Gamedev Framework (gf) 1.2.0
A C++17 framework for 2D games
Public Attributes | Related Functions | List of all members
gf::RenderStates Struct Reference

Define the states used for drawing to a RenderTarget. More...

#include <gf/RenderStates.h>

Public Attributes

BlendMode mode = BlendAlpha
 The blending mode. More...
Matrix3f transform = identityTransform()
 The transform matrix. More...
const BareTexturetexture [2] = { nullptr, nullptr }
 The texture. More...
Shadershader = nullptr
 The shader. More...
float lineWidth = 0.0f
 The line width. More...

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

bool operator== (const RenderStates &lhs, const RenderStates &rhs)
 Check render states equality. More...

Detailed Description

Define the states used for drawing to a RenderTarget.

There are four global states that can be applied to the drawn objects:

High-level objects such as sprites or text force some of these states when they are drawn. For example, a sprite will set its own texture, so that you don't have to care about it when drawing the sprite.

The transform is a special case: sprites, texts and shapes (and it's a good idea to do it with your own drawable classes too) combine their transform with the one that is passed in the gf::RenderStates structure. So that you can use a "global" transform on top of each object's transform.

Most objects, especially high-level drawables, can be drawn directly without defining render states explicitly – the default set of states is ok in most cases.


When you're inside the draw() function of a drawable object (inherited from gf::Drawable), you can either pass the render states unmodified, or change some of them.

For example, a transformable object will combine the current transform with its own transform. A sprite will set its texture. Etc.

See also
gf::RenderTarget, gf::Drawable

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator==()

bool operator== ( const RenderStates lhs,
const RenderStates rhs 

Check render states equality.

Two render states are equals if their blend mode, their transform matrix, their texture and their shader are the same.

Member Data Documentation

◆ lineWidth

float gf::RenderStates::lineWidth = 0.0f

The line width.

◆ mode

BlendMode gf::RenderStates::mode = BlendAlpha

The blending mode.

◆ shader

Shader* gf::RenderStates::shader = nullptr

The shader.

◆ texture

const BareTexture* gf::RenderStates::texture[2] = { nullptr, nullptr }

The texture.

◆ transform

Matrix3f gf::RenderStates::transform = identityTransform()

The transform matrix.