefinal

Named console characters. More...

#include <gf/ConsoleChar.h>

Public Member Functions

 ConsoleChar ()=delete
 Deleted copy constructor. More...

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr char16_t WhiteSmilingFace = u'☺'
 U+263A White Smiling Face. More...
static constexpr char16_t BlackSmilingFace = u'☻'
 U+263B Black Smiling Face. More...
static constexpr char16_t BlackHeartSuit = u'♥'
 U+2665 Black Heart Suit. More...
static constexpr char16_t BlackDiamondSuit = u'♦'
 U+2666 Black Diamond Suit. More...
static constexpr char16_t BlackClubSuit = u'♣'
 U+2663 Black Club Suit. More...
static constexpr char16_t BlackSpadeSuit = u'♠'
 U+2660 Black Spade Suit. More...
static constexpr char16_t Bullet = u'•'
 U+2022 Bullet. More...
static constexpr char16_t InverseBullet = u'◘'
 U+25D8 Inverse Bullet. More...
static constexpr char16_t WhiteCircle = u'○'
 U+25CB White Circle. More...
static constexpr char16_t InverseWhiteCircle = u'◙'
 U+25D9 Inverse White Circle. More...
static constexpr char16_t MaleSign = u'♂'
 U+2642 Male Sign. More...
static constexpr char16_t FemaleSign = u'♀'
 U+2640 Female Sign. More...
static constexpr char16_t EighthNote = u'♪'
 U+266A Eighth Note. More...
static constexpr char16_t BeamedEighthNotes = u'♫'
 U+266B Beamed Eighth Notes. More...
static constexpr char16_t WhiteSunWithRays = u'☼'
 U+263C White Sun With Rays. More...
static constexpr char16_t BlackRightPointingPointer = u'►'
 U+25BA Black Right-Pointing Pointer. More...
static constexpr char16_t BlackLeftPointingPointer = u'◄'
 U+25C4 Black Left-Pointing Pointer. More...
static constexpr char16_t UpDownArrow = u'↕'
 U+2195 Up Down Arrow. More...
static constexpr char16_t DoubleExclamationMark = u'‼'
 U+203C Double Exclamation Mark. More...
static constexpr char16_t PilcrowSign = u'¶'
 U+00B6 Pilcrow Sign. More...
static constexpr char16_t SectionSign = u'§'
 U+00A7 Section Sign. More...
static constexpr char16_t BlackRectangle = u'▬'
 U+25AC Black Rectangle. More...
static constexpr char16_t UpDownArrowWithBase = u'↨'
 U+21A8 Up Down Arrow With Base. More...
static constexpr char16_t UpwardsArrow = u'↑'
 U+2191 Upwards Arrow. More...
static constexpr char16_t DownwardsArrow = u'↓'
 U+2193 Downwards Arrow. More...
static constexpr char16_t RightwardsArrow = u'→'
 U+2192 Rightwards Arrow. More...
static constexpr char16_t LeftwardsArrow = u'←'
 U+2190 Leftwards Arrow. More...
static constexpr char16_t RightAngle = u'∟'
 U+221F Right Angle. More...
static constexpr char16_t LeftRightArrow = u'↔'
 U+2194 Left Right Arrow. More...
static constexpr char16_t BlackUpPointingTriangle = u'▲'
 U+25B2 Black Up-Pointing Triangle. More...
static constexpr char16_t BlackDownPointingTriangle = u'▼'
 U+25BC Black Down-Pointing Triangle. More...
static constexpr char16_t House = u'⌂'
 U+2302 House. More...
static constexpr char16_t CentSign = u'¢'
 U+00A2 Cent Sign. More...
static constexpr char16_t PoundSign = u'£'
 U+00A3 Pound Sign. More...
static constexpr char16_t YenSign = u'¥'
 U+00A5 Yen Sign. More...
static constexpr char16_t PesetaSign = u'₧'
 U+20A7 Peseta Sign. More...
static constexpr char16_t LatinSmallLetterFWithHook = u'ƒ'
 U+0192 Latin Small Letter F With Hook. More...
static constexpr char16_t FeminineOrdinalIndicator = u'ª'
 U+00AA Feminine Ordinal Indicator. More...
static constexpr char16_t MasculineOrdinalIndicator = u'º'
 U+00BA Masculine Ordinal Indicator. More...
static constexpr char16_t InvertedQuestionMark = u'¿'
 U+00BF Inverted Question Mark. More...
static constexpr char16_t ReversedNotSign = u'⌐'
 U+2310 Reversed Not Sign. More...
static constexpr char16_t NotSign = u'¬'
 U+00AC Not Sign. More...
static constexpr char16_t VulgarFractionOneHalf = u'½'
 U+00BD Vulgar Fraction One Half. More...
static constexpr char16_t VulgarFractionOneQuarter = u'¼'
 U+00BC Vulgar Fraction One Quarter. More...
static constexpr char16_t InvertedExclamationMark = u'¡'
 U+00A1 Inverted Exclamation Mark. More...
static constexpr char16_t LeftPointingDoubleAngleQuotationMark = u'«'
 U+00AB Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark. More...
static constexpr char16_t RightPointingDoubleAngleQuotationMark = u'»'
 U+00BB Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark. More...
static constexpr char16_t LightShade = u'░'
 U+2591 Light Shade. More...
static constexpr char16_t MediumShade = u'▒'
 U+2592 Medium Shade. More...
static constexpr char16_t DarkShade = u'▓'
 U+2593 Dark Shade. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsLightVertical = u'│'
 U+2502 Box Drawings Light Vertical. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsLightVerticalAndLeft = u'┤'
 U+2524 Box Drawings Light Vertical And Left. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsVerticalSingleAndLeftDouble = u'╡'
 U+2561 Box Drawings Vertical Single And Left Double. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsVerticalDoubleAndLeftSingle = u'╢'
 U+2562 Box Drawings Vertical Double And Left Single. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsDownDoubleAndLeftSingle = u'╖'
 U+2556 Box Drawings Down Double And Left Single. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsDownSingleAndLeftDouble = u'╕'
 U+2555 Box Drawings Down Single And Left Double. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsDoubleVerticalAndLeft = u'╣'
 U+2563 Box Drawings Double Vertical And Left. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsDoubleVertical = u'║'
 U+2551 Box Drawings Double Vertical. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsDoubleDownAndLeft = u'╗'
 U+2557 Box Drawings Double Down And Left. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsDoubleUpAndLeft = u'╝'
 U+255D Box Drawings Double Up And Left. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsUpDoubleAndLeftSingle = u'╜'
 U+255C Box Drawings Up Double And Left Single. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsUpSingleAndLeftDouble = u'╛'
 U+255B Box Drawings Up Single And Left Double. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsLightDownAndLeft = u'┐'
 U+2510 Box Drawings Light Down And Left. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsLightUpAndRight = u'└'
 U+2514 Box Drawings Light Up And Right. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsLightUpAndHorizontal = u'┴'
 U+2534 Box Drawings Light Up And Horizontal. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsLightDownAndHorizontal = u'┬'
 U+252C Box Drawings Light Down And Horizontal. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsLightVerticalAndRight = u'├'
 U+251C Box Drawings Light Vertical And Right. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsLightHorizontal = u'─'
 U+2500 Box Drawings Light Horizontal. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsLightVerticalAndHorizontal = u'┼'
 U+253C Box Drawings Light Vertical And Horizontal. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsVerticalSingleAndRightDouble = u'╞'
 U+255E Box Drawings Vertical Single And Right Double. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsVerticalDoubleAndRightSingle = u'╟'
 U+255F Box Drawings Vertical Double And Right Single. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsDoubleUpAndRight = u'╚'
 U+255A Box Drawings Double Up And Right. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsDoubleDownAndRight = u'╔'
 U+2554 Box Drawings Double Down And Right. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsDoubleUpAndHorizontal = u'╩'
 U+2569 Box Drawings Double Up And Horizontal. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsDoubleDownAndHorizontal = u'╦'
 U+2566 Box Drawings Double Down And Horizontal. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsDoubleVerticalAndRight = u'╠'
 U+2560 Box Drawings Double Vertical And Right. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsDoubleHorizontal = u'═'
 U+2550 Box Drawings Double Horizontal. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsDoubleVerticalAndHorizontal = u'╬'
 U+256C Box Drawings Double Vertical And Horizontal. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsUpSingleAndHorizontalDouble = u'╧'
 U+2567 Box Drawings Up Single And Horizontal Double. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsUpDoubleAndHorizontalSingle = u'╨'
 U+2568 Box Drawings Up Double And Horizontal Single. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsDownSingleAndHorizontalDouble = u'╤'
 U+2564 Box Drawings Down Single And Horizontal Double. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsDownDoubleAndHorizontalSingle = u'╥'
 U+2565 Box Drawings Down Double And Horizontal Single. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsUpDoubleAndRightSingle = u'╙'
 U+2559 Box Drawings Up Double And Right Single. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsUpSingleAndRightDouble = u'╘'
 U+2558 Box Drawings Up Single And Right Double. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsDownSingleAndRightDouble = u'╒'
 U+2552 Box Drawings Down Single And Right Double. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsDownDoubleAndRightSingle = u'╓'
 U+2553 Box Drawings Down Double And Right Single. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsVerticalDoubleAndHorizontalSingle = u'╫'
 U+256B Box Drawings Vertical Double And Horizontal Single. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsVerticalSingleAndHorizontalDouble = u'╪'
 U+256A Box Drawings Vertical Single And Horizontal Double. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsLightUpAndLeft = u'┘'
 U+2518 Box Drawings Light Up And Left. More...
static constexpr char16_t BoxDrawingsLightDownAndRight = u'┌'
 U+250C Box Drawings Light Down And Right. More...
static constexpr char16_t FullBlock = u'█'
 U+2588 Full Block. More...
static constexpr char16_t LowerHalfBlock = u'▄'
 U+2584 Lower Half Block. More...
static constexpr char16_t LeftHalfBlock = u'▌'
 U+258C Left Half Block. More...
static constexpr char16_t RightHalfBlock = u'▐'
 U+2590 Right Half Block. More...
static constexpr char16_t UpperHalfBlock = u'▀'
 U+2580 Upper Half Block. More...
static constexpr char16_t GreekSmallLetterAlpha = u'α'
 U+03B1 Greek Small Letter Alpha. More...
static constexpr char16_t LatinSmallLetterSharpS = u'ß'
 U+00DF Latin Small Letter Sharp S. More...
static constexpr char16_t GreekCapitalLetterGamma = u'Γ'
 U+0393 Greek Capital Letter Gamma. More...
static constexpr char16_t GreekSmallLetterPi = u'π'
 U+03C0 Greek Small Letter Pi. More...
static constexpr char16_t GreekCapitalLetterSigma = u'Σ'
 U+03A3 Greek Capital Letter Sigma. More...
static constexpr char16_t GreekSmallLetterSigma = u'σ'
 U+03C3 Greek Small Letter Sigma. More...
static constexpr char16_t MicroSign = u'µ'
 U+00B5 Micro Sign. More...
static constexpr char16_t GreekSmallLetterTau = u'τ'
 U+03C4 Greek Small Letter Tau. More...
static constexpr char16_t GreekCapitalLetterPhi = u'Φ'
 U+03A6 Greek Capital Letter Phi. More...
static constexpr char16_t GreekCapitalLetterTheta = u'Θ'
 U+0398 Greek Capital Letter Theta. More...
static constexpr char16_t GreekCapitalLetterOmega = u'Ω'
 U+03A9 Greek Capital Letter Omega. More...
static constexpr char16_t GreekSmallLetterDelta = u'δ'
 U+03B4 Greek Small Letter Delta. More...
static constexpr char16_t Infinity = u'∞'
 U+221E Infinity. More...
static constexpr char16_t GreekSmallLetterPhi = u'φ'
 U+03C6 Greek Small Letter Phi. More...
static constexpr char16_t GreekSmallLetterEpsilon = u'ε'
 U+03B5 Greek Small Letter Epsilon. More...
static constexpr char16_t Intersection = u'∩'
 U+2229 Intersection. More...
static constexpr char16_t IdenticalTo = u'≡'
 U+2261 Identical To. More...
static constexpr char16_t PlusMinusSign = u'±'
 U+00B1 Plus-Minus Sign. More...
static constexpr char16_t GreaterThanOrEqualTo = u'≥'
 U+2265 Greater-Than Or Equal To. More...
static constexpr char16_t LessThanOrEqualTo = u'≤'
 U+2264 Less-Than Or Equal To. More...
static constexpr char16_t TopHalfIntegral = u'⌠'
 U+2320 Top Half Integral. More...
static constexpr char16_t BottomHalfIntegral = u'⌡'
 U+2321 Bottom Half Integral. More...
static constexpr char16_t DivisionSign = u'÷'
 U+00F7 Division Sign. More...
static constexpr char16_t AlmostEqualTo = u'≈'
 U+2248 Almost Equal To. More...
static constexpr char16_t DegreeSign = u'°'
 U+00B0 Degree Sign. More...
static constexpr char16_t BulletOperator = u'∙'
 U+2219 Bullet Operator. More...
static constexpr char16_t MiddleDot = u'·'
 U+00B7 Middle Dot. More...
static constexpr char16_t SquareRoot = u'√'
 U+221A Square Root. More...
static constexpr char16_t SuperscriptLatinSmallLetterN = u'ⁿ'
 U+207F Superscript Latin Small Letter N. More...
static constexpr char16_t SuperscriptTwo = u'²'
 U+00B2 Superscript Two. More...
static constexpr char16_t BlackSquare = u'■'
 U+25A0 Black Square. More...
static constexpr char16_t NoBreakSpace = u'\u00A0'
 U+00A0 No-Break Space. More...
static constexpr char16_t GreekSmallLetterBeta = u'β'
 U+03B2 Greek Small Letter Beta. More...
static constexpr char16_t GreekCapitalLetterPi = u'Π'
 U+03A0 Greek Capital Letter Pi. More...
static constexpr char16_t NAryProduct = u'∏'
 U+220F N-Ary Product. More...
static constexpr char16_t NArySummation = u'∑'
 U+2211 N-Ary Summation. More...
static constexpr char16_t GreekSmallLetterMu = u'μ'
 U+03BC Greek Small Letter Mu. More...
static constexpr char16_t OhmSign = u'Ω'
 U+2126 Ohm Sign. More...
static constexpr char16_t GreekPhiSymbol = u'ϕ'
 U+03D5 Greek Phi Symbol. More...
static constexpr char16_t EmptySet = u'∅'
 U+2205 Empty Set. More...
static constexpr char16_t DiameterSign = u'⌀'
 U+2300 Diameter Sign. More...
static constexpr char16_t LatinCapitalLetterOWithStroke = u'Ø'
 U+00D8 Latin Capital Letter O With Stroke. More...
static constexpr char16_t LatinSmallLetterOWithStroke = u'ø'
 U+00F8 Latin Small Letter O With Stroke. More...
static constexpr char16_t ElementOf = u'∈'
 U+2208 Element Of. More...
static constexpr char16_t QuadrantUpperLeft = u'▘'
 U+2598 Quadrant Upper Left. More...
static constexpr char16_t QuadrantUpperRight = u'▝'
 U+259D Quadrant Upper Right. More...
static constexpr char16_t QuadrantLowerRight = u'▗'
 U+2597 Quadrant Lower Right. More...
static constexpr char16_t QuadrantUpperLeftAndLowerRight = u'▚'
 U+259A Quadrant Upper Left And Lower Right. More...
static constexpr char16_t QuadrantLowerLeft = u'▖'
 U+2596 Quadrant Lower Left. More...

Detailed Description

Named console characters.

The name of the characters is the name defined in Unicode.

See also

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ConsoleChar()

gf::ConsoleChar::ConsoleChar ( )

Deleted copy constructor.

Member Data Documentation

◆ AlmostEqualTo

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::AlmostEqualTo = u'≈'

U+2248 Almost Equal To.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BeamedEighthNotes

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BeamedEighthNotes = u'♫'

U+266B Beamed Eighth Notes.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BlackClubSuit

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BlackClubSuit = u'♣'

U+2663 Black Club Suit.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BlackDiamondSuit

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BlackDiamondSuit = u'♦'

U+2666 Black Diamond Suit.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BlackDownPointingTriangle

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BlackDownPointingTriangle = u'▼'

U+25BC Black Down-Pointing Triangle.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BlackHeartSuit

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BlackHeartSuit = u'♥'

U+2665 Black Heart Suit.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BlackLeftPointingPointer

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BlackLeftPointingPointer = u'◄'

U+25C4 Black Left-Pointing Pointer.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BlackRectangle

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BlackRectangle = u'▬'

U+25AC Black Rectangle.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BlackRightPointingPointer

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BlackRightPointingPointer = u'►'

U+25BA Black Right-Pointing Pointer.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BlackSmilingFace

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BlackSmilingFace = u'☻'

U+263B Black Smiling Face.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BlackSpadeSuit

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BlackSpadeSuit = u'♠'

U+2660 Black Spade Suit.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BlackSquare

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BlackSquare = u'■'

U+25A0 Black Square.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BlackUpPointingTriangle

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BlackUpPointingTriangle = u'▲'

U+25B2 Black Up-Pointing Triangle.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BottomHalfIntegral

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BottomHalfIntegral = u'⌡'

U+2321 Bottom Half Integral.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsDoubleDownAndHorizontal

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsDoubleDownAndHorizontal = u'╦'

U+2566 Box Drawings Double Down And Horizontal.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsDoubleDownAndLeft

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsDoubleDownAndLeft = u'╗'

U+2557 Box Drawings Double Down And Left.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsDoubleDownAndRight

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsDoubleDownAndRight = u'╔'

U+2554 Box Drawings Double Down And Right.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsDoubleHorizontal

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsDoubleHorizontal = u'═'

U+2550 Box Drawings Double Horizontal.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsDoubleUpAndHorizontal

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsDoubleUpAndHorizontal = u'╩'

U+2569 Box Drawings Double Up And Horizontal.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsDoubleUpAndLeft

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsDoubleUpAndLeft = u'╝'

U+255D Box Drawings Double Up And Left.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsDoubleUpAndRight

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsDoubleUpAndRight = u'╚'

U+255A Box Drawings Double Up And Right.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsDoubleVertical

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsDoubleVertical = u'║'

U+2551 Box Drawings Double Vertical.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsDoubleVerticalAndHorizontal

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsDoubleVerticalAndHorizontal = u'╬'

U+256C Box Drawings Double Vertical And Horizontal.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsDoubleVerticalAndLeft

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsDoubleVerticalAndLeft = u'╣'

U+2563 Box Drawings Double Vertical And Left.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsDoubleVerticalAndRight

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsDoubleVerticalAndRight = u'╠'

U+2560 Box Drawings Double Vertical And Right.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsDownDoubleAndHorizontalSingle

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsDownDoubleAndHorizontalSingle = u'╥'

U+2565 Box Drawings Down Double And Horizontal Single.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsDownDoubleAndLeftSingle

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsDownDoubleAndLeftSingle = u'╖'

U+2556 Box Drawings Down Double And Left Single.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsDownDoubleAndRightSingle

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsDownDoubleAndRightSingle = u'╓'

U+2553 Box Drawings Down Double And Right Single.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsDownSingleAndHorizontalDouble

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsDownSingleAndHorizontalDouble = u'╤'

U+2564 Box Drawings Down Single And Horizontal Double.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsDownSingleAndLeftDouble

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsDownSingleAndLeftDouble = u'╕'

U+2555 Box Drawings Down Single And Left Double.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsDownSingleAndRightDouble

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsDownSingleAndRightDouble = u'╒'

U+2552 Box Drawings Down Single And Right Double.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsLightDownAndHorizontal

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsLightDownAndHorizontal = u'┬'

U+252C Box Drawings Light Down And Horizontal.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsLightDownAndLeft

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsLightDownAndLeft = u'┐'

U+2510 Box Drawings Light Down And Left.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsLightDownAndRight

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsLightDownAndRight = u'┌'

U+250C Box Drawings Light Down And Right.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsLightHorizontal

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsLightHorizontal = u'─'

U+2500 Box Drawings Light Horizontal.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsLightUpAndHorizontal

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsLightUpAndHorizontal = u'┴'

U+2534 Box Drawings Light Up And Horizontal.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsLightUpAndLeft

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsLightUpAndLeft = u'┘'

U+2518 Box Drawings Light Up And Left.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsLightUpAndRight

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsLightUpAndRight = u'└'

U+2514 Box Drawings Light Up And Right.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsLightVertical

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsLightVertical = u'│'

U+2502 Box Drawings Light Vertical.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsLightVerticalAndHorizontal

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsLightVerticalAndHorizontal = u'┼'

U+253C Box Drawings Light Vertical And Horizontal.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsLightVerticalAndLeft

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsLightVerticalAndLeft = u'┤'

U+2524 Box Drawings Light Vertical And Left.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsLightVerticalAndRight

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsLightVerticalAndRight = u'├'

U+251C Box Drawings Light Vertical And Right.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsUpDoubleAndHorizontalSingle

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsUpDoubleAndHorizontalSingle = u'╨'

U+2568 Box Drawings Up Double And Horizontal Single.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsUpDoubleAndLeftSingle

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsUpDoubleAndLeftSingle = u'╜'

U+255C Box Drawings Up Double And Left Single.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsUpDoubleAndRightSingle

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsUpDoubleAndRightSingle = u'╙'

U+2559 Box Drawings Up Double And Right Single.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsUpSingleAndHorizontalDouble

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsUpSingleAndHorizontalDouble = u'╧'

U+2567 Box Drawings Up Single And Horizontal Double.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsUpSingleAndLeftDouble

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsUpSingleAndLeftDouble = u'╛'

U+255B Box Drawings Up Single And Left Double.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsUpSingleAndRightDouble

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsUpSingleAndRightDouble = u'╘'

U+2558 Box Drawings Up Single And Right Double.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsVerticalDoubleAndHorizontalSingle

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsVerticalDoubleAndHorizontalSingle = u'╫'

U+256B Box Drawings Vertical Double And Horizontal Single.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsVerticalDoubleAndLeftSingle

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsVerticalDoubleAndLeftSingle = u'╢'

U+2562 Box Drawings Vertical Double And Left Single.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsVerticalDoubleAndRightSingle

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsVerticalDoubleAndRightSingle = u'╟'

U+255F Box Drawings Vertical Double And Right Single.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsVerticalSingleAndHorizontalDouble

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsVerticalSingleAndHorizontalDouble = u'╪'

U+256A Box Drawings Vertical Single And Horizontal Double.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsVerticalSingleAndLeftDouble

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsVerticalSingleAndLeftDouble = u'╡'

U+2561 Box Drawings Vertical Single And Left Double.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BoxDrawingsVerticalSingleAndRightDouble

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BoxDrawingsVerticalSingleAndRightDouble = u'╞'

U+255E Box Drawings Vertical Single And Right Double.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ Bullet

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::Bullet = u'•'

U+2022 Bullet.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ BulletOperator

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::BulletOperator = u'∙'

U+2219 Bullet Operator.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ CentSign

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::CentSign = u'¢'

U+00A2 Cent Sign.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ DarkShade

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::DarkShade = u'▓'

U+2593 Dark Shade.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ DegreeSign

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::DegreeSign = u'°'

U+00B0 Degree Sign.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ DiameterSign

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::DiameterSign = u'⌀'

U+2300 Diameter Sign.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437 (as alternative)

◆ DivisionSign

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::DivisionSign = u'÷'

U+00F7 Division Sign.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ DoubleExclamationMark

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::DoubleExclamationMark = u'‼'

U+203C Double Exclamation Mark.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ DownwardsArrow

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::DownwardsArrow = u'↓'

U+2193 Downwards Arrow.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ EighthNote

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::EighthNote = u'♪'

U+266A Eighth Note.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ ElementOf

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::ElementOf = u'∈'

U+2208 Element Of.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437 (as alternative)

◆ EmptySet

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::EmptySet = u'∅'

U+2205 Empty Set.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437 (as alternative)

◆ FemaleSign

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::FemaleSign = u'♀'

U+2640 Female Sign.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ FeminineOrdinalIndicator

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::FeminineOrdinalIndicator = u'ª'

U+00AA Feminine Ordinal Indicator.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ FullBlock

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::FullBlock = u'█'

U+2588 Full Block.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ GreaterThanOrEqualTo

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::GreaterThanOrEqualTo = u'≥'

U+2265 Greater-Than Or Equal To.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ GreekCapitalLetterGamma

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::GreekCapitalLetterGamma = u'Γ'

U+0393 Greek Capital Letter Gamma.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ GreekCapitalLetterOmega

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::GreekCapitalLetterOmega = u'Ω'

U+03A9 Greek Capital Letter Omega.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ GreekCapitalLetterPhi

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::GreekCapitalLetterPhi = u'Φ'

U+03A6 Greek Capital Letter Phi.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ GreekCapitalLetterPi

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::GreekCapitalLetterPi = u'Π'

U+03A0 Greek Capital Letter Pi.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437 (as alternative)

◆ GreekCapitalLetterSigma

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::GreekCapitalLetterSigma = u'Σ'

U+03A3 Greek Capital Letter Sigma.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ GreekCapitalLetterTheta

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::GreekCapitalLetterTheta = u'Θ'

U+0398 Greek Capital Letter Theta.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ GreekPhiSymbol

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::GreekPhiSymbol = u'ϕ'

U+03D5 Greek Phi Symbol.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437 (as alternative)

◆ GreekSmallLetterAlpha

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::GreekSmallLetterAlpha = u'α'

U+03B1 Greek Small Letter Alpha.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ GreekSmallLetterBeta

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::GreekSmallLetterBeta = u'β'

U+03B2 Greek Small Letter Beta.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437 (as alternative)

◆ GreekSmallLetterDelta

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::GreekSmallLetterDelta = u'δ'

U+03B4 Greek Small Letter Delta.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ GreekSmallLetterEpsilon

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::GreekSmallLetterEpsilon = u'ε'

U+03B5 Greek Small Letter Epsilon.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ GreekSmallLetterMu

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::GreekSmallLetterMu = u'μ'

U+03BC Greek Small Letter Mu.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437 (as alternative)

◆ GreekSmallLetterPhi

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::GreekSmallLetterPhi = u'φ'

U+03C6 Greek Small Letter Phi.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ GreekSmallLetterPi

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::GreekSmallLetterPi = u'π'

U+03C0 Greek Small Letter Pi.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ GreekSmallLetterSigma

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::GreekSmallLetterSigma = u'σ'

U+03C3 Greek Small Letter Sigma.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ GreekSmallLetterTau

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::GreekSmallLetterTau = u'τ'

U+03C4 Greek Small Letter Tau.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ House

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::House = u'⌂'

U+2302 House.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ IdenticalTo

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::IdenticalTo = u'≡'

U+2261 Identical To.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ Infinity

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::Infinity = u'∞'

U+221E Infinity.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ Intersection

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::Intersection = u'∩'

U+2229 Intersection.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ InverseBullet

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::InverseBullet = u'◘'

U+25D8 Inverse Bullet.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ InverseWhiteCircle

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::InverseWhiteCircle = u'◙'

U+25D9 Inverse White Circle.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ InvertedExclamationMark

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::InvertedExclamationMark = u'¡'

U+00A1 Inverted Exclamation Mark.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ InvertedQuestionMark

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::InvertedQuestionMark = u'¿'

U+00BF Inverted Question Mark.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ LatinCapitalLetterOWithStroke

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::LatinCapitalLetterOWithStroke = u'Ø'

U+00D8 Latin Capital Letter O With Stroke.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437 (as alternative)

◆ LatinSmallLetterFWithHook

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::LatinSmallLetterFWithHook = u'ƒ'

U+0192 Latin Small Letter F With Hook.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ LatinSmallLetterOWithStroke

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::LatinSmallLetterOWithStroke = u'ø'

U+00F8 Latin Small Letter O With Stroke.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437 (as alternative)

◆ LatinSmallLetterSharpS

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::LatinSmallLetterSharpS = u'ß'

U+00DF Latin Small Letter Sharp S.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ LeftHalfBlock

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::LeftHalfBlock = u'▌'

U+258C Left Half Block.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ LeftPointingDoubleAngleQuotationMark

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::LeftPointingDoubleAngleQuotationMark = u'«'

U+00AB Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ LeftRightArrow

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::LeftRightArrow = u'↔'

U+2194 Left Right Arrow.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ LeftwardsArrow

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::LeftwardsArrow = u'←'

U+2190 Leftwards Arrow.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ LessThanOrEqualTo

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::LessThanOrEqualTo = u'≤'

U+2264 Less-Than Or Equal To.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ LightShade

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::LightShade = u'░'

U+2591 Light Shade.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ LowerHalfBlock

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::LowerHalfBlock = u'▄'

U+2584 Lower Half Block.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ MaleSign

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::MaleSign = u'♂'

U+2642 Male Sign.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ MasculineOrdinalIndicator

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::MasculineOrdinalIndicator = u'º'

U+00BA Masculine Ordinal Indicator.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ MediumShade

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::MediumShade = u'▒'

U+2592 Medium Shade.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ MicroSign

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::MicroSign = u'µ'

U+00B5 Micro Sign.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ MiddleDot

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::MiddleDot = u'·'

U+00B7 Middle Dot.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ NAryProduct

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::NAryProduct = u'∏'

U+220F N-Ary Product.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437 (as alternative)

◆ NArySummation

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::NArySummation = u'∑'

U+2211 N-Ary Summation.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437 (as alternative)

◆ NoBreakSpace

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::NoBreakSpace = u'\u00A0'

U+00A0 No-Break Space.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ NotSign

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::NotSign = u'¬'

U+00AC Not Sign.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ OhmSign

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::OhmSign = u'Ω'

U+2126 Ohm Sign.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437 (as alternative)

◆ PesetaSign

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::PesetaSign = u'₧'

U+20A7 Peseta Sign.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ PilcrowSign

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::PilcrowSign = u'¶'

U+00B6 Pilcrow Sign.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ PlusMinusSign

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::PlusMinusSign = u'±'

U+00B1 Plus-Minus Sign.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ PoundSign

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::PoundSign = u'£'

U+00A3 Pound Sign.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ QuadrantLowerLeft

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::QuadrantLowerLeft = u'▖'

U+2596 Quadrant Lower Left.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::ModifiedCodePage437

◆ QuadrantLowerRight

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::QuadrantLowerRight = u'▗'

U+2597 Quadrant Lower Right.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::ModifiedCodePage437

◆ QuadrantUpperLeft

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::QuadrantUpperLeft = u'▘'

U+2598 Quadrant Upper Left.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::ModifiedCodePage437

◆ QuadrantUpperLeftAndLowerRight

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::QuadrantUpperLeftAndLowerRight = u'▚'

U+259A Quadrant Upper Left And Lower Right.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::ModifiedCodePage437

◆ QuadrantUpperRight

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::QuadrantUpperRight = u'▝'

U+259D Quadrant Upper Right.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::ModifiedCodePage437

◆ ReversedNotSign

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::ReversedNotSign = u'⌐'

U+2310 Reversed Not Sign.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ RightAngle

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::RightAngle = u'∟'

U+221F Right Angle.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ RightHalfBlock

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::RightHalfBlock = u'▐'

U+2590 Right Half Block.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ RightPointingDoubleAngleQuotationMark

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::RightPointingDoubleAngleQuotationMark = u'»'

U+00BB Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ RightwardsArrow

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::RightwardsArrow = u'→'

U+2192 Rightwards Arrow.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ SectionSign

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::SectionSign = u'§'

U+00A7 Section Sign.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ SquareRoot

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::SquareRoot = u'√'

U+221A Square Root.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ SuperscriptLatinSmallLetterN

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::SuperscriptLatinSmallLetterN = u'ⁿ'

U+207F Superscript Latin Small Letter N.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ SuperscriptTwo

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::SuperscriptTwo = u'²'

U+00B2 Superscript Two.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ TopHalfIntegral

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::TopHalfIntegral = u'⌠'

U+2320 Top Half Integral.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ UpDownArrow

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::UpDownArrow = u'↕'

U+2195 Up Down Arrow.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ UpDownArrowWithBase

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::UpDownArrowWithBase = u'↨'

U+21A8 Up Down Arrow With Base.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ UpperHalfBlock

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::UpperHalfBlock = u'▀'

U+2580 Upper Half Block.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ UpwardsArrow

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::UpwardsArrow = u'↑'

U+2191 Upwards Arrow.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ VulgarFractionOneHalf

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::VulgarFractionOneHalf = u'½'

U+00BD Vulgar Fraction One Half.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ VulgarFractionOneQuarter

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::VulgarFractionOneQuarter = u'¼'

U+00BC Vulgar Fraction One Quarter.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ WhiteCircle

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::WhiteCircle = u'○'

U+25CB White Circle.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ WhiteSmilingFace

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::WhiteSmilingFace = u'☺'

U+263A White Smiling Face.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ WhiteSunWithRays

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::WhiteSunWithRays = u'☼'

U+263C White Sun With Rays.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437

◆ YenSign

constexpr char16_t gf::ConsoleChar::YenSign = u'¥'

U+00A5 Yen Sign.

Appears in gf::ConsoleFontFormat::CodePage437