Gamedev Framework (gf) 1.2.0
A C++17 framework for 2D games
Classes | Enumerations
TMX (Tiled) Support

TMX (Tiled) support. More...


class  gf::TmxProperties
 The properties for TMX entities. More...
class  gf::TmxVisitor
 A visitor for layers in the visitor pattern. More...
struct  gf::TmxLayer
 A layer in the whole map. More...
struct  gf::TmxCell
 A cell in a tile layer. More...
struct  gf::TmxChunk
 A chunk in a tile layer (for infinite maps) More...
struct  gf::TmxTileLayer
 A layer with tiles in cells. More...
struct  gf::TmxObject
 A geometrical object. More...
struct  gf::TmxRectangle
 A rectangle object. More...
struct  gf::TmxEllipse
 An ellipse object. More...
struct  gf::TmxTileObject
 An image put in the map identified by its global id. More...
struct  gf::TmxPolyline
 A polyline object. More...
struct  gf::TmxPolygon
 A polygon object. More...
struct  gf::TmxText
 A text object. More...
struct  gf::TmxPoint
 A point object. More...
struct  gf::TmxObjectLayer
 A layer with objects. More...
struct  gf::TmxImage
 A reference to an image. More...
struct  gf::TmxImageLayer
 A layer with an image. More...
struct  gf::TmxGroupLayer
 A layer with other layers. More...
struct  gf::TmxFrame
 A frame in a tile animation. More...
struct  gf::TmxAnimation
 A tile animation. More...
struct  gf::TmxTile
 A rectangular part of a tileset. More...
struct  gf::TmxWangColor
 A wang color. More...
struct  gf::TmxWangTile
 A wang tile. More...
struct  gf::TmxWangSet
 A wang set. More...
struct  gf::TmxTileset
 A set of tiles in a single file (image or TSX file) More...
struct  gf::TmxLayers
 A TMX map. More...


enum class  gf::TmxRenderOrder {
  gf::TmxRenderOrder::RightDown ,
  gf::TmxRenderOrder::RightUp ,
  gf::TmxRenderOrder::LeftDown ,
 the render order of the tiles. More...
enum class  gf::TmxDrawOrder {
  gf::TmxDrawOrder::TopDown ,
 The draw order of the objects. More...

Detailed Description

TMX (Tiled) support.

gf supports TMX 1.5+. In particular, it does not support the old terrain element in favor of wang sets.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ TmxDrawOrder

enum class gf::TmxDrawOrder

The draw order of the objects.


Top-down order.


Index order.

◆ TmxRenderOrder

enum class gf::TmxRenderOrder

the render order of the tiles.


Right down order.


Right up order.


Left down order.


Left up order.