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Gamedev Framework (gf) 1.2.0
A C++17 framework for 2D games
The namespace for gf classes. More...
Namespaces | |
namespace | activity |
namespace | literals |
The namespace for literals. | |
Classes | |
class | Action |
An action that can be triggered by different controls. More... | |
class | ActionContainer |
A set of actions. More... | |
class | Activity |
A game activity. More... | |
class | AdaptativeView |
Adaptative view. More... | |
struct | AllType |
Semantic type to represent "all". More... | |
class | AlphaTexture |
A texture with a single alpha channel. More... | |
class | AnimatedSprite |
An animated sprite. More... | |
class | Animation |
An animation. More... | |
class | AntiAliasingEffect |
Anti-aliasing effect. More... | |
struct | AnyType |
Semantic type to represent "any". More... | |
class | Array2D |
A two-dimensional array. More... | |
class | AssetManager |
An asset manager. More... | |
class | BareTexture |
An image that lives in the graphic memory that can be used for drawing. More... | |
class | BasicSprite |
A basic sprite. More... | |
class | BasicText |
A basic text. More... | |
class | BetterGradientNoise2D |
Better gradient 2D noise. More... | |
class | BitmapConsoleFont |
A bitmap console font. More... | |
class | BlackoutSegueEffect |
A fade to black segue effect. More... | |
struct | BlendMode |
Blending modes for drawing. More... | |
class | BlockAllocator |
An allocator of objects referenced by an index. More... | |
class | Bresenham |
State for the Bresenham's line algorithm. More... | |
class | BufferedGeometry |
A drawable for buffers. More... | |
class | BufferInputStream |
Buffer input stream. More... | |
class | BufferOutputStream |
Buffer output stream. More... | |
class | CallbackActivity |
An activity for calling a function once. More... | |
class | Cells |
The properties of cells. More... | |
class | CheckerboardSegueEffect |
A checkerboard segue effect. More... | |
class | ChoiceSpriteWidget |
A choice sprite widget. More... | |
struct | Circ |
Utility class for manipulating circles. More... | |
class | CircleSegueEffect |
A circle segue effect. More... | |
class | CircleShape |
Specialized shape representing a circle. More... | |
class | Clipboard |
An interface for getting and setting the contents of the system clipboard. More... | |
class | Clock |
Utility class that measures the elapsed time. More... | |
class | CloseControl |
A close control. More... | |
struct | CodepointRange |
A range over a sequence of codepoints in UTF-8. More... | |
class | ColorActivity |
An activity for a change of color. More... | |
struct | ColorBase |
Predefined colors and utilities. More... | |
class | ColorBlindEffect |
Simulation of color blindness. More... | |
class | ColoredConsoleFont |
A colored console font. More... | |
class | ColorEffect |
Simple color effects. More... | |
class | ColorMatrixEffect |
Generic color matrix effect. More... | |
struct | ColorRampBase |
A color ramp. More... | |
class | CompoundCurve |
A compound curve. More... | |
class | CompressedInputStream |
Compressed input stream. More... | |
class | CompressedOutputStream |
Compressed output stream. More... | |
class | Console |
A virtual console. More... | |
struct | ConsoleChar |
Named console characters. More... | |
class | ConsoleEffect |
A console effect on the background color. More... | |
class | ConsoleFont |
A console font. More... | |
struct | ConsoleFontElement |
A console font element. More... | |
struct | ConsoleFontFormat |
A console font format. More... | |
struct | ConsoleStyle |
A console style. More... | |
class | Control |
A physical control. More... | |
class | ConvexShape |
Specialized shape representing a convex polygon. More... | |
class | Coordinates |
Helper to compute coordinates in HUD. More... | |
class | CubicBezierCurve |
A cubic Bézier curve. More... | |
class | Cursor |
A mouse cursor. More... | |
class | Curve |
A curve is a one dimension object. More... | |
class | DefaultEffect |
Default effect. More... | |
class | DelayActivity |
An activity to wait for a predefined duration. More... | |
class | Deserializer |
A deserializer from a binary file. More... | |
class | Dice |
A set of dice that can be rolled. More... | |
class | Drawable |
Abstract base class for objects that can be drawn to a render window. More... | |
class | DynamicTree |
An implementation of dynamic tree. More... | |
class | Ease |
Predefined easing functions. More... | |
class | EdgeEffect |
Edge detector. More... | |
class | EdgeRef |
A reference to an edge (two points) More... | |
class | Effect |
A post-processing effect. More... | |
class | Entity |
A game entity. More... | |
class | EntityContainer |
A collection of entities. More... | |
struct | Event |
Defines a system event and its parameters. More... | |
class | ExtendView |
Extend view. More... | |
class | FadeSegueEffect |
A fade segue effect. More... | |
class | FileInputStream |
File based input stream. More... | |
class | FileOutputStream |
File based output stream. More... | |
class | FillView |
Fill view. More... | |
class | FitView |
Fit view. More... | |
class | FixedTimestepModel |
Fixed timestep model. More... | |
class | Flags |
Bitfield relying on an enumeration. More... | |
class | Font |
A character font. More... | |
class | FractalNoise2D |
Fractal 2D noise. More... | |
class | FractalNoise3D |
Fractal 3D noise. More... | |
struct | GameManager |
A game manager. More... | |
class | Gamepad |
Some gamepad related functions. More... | |
class | GamepadAxisControl |
A gamepad axis control. More... | |
struct | GamepadAxisEvent |
Gamepad axis event parameters (EventType::GamepadAxisMoved) More... | |
class | GamepadButtonControl |
A gamepad button control. More... | |
struct | GamepadButtonEvent |
Gamepad button event parameters (EventType::GamepadButtonPressed, EventType::GamepadButtonReleased) More... | |
struct | GamepadConnectionEvent |
Gamepad connection event parameters (EventType::GamepadConnected) More... | |
struct | GamepadDisconnectionEvent |
Gamepad disconnection event parameters (EventType::GamepadDisconnected) More... | |
class | GamepadTracker |
A tracker for the connection/disconnection of gamepads. More... | |
class | GamepadValues |
class | GlitchSegueEffect |
A glitch segue effect. More... | |
struct | Glyph |
A glyph. More... | |
class | GradientNoise2D |
Gradient 2D noise. More... | |
class | GradientNoise3D |
Gradient 3D noise. More... | |
class | GraphicsHandle |
A GL handle. More... | |
class | GraphicsInfo |
A class for graphics info. More... | |
struct | GraphicsTrait |
A trait to handle creation and deletion of GPU resources. More... | |
struct | GraphicsTrait< GraphicsTag::Buffer > |
Trait for buffer. More... | |
struct | GraphicsTrait< GraphicsTag::Framebuffer > |
Trait for framebuffer. More... | |
struct | GraphicsTrait< GraphicsTag::Texture > |
Trait for texture. More... | |
class | Grid |
A grid of cells. More... | |
class | Handle |
A handle to an object or an id. More... | |
class | Heightmap |
A heightmap. More... | |
class | HeteroTerrain2D |
Hetero Terrain 2D noise. More... | |
class | HexagonalCells |
Hexagonal cells. More... | |
class | HybridMultifractal2D |
Hybrid Multifractal 2D noise. More... | |
class | Image |
Class for loading, manipulating and saving images. More... | |
class | Index2D |
A two-dimensional array with no data. More... | |
class | InputStream |
Abstract class for custom file input streams. More... | |
struct | Keyboard |
Some keyboard related functions. More... | |
class | KeycodeKeyControl |
A key control based on keycode. More... | |
struct | KeyEvent |
Keyboard event parameters (EventType::KeyPressed, EventType::KeyReleased, EventType::KeyRepeated) More... | |
class | KonamiGamepadControl |
The Konami code control for gamepad. More... | |
class | KonamiKeyboardControl |
The Konami code control for keyboard. More... | |
class | Library |
A class to represent the library. More... | |
class | Line |
A line. More... | |
class | LockedView |
Locked view. More... | |
class | Log |
Logging functions. More... | |
class | Logo |
The gf logo. More... | |
struct | Matrix |
General purpose math matrix. More... | |
struct | Matrix< T, 2, 2 > |
A 2x2 matrix. More... | |
struct | Matrix< T, 3, 3 > |
A 3x3 matrix. More... | |
struct | Matrix< T, 4, 4 > |
A 4x4 matrix. More... | |
class | MemoryInputStream |
Memory based input stream. More... | |
class | MemoryOutputStream |
Memory based output stream. More... | |
struct | Message |
The base class for all messages. More... | |
class | MessageManager |
A message manager. More... | |
class | Model |
A game object that can be updated. More... | |
class | ModelContainer |
A collection of models. More... | |
class | Monitor |
A monitor. More... | |
class | MouseButtonControl |
A mouse button control. More... | |
struct | MouseButtonEvent |
Mouse button event parameters (EventType::MouseButtonPressed, EventType::MouseButtonReleased) More... | |
struct | MouseCursorEvent |
Mouse cursor move event parameters (EventType::MouseMoved) More... | |
class | MouseValues |
struct | MouseWheelEvent |
Mouse wheel event parameters (EventType::MouseWheelScrolled) More... | |
class | MoveToActivity |
An activity for a change of position. More... | |
class | Multifractal2D |
Multi Fractal 2D noise. More... | |
struct | NeighborDiamondRange |
A 2D range. More... | |
struct | NeighborSquareRange |
A 2D range. More... | |
class | NinePatch |
A nine-patch. More... | |
class | Noise2D |
2D A noise function More... | |
class | Noise3D |
3D A noise function More... | |
class | Noise3DTo2DAdapter |
An adapter that make a 2D noise from a 3D noise. More... | |
struct | NoneType |
Semantic type to represent "none". More... | |
class | OpenSimplexNoise2D |
OpenSimplex 2D noise. More... | |
class | OpenSimplexNoise3D |
OpenSimplex3D noise. More... | |
class | OrthogonalCells |
Orthogonal cells. More... | |
class | OutputStream |
Abstract class for custom file output streams. More... | |
struct | Packet |
A packet of bytes. More... | |
class | ParallelActivity |
An activity to run several activities in parallel. More... | |
struct | Paths |
Special paths. More... | |
struct | Penetration |
Data about the collision between two objects. More... | |
class | PerlinNoise2D |
Perlin 2D noise. More... | |
class | PerlinNoise3D |
Perlin 3D noise. More... | |
class | Pie |
class | PixelateSegueEffect |
A pixelate segue effect. More... | |
class | PointParticles |
A class to display a high number of points. More... | |
class | PointSequence |
A sequence of points. More... | |
class | Polygon |
A convex polygon. More... | |
class | Polyline |
A polyline. More... | |
struct | PositionRange |
A 2D range. More... | |
class | PostProcessing |
A post-processing drawable. More... | |
struct | PredefinedConsoleFontFormat |
Predefined console font formats. More... | |
class | QuadraticBezierCurve |
A quadratic Bézier curve. More... | |
class | Quadtree |
An implementation of quadtree. More... | |
class | Queue |
A simple concurrent queue. More... | |
class | RadialSegueEffect |
A radial segue effect. More... | |
class | Random |
A set of random utilities. More... | |
class | RandomBinaryTree |
A random binary space partionning tree. More... | |
class | RandomEngine |
A random engine. More... | |
struct | Range |
A half-open range of values. More... | |
struct | Rect |
Utility class for manipulating 2D axis aligned rectangles. More... | |
class | RectangleShape |
Specialized shape representing a rectangle. More... | |
class | Ref |
A reference wrapper. More... | |
struct | Region |
A region of a window. More... | |
struct | RenderAttributeInfo |
Attribute info. More... | |
class | RenderPipeline |
A render pipeline. More... | |
struct | RenderStates |
Define the states used for drawing to a RenderTarget. More... | |
class | RenderTarget |
Base class for all render targets (window, texture, ...) More... | |
class | RenderTexture |
Target for off-screen 2D rendering into a texture. More... | |
class | RenderWindow |
A window that can serve as a target for 2D drawing. More... | |
class | RepeatActivity |
An activity to run an activity several times. More... | |
struct | ResizeEvent |
Resize event parameters (EventType::Resized) More... | |
class | ResourceCache |
A generic cache for resources. More... | |
class | ResourceManager |
A resource manager. More... | |
class | RidgedMultifractal2D |
Ridged Multifractal 2D noise. More... | |
class | RotateToActivity |
An activity for a change of angle. More... | |
struct | Rotation |
A rotation. More... | |
class | RoundedRectangleShape |
Specialized shape representing a rounded rectangle. More... | |
class | RStarTree |
An implemntation of a R* tree. More... | |
struct | Rune |
A character encoded in UTF-8. More... | |
class | ScancodeKeyControl |
A key control based on scancode. More... | |
class | Scene |
A scene in the game. More... | |
class | SceneManager |
A scene manager. More... | |
class | ScreenView |
Screen view. More... | |
struct | Segment |
A segment with two points. More... | |
class | Segue |
A transition between two scenes. More... | |
class | SegueEffect |
A segue effect. More... | |
class | SequenceActivity |
An activity to run several activities sequentially. More... | |
class | Serializer |
A serializer to a binary file. More... | |
class | Shader |
An OpenGL vertex and/or fragment shader. More... | |
class | Shape |
Base class for textured shapes with outline. More... | |
class | ShapeParticles |
A class to display a high number of small simple shapes. More... | |
class | SharedGraphics |
A shared OpenGL context with the main thread. More... | |
class | SimpleSpatialIndex |
An very simple spatial index. More... | |
class | SimplexNoise2D |
Simplex 2D noise. More... | |
class | Singleton |
A singleton that wraps a pointer provided by a storage. More... | |
class | SingletonStorage |
A storage for a singleton. More... | |
class | SlideSegueEffect |
A slide segue effect. More... | |
class | Socket |
A network socket. More... | |
class | SocketAddress |
A socket address. More... | |
struct | SocketDataResult |
The result of a socket operation. More... | |
class | SocketGuard |
A guard to handle library initialization. More... | |
class | SocketSelector |
A socket selector. More... | |
class | Span |
A span. More... | |
struct | SpatialStructure |
A spatial structure. More... | |
class | SplineCurve |
A Catmull–Rom spline. More... | |
class | Sprite |
A drawable representation of a texture, with its own transformations, color, etc. More... | |
class | SpriteBatch |
A sprite batch. More... | |
class | SpriteParticles |
A class to display a high number of sprites. More... | |
class | SpriteWidget |
A widget with a set of sprites. More... | |
class | SquareMap |
A square map. More... | |
class | StaggeredCells |
Staggered cells. More... | |
class | StarShape |
Specialized shape representing a star. More... | |
class | StaticSpan |
A static span. More... | |
class | StretchView |
Stretch view. More... | |
class | SystemInfo |
A class for system info. More... | |
class | TcpListener |
A TCP listener. More... | |
class | TcpSocket |
A TCP socket. More... | |
class | Text |
Graphical text that can be drawn to a render target. More... | |
class | TextButtonWidget |
A text within a rounded rectangle widget. More... | |
struct | TextEvent |
Text event parameters (EventType::TextEntered) More... | |
class | Texture |
A texture for colored images. More... | |
class | TextureAtlas |
A collection of sub-texture. More... | |
class | TextWidget |
A simple text widget. More... | |
class | TileLayer |
A tile layer. More... | |
class | Tileset |
A tileset. More... | |
class | Time |
Represents a time value. More... | |
struct | TmxAnimation |
A tile animation. More... | |
struct | TmxCell |
A cell in a tile layer. More... | |
struct | TmxChunk |
A chunk in a tile layer (for infinite maps) More... | |
struct | TmxEllipse |
An ellipse object. More... | |
struct | TmxFrame |
A frame in a tile animation. More... | |
struct | TmxGroupLayer |
A layer with other layers. More... | |
struct | TmxImage |
A reference to an image. More... | |
struct | TmxImageLayer |
A layer with an image. More... | |
struct | TmxLayer |
A layer in the whole map. More... | |
struct | TmxLayers |
A TMX map. More... | |
struct | TmxObject |
A geometrical object. More... | |
struct | TmxObjectLayer |
A layer with objects. More... | |
struct | TmxPoint |
A point object. More... | |
struct | TmxPolygon |
A polygon object. More... | |
struct | TmxPolyline |
A polyline object. More... | |
class | TmxProperties |
The properties for TMX entities. More... | |
struct | TmxRectangle |
A rectangle object. More... | |
struct | TmxText |
A text object. More... | |
struct | TmxTile |
A rectangular part of a tileset. More... | |
struct | TmxTileLayer |
A layer with tiles in cells. More... | |
struct | TmxTileObject |
An image put in the map identified by its global id. More... | |
struct | TmxTileset |
A set of tiles in a single file (image or TSX file) More... | |
class | TmxVisitor |
A visitor for layers in the visitor pattern. More... | |
struct | TmxWangColor |
A wang color. More... | |
struct | TmxWangSet |
A wang set. More... | |
struct | TmxWangTile |
A wang tile. More... | |
struct | TouchEvent |
Touch event parameters (EventType::TouchBegan, EventType::TouchMoved, EventType::TouchEnded) More... | |
struct | Transform |
A simple transformation (rotation then translation) More... | |
class | Transformable |
Decomposed transform defined by a position, a rotation and a scale. More... | |
struct | Translation |
A translation. More... | |
class | TriangleRef |
A reference to a triangle (three points) More... | |
class | Tween |
An interpolation between two values. More... | |
class | UdpSocket |
A UDP socket. More... | |
class | ValueActivity |
An activity for a simple float value. More... | |
class | ValueNoise2D |
Value 2D noise. More... | |
struct | Vector |
General purpose math vector. More... | |
struct | Vector< T, 2 > |
A 2D vector. More... | |
struct | Vector< T, 3 > |
A 3D vector. More... | |
struct | Vector< T, 4 > |
A 4D vector. More... | |
struct | Vertex |
A point associated with a color and a texture coordinate. More... | |
class | VertexArray |
A set of primitives. More... | |
class | VertexBuffer |
Data in the graphics memory. More... | |
struct | VideoMode |
A video mode. More... | |
class | View |
2D camera that defines what region is shown on framebuffer More... | |
class | ViewContainer |
A container of views. More... | |
class | WaveletNoise3D |
Wavelet 3D noise. More... | |
class | Widget |
The widgets abstract class. More... | |
class | WidgetContainer |
A collection of widgets. More... | |
class | Window |
An OS window. More... | |
struct | WindowEvent |
Window event parameters (EventType::Closed, EventType::FocusGained, EventType::FocusLost, EventType::Shown, EventType::Hidden, EventType::Exposed, EventType::Minimized, EventType::Maximized, EventType::Restored) More... | |
class | WorleyNoise2D |
Worley 2D noise. More... | |
struct | ZeroType |
Semantic type to represent "zero". More... | |
class | ZoomBlurSegueEffect |
A zoom blur segue effect. More... | |
class | ZoomingViewAdaptor |
A view adaptor for zooming/moving with the mouse. More... | |
Typedefs | |
using | CircF = Circ< float > |
A float circle. More... | |
using | CircD = Circ< double > |
A double circle. More... | |
using | CircI = Circ< int > |
A int circle. More... | |
using | CircU = Circ< unsigned > |
A unsigned circle. More... | |
using | CircZ = Circ< std::size_t > |
A std::size_t circle. More... | |
using | ColorF = ColorBase< float > |
Instantiation of ColoBase for float More... | |
using | ColorD = ColorBase< double > |
Instantiation of ColoBase for double More... | |
using | Color = ColorF |
Instantiation of ColorBase for float More... | |
using | ColorRampF = ColorRampBase< float > |
Instantiation of ColoRampBase for float More... | |
using | ColorRampD = ColorRampBase< double > |
Instantiation of ColoRampBase for double More... | |
using | ColorRamp = ColorRampF |
Instantiation of ColoRampBase for float More... | |
using | ConsoleColorControl = char |
A type for color controls in a console. More... | |
using | Easing = float(*)(float) |
An easing function. More... | |
using | SegmentF = Segment< float > |
A segment with float vectors. More... | |
using | SegmentD = Segment< double > |
A segment with double vectors. More... | |
using | SegmentI = Segment< int > |
A segment with int vectors. More... | |
using | Id = uint64_t |
An identifier. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
using | Step = T(*)(T) |
A step is a function with special features. More... | |
using | Matrix2f = Matrix< float, 2, 2 > |
A float square matrix of size 2. More... | |
using | Matrix2d = Matrix< double, 2, 2 > |
A double square matrix of size 2. More... | |
using | Matrix3f = Matrix< float, 3, 3 > |
A float square matrix of size 3. More... | |
using | Matrix3d = Matrix< double, 3, 3 > |
A double square matrix of size 3. More... | |
using | Matrix4f = Matrix< float, 4, 4 > |
A float square matrix of size 4. More... | |
using | Matrix4d = Matrix< double, 4, 4 > |
A double square matrix of size 4. More... | |
using | MessageHandler = std::function< MessageStatus(Id, Message *)> |
A message handler. More... | |
using | MessageHandlerId = uint64_t |
An identifier for a message handler. More... | |
using | Path = std::filesystem::path |
A path in the filesystem. More... | |
using | RangeF = Range< float > |
A float range. More... | |
using | RangeI = Range< int > |
A int range. More... | |
using | RangeU = Range< unsigned > |
A unsigned range. More... | |
using | RangeZ = Range< std::size_t > |
A std::size_t range. More... | |
using | RectF = Rect< float > |
A float rectangle. More... | |
using | RectD = Rect< double > |
A double rectangle. More... | |
using | RectI = Rect< int > |
A int rectangle. More... | |
using | RectU = Rect< unsigned > |
A unsigned rectangle. More... | |
using | RectZ = Rect< std::size_t > |
A std::size_t rectangle. More... | |
using | SocketHandle = implementation-defined |
A native socket handle. More... | |
using | SpatialQueryCallback = std::function< void(Handle)> |
A callback for spatial query. More... | |
using | Vector2f = Vector< float, 2 > |
A float vector with 2 components. More... | |
using | Vector3f = Vector< float, 3 > |
A float vector with 3 components. More... | |
using | Vector4f = Vector< float, 4 > |
A float vector with 4 components. More... | |
using | Vector2d = Vector< double, 2 > |
A double vector with 2 components. More... | |
using | Vector3d = Vector< double, 3 > |
A double vector with 3 components. More... | |
using | Vector4d = Vector< double, 4 > |
A double vector with 4 components. More... | |
using | Vector2i = Vector< int, 2 > |
A int vector with 2 components. More... | |
using | Vector3i = Vector< int, 3 > |
A int vector with 3 components. More... | |
using | Vector4i = Vector< int, 4 > |
A int vector with 4 components. More... | |
using | Vector2u = Vector< unsigned, 2 > |
A unsigned vector with 2 components. More... | |
using | Vector3u = Vector< unsigned, 3 > |
A unsigned vector with 3 components. More... | |
using | Vector4u = Vector< unsigned, 4 > |
A unsigned vector with 4 components. More... | |
using | Vector2z = Vector< std::size_t, 2 > |
A std::size_t vector with 2 components. More... | |
using | Vector3z = Vector< std::size_t, 3 > |
A std::size_t vector with 3 components. More... | |
using | Vector4z = Vector< std::size_t, 4 > |
A std::size_t vector with 4 components. More... | |
using | Vector2b = Vector< bool, 2 > |
A bool vector with 2 components. More... | |
using | Vector3b = Vector< bool, 3 > |
A bool vector with 3 components. More... | |
using | Vector4b = Vector< bool, 4 > |
A bool vector with 4 components. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
using | Color3 = Vector< T, 3 > |
A color vector with 3 components. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
using | Color4 = Vector< T, 4 > |
A color vector with 4 components. More... | |
using | Color3f = Color3< float > |
A float color vector with 3 components. More... | |
using | Color4f = Color4< float > |
A float color vector with 4 components. More... | |
using | Color3d = Color3< double > |
A double color vector with 3 components. More... | |
using | Color4d = Color4< double > |
A double color vector with 4 components. More... | |
using | Color3u = Color3< uint8_t > |
A uint8_t color vector with 3 components. More... | |
using | Color4u = Color4< uint8_t > |
A uint8_t color vector with 4 components. More... | |
template<typename T , std::size_t N> | |
using | Distance = T(*)(Vector< T, N >, Vector< T, N >) |
A distance function. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
using | Distance2 = Distance< T, 2 > |
A distance function for 2D vectors. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
using | Distance3 = Distance< T, 3 > |
A distance function for 3D vectors. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum class | ActivityFinish { Any , All } |
The type of finish for the activity. More... | |
enum class | ActivityStatus { ActivityStatus::Running , ActivityStatus::Finished } |
Status of an activity. More... | |
enum class | Alignment { Alignment::None , Alignment::Left , Alignment::Right , Alignment::Center , Alignment::Justify } |
The alignement of a text. More... | |
enum class | Anchor { Anchor::TopLeft , Anchor::TopCenter , Anchor::TopRight , Anchor::CenterLeft , Anchor::Center , Anchor::CenterRight , Anchor::BottomLeft , Anchor::BottomCenter , Anchor::BottomRight } |
An anchor of a box. More... | |
enum class | BlendEquation { Add , Substract , ReverseSubstract } |
Enumeration of the blending equations. More... | |
enum class | BlendFactor { Zero , One , SrcColor , OneMinusSrcColor , DstColor , OneMinusDstColor , SrcAlpha , OneMinusSrcAlpha , DstAlpha , OneMinusDstAlpha } |
Enumeration of the blending factors. More... | |
enum class | CellNeighborQuery { CellNeighborQuery::Valid = 0x01 , CellNeighborQuery::Diagonal = 0x02 } |
Specification of the query of neighborhood. More... | |
enum class | CellIndex { CellIndex::Odd , CellIndex::Even } |
Cell index for staggered or hexagonal maps. More... | |
enum class | CellAxis { CellAxis::X , CellAxis::Y } |
Cell axis for staggered or hexagonal maps. More... | |
enum class | CellOrientation : uint8_t { CellOrientation::Unknown = 0x00 , CellOrientation::Orthogonal = 0x01 , CellOrientation::Isometric = 0x02 , CellOrientation::Staggered = 0x03 , CellOrientation::Hexagonal = 0x04 } |
The orientation of the cells. More... | |
enum class | Flip : uint8_t { Flip::Horizontally = 0x01 , Flip::Vertically = 0x02 , Flip::Diagonally = 0x04 , Flip::Rotation60 = 0x04 , Flip::Rotation120 = 0x08 } |
A flag to indicate how to flip a tile. More... | |
enum class | ConsoleAlignment { ConsoleAlignment::Left , ConsoleAlignment::Center , ConsoleAlignment::Right } |
The alignment of the text in the console. More... | |
enum class | Direction : int8_t { Direction::Center = -1 , Direction::Up = 0 , Direction::Right = 1 , Direction::Down = 2 , Direction::Left = 3 } |
Main four directions. More... | |
enum class | EventType { EventType::Quit , EventType::Resized , EventType::Closed , EventType::FocusGained , EventType::FocusLost , EventType::Shown , EventType::Hidden , EventType::Exposed , EventType::Minimized , EventType::Maximized , EventType::Restored , EventType::KeyPressed , EventType::KeyRepeated , EventType::KeyReleased , EventType::MouseWheelScrolled , EventType::MouseButtonPressed , EventType::MouseButtonReleased , EventType::MouseMoved , EventType::MouseEntered , EventType::MouseLeft , EventType::GamepadButtonPressed , EventType::GamepadButtonReleased , EventType::GamepadAxisMoved , EventType::GamepadConnected , EventType::GamepadDisconnected , EventType::TextEntered , EventType::TouchBegan , EventType::TouchMoved , EventType::TouchEnded } |
Enumeration of the different types of events. More... | |
enum class | GamepadButton { GamepadButton::Invalid , GamepadButton::A , GamepadButton::B , GamepadButton::X , GamepadButton::Y , GamepadButton::Back , GamepadButton::Guide , GamepadButton::Start , GamepadButton::LeftStick , GamepadButton::RightStick , GamepadButton::LeftBumper , GamepadButton::RightBumper , GamepadButton::DPadUp , GamepadButton::DPadDown , GamepadButton::DPadLeft , GamepadButton::DPadRight } |
The gamepad buttons. More... | |
enum class | GamepadAxis { GamepadAxis::Invalid , GamepadAxis::LeftX , GamepadAxis::LeftY , GamepadAxis::RightX , GamepadAxis::RightY , GamepadAxis::TriggerLeft , GamepadAxis::TriggerRight } |
The gamepad axis. More... | |
enum class | GamepadAxisDirection { GamepadAxisDirection::Positive , GamepadAxisDirection::Negative } |
A gamepad axis direction. More... | |
enum class | GamepadHwId : int |
A gamepad hardware identifier. More... | |
enum class | GamepadId : int32_t |
A gamepad identifier. More... | |
enum class | GraphicsTag { GraphicsTag::Buffer , GraphicsTag::Framebuffer , GraphicsTag::Texture } |
A tag to represent various GPU resources. More... | |
enum | PixelFormat { Rgba32 , Rgb24 } |
Pixel format. More... | |
enum class | Mod : unsigned { Mod::Shift = 0x0001 , Mod::Control = 0x0002 , Mod::Alt = 0x0004 , Mod::Super = 0x0008 } |
Modifier enumeration. More... | |
enum class | Scancode : int { Scancode::Unknown = 0 , Scancode::A = 4 , Scancode::B = 5 , Scancode::C = 6 , Scancode::D = 7 , Scancode::E = 8 , Scancode::F = 9 , Scancode::G = 10 , Scancode::H = 11 , Scancode::I = 12 , Scancode::J = 13 , Scancode::K = 14 , Scancode::L = 15 , Scancode::M = 16 , Scancode::N = 17 , Scancode::O = 18 , Scancode::P = 19 , Scancode::Q = 20 , Scancode::R = 21 , Scancode::S = 22 , Scancode::T = 23 , Scancode::U = 24 , Scancode::V = 25 , Scancode::W = 26 , Scancode::X = 27 , Scancode::Y = 28 , Scancode::Z = 29 , Scancode::Num1 = 30 , Scancode::Num2 = 31 , Scancode::Num3 = 32 , Scancode::Num4 = 33 , Scancode::Num5 = 34 , Scancode::Num6 = 35 , Scancode::Num7 = 36 , Scancode::Num8 = 37 , Scancode::Num9 = 38 , Scancode::Num0 = 39 , Scancode::Return = 40 , Scancode::Escape = 41 , Scancode::Backspace = 42 , Scancode::Tab = 43 , Scancode::Space = 44 , Scancode::Minus = 45 , Scancode::Equals = 46 , Scancode::LeftBracket = 47 , Scancode::RightBracket = 48 , Scancode::Backslash = 49 , Scancode::NonUsHash = 50 , Scancode::Semicolon = 51 , Scancode::Apostrophe = 52 , Scancode::Grave = 53 , Scancode::Comma = 54 , Scancode::Period = 55 , Scancode::Slash = 56 , Scancode::CapsLock = 57 , Scancode::F1 = 58 , Scancode::F2 = 59 , Scancode::F3 = 60 , Scancode::F4 = 61 , Scancode::F5 = 62 , Scancode::F6 = 63 , Scancode::F7 = 64 , Scancode::F8 = 65 , Scancode::F9 = 66 , Scancode::F10 = 67 , Scancode::F11 = 68 , Scancode::F12 = 69 , Scancode::PrintScreen = 70 , Scancode::ScrollLock = 71 , Scancode::Pause = 72 , Scancode::Insert = 73 , Scancode::Home = 74 , Scancode::PageUp = 75 , Scancode::Delete = 76 , Scancode::End = 77 , Scancode::PageDown = 78 , Scancode::Right = 79 , Scancode::Left = 80 , Scancode::Down = 81 , Scancode::Up = 82 , Scancode::NumLockClear = 83 , Scancode::NumpadDivide = 84 , Scancode::NumpadMultiply = 85 , Scancode::NumpadMinus = 86 , Scancode::NumpadPlus = 87 , Scancode::NumpadEnter = 88 , Scancode::Numpad1 = 89 , Scancode::Numpad2 = 90 , Scancode::Numpad3 = 91 , Scancode::Numpad4 = 92 , Scancode::Numpad5 = 93 , Scancode::Numpad6 = 94 , Scancode::Numpad7 = 95 , Scancode::Numpad8 = 96 , Scancode::Numpad9 = 97 , Scancode::Numpad0 = 98 , Scancode::NumpadPeriod = 99 , Scancode::NonUsBackslash = 100 , Scancode::Application = 101 , Scancode::Power = 102 , Scancode::NumpadEquals = 103 , Scancode::F13 = 104 , Scancode::F14 = 105 , Scancode::F15 = 106 , Scancode::F16 = 107 , Scancode::F17 = 108 , Scancode::F18 = 109 , Scancode::F19 = 110 , Scancode::F20 = 111 , Scancode::F21 = 112 , Scancode::F22 = 113 , Scancode::F23 = 114 , Scancode::F24 = 115 , Scancode::Execute = 116 , Scancode::Help = 117 , Scancode::Menu = 118 , Scancode::Select = 119 , Scancode::Stop = 120 , Scancode::Again = 121 , Scancode::Undo = 122 , Scancode::Cut = 123 , Scancode::Copy = 124 , Scancode::Paste = 125 , Scancode::Find = 126 , Scancode::Mute = 127 , Scancode::VolumeUp = 128 , Scancode::VolumeDown = 129 , Scancode::NumpadComma = 133 , Scancode::NumpadEqualsAs400 = 134 , Scancode::International1 = 135 , Scancode::International2 = 136 , Scancode::International3 = 137 , Scancode::International4 = 138 , Scancode::International5 = 139 , Scancode::International6 = 140 , Scancode::International7 = 141 , Scancode::International8 = 142 , Scancode::International9 = 143 , Scancode::Lang1 = 144 , Scancode::Lang2 = 145 , Scancode::Lang3 = 146 , Scancode::Lang4 = 147 , Scancode::Lang5 = 148 , Scancode::Lang6 = 149 , Scancode::Lang7 = 150 , Scancode::Lang8 = 151 , Scancode::Lang9 = 152 , Scancode::AltErase = 153 , Scancode::SysReq = 154 , Scancode::Cancel = 155 , Scancode::Clear = 156 , Scancode::Prior = 157 , Scancode::Return2 = 158 , Scancode::Separator = 159 , Scancode::Out = 160 , Scancode::Oper = 161 , Scancode::ClearAgain = 162 , Scancode::CrSel = 163 , Scancode::ExSel = 164 , Scancode::Numpad00 = 176 , Scancode::Numpad000 = 177 , Scancode::ThousandsSeparator = 178 , Scancode::DecimalSeparator = 179 , Scancode::CurrencyUnit = 180 , Scancode::CurrencySubUnit = 181 , Scancode::NumpadLeftParen = 182 , Scancode::NumpadRightParen = 183 , Scancode::NumpadLeftBrace = 184 , Scancode::NumpadRightBrace = 185 , Scancode::NumpadTab = 186 , Scancode::NumpadBackspace = 187 , Scancode::NumpadA = 188 , Scancode::NumpadB = 189 , Scancode::NumpadC = 190 , Scancode::NumpadD = 191 , Scancode::NumpadE = 192 , Scancode::NumpadF = 193 , Scancode::NumpadXor = 194 , Scancode::NumpadPower = 195 , Scancode::NumpadPercent = 196 , Scancode::NumpadLess = 197 , Scancode::NumpadGreater = 198 , Scancode::NumpadAmpersand = 199 , Scancode::NumpadDblAmpersand = 200 , Scancode::NumpadVerticalBar = 201 , Scancode::NumpadDblVerticalBar = 202 , Scancode::NumpadColon = 203 , Scancode::NumpadHash = 204 , Scancode::NumpadSpace = 205 , Scancode::NumpadAt = 206 , Scancode::NumpadExclam = 207 , Scancode::NumpadMemStore = 208 , Scancode::NumpadMemRecall = 209 , Scancode::NumpadMemClear = 210 , Scancode::NumpadMemAdd = 211 , Scancode::NumpadMemSubtract = 212 , Scancode::NumpadMemMultiply = 213 , Scancode::NumpadMemDivide = 214 , Scancode::NumpadPlusMinus = 215 , Scancode::NumpadClear = 216 , Scancode::NumpadClearEntry = 217 , Scancode::NumpadBinary = 218 , Scancode::NumpadOctal = 219 , Scancode::NumpadDecimal = 220 , Scancode::NumpadHexadecimal = 221 , Scancode::LeftCtrl = 224 , Scancode::LeftShift = 225 , Scancode::LeftAlt = 226 , Scancode::LeftGui = 227 , Scancode::RightCtrl = 228 , Scancode::RightShift = 229 , Scancode::RightAlt = 230 , Scancode::RightGui = 231 , Scancode::Mode = 257 } |
Scancodes. More... | |
enum class | Keycode : int { Keycode::Unknown = 0 , Keycode::Return = '\r' , Keycode::Escape = '\033' , Keycode::Backspace = '\b' , Keycode::Tab = '\t' , Keycode::Space = ' ' , Keycode::Exclaim = '!' , Keycode::QuoteDbl = '"' , Keycode::Hash = '#' , Keycode::Percent = '' , Keycode::Dollar = '$' , Keycode::Ampersand = '&' , Keycode::Quote = '\'' , Keycode::LeftParen = '(' , Keycode::RightParen = ')' , Keycode::Asterisk = '*' , Keycode::Plus = '+' , Keycode::Comma = ',' , Keycode::Minus = '-' , Keycode::Period = '.' , Keycode::Slash = '/' , Keycode::Num0 = '0' , Keycode::Num1 = '1' , Keycode::Num2 = '2' , Keycode::Num3 = '3' , Keycode::Num4 = '4' , Keycode::Num5 = '5' , Keycode::Num6 = '6' , Keycode::Num7 = '7' , Keycode::Num8 = '8' , Keycode::Num9 = '9' , Keycode::Colon = ':' , Keycode::SemiColon = ';' , Keycode::Less = '<' , Keycode::Equals = '=' , Keycode::Greater = '>' , Keycode::Question = '?' , Keycode::At = '@' , Keycode::LeftBracket = '[' , Keycode::Backslash = '\\' , Keycode::RightBracket = ']' , Keycode::Caret = '^' , Keycode::Underscore = '_' , Keycode::Backquote = '`' , Keycode::A = 'a' , Keycode::B = 'b' , Keycode::C = 'c' , Keycode::D = 'd' , Keycode::E = 'e' , Keycode::F = 'f' , Keycode::G = 'g' , Keycode::H = 'h' , Keycode::I = 'i' , Keycode::J = 'j' , Keycode::K = 'k' , Keycode::L = 'l' , Keycode::M = 'm' , Keycode::N = 'n' , Keycode::O = 'o' , Keycode::P = 'p' , Keycode::Q = 'q' , Keycode::R = 'r' , Keycode::S = 's' , Keycode::T = 't' , Keycode::U = 'u' , Keycode::V = 'v' , Keycode::W = 'w' , Keycode::X = 'x' , Keycode::Y = 'y' , Keycode::Z = 'z' , Keycode::CapsLock = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::CapsLock) , Keycode::F1 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F1) , Keycode::F2 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F2) , Keycode::F3 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F3) , Keycode::F4 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F4) , Keycode::F5 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F5) , Keycode::F6 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F6) , Keycode::F7 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F7) , Keycode::F8 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F8) , Keycode::F9 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F9) , Keycode::F10 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F10) , Keycode::F11 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F11) , Keycode::F12 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F12) , Keycode::PrintScreen = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::PrintScreen) , Keycode::ScrollLock = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::ScrollLock) , Keycode::Pause = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Pause) , Keycode::Insert = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Insert) , Keycode::Home = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Home) , Keycode::PageUp = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::PageUp) , Keycode::Delete = '\177' , Keycode::End = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::End) , Keycode::PageDown = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::PageDown) , Keycode::Right = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Right) , Keycode::Left = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Left) , Keycode::Down = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Down) , Keycode::Up = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Up) , Keycode::NumLockClear = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumLockClear) , Keycode::NumpadDivide = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadDivide) , Keycode::NumpadMultiply = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadMultiply) , Keycode::NumpadMinus = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadMinus) , Keycode::NumpadPlus = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadPlus) , Keycode::NumpadEnter = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadEnter) , Keycode::Numpad1 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Numpad1) , Keycode::Numpad2 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Numpad2) , Keycode::Numpad3 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Numpad3) , Keycode::Numpad4 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Numpad4) , Keycode::Numpad5 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Numpad5) , Keycode::Numpad6 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Numpad6) , Keycode::Numpad7 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Numpad7) , Keycode::Numpad8 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Numpad8) , Keycode::Numpad9 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Numpad9) , Keycode::Numpad0 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Numpad0) , Keycode::NumpadPeriod = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadPeriod) , Keycode::Application = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Application) , Keycode::Power = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Power) , Keycode::NumpadEquals = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadEquals) , Keycode::F13 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F13) , Keycode::F14 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F14) , Keycode::F15 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F15) , Keycode::F16 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F16) , Keycode::F17 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F17) , Keycode::F18 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F18) , Keycode::F19 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F19) , Keycode::F20 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F20) , Keycode::F21 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F21) , Keycode::F22 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F22) , Keycode::F23 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F23) , Keycode::F24 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::F24) , Keycode::Execute = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Execute) , Keycode::Help = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Help) , Keycode::Menu = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Menu) , Keycode::Select = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Select) , Keycode::Stop = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Stop) , Keycode::Again = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Again) , Keycode::Undo = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Undo) , Keycode::Cut = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Cut) , Keycode::Copy = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Copy) , Keycode::Paste = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Paste) , Keycode::Find = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Find) , Keycode::Mute = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Mute) , Keycode::VolumeUp = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::VolumeUp) , Keycode::VolumeDown = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::VolumeDown) , Keycode::NumpadComma = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadComma) , Keycode::NumpadEqualsAs400 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadEqualsAs400) , Keycode::AltErase = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::AltErase) , Keycode::SysReq = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::SysReq) , Keycode::Cancel = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Cancel) , Keycode::Clear = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Clear) , Keycode::Prior = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Prior) , Keycode::Return2 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Return2) , Keycode::Separator = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Separator) , Keycode::Out = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Out) , Keycode::Oper = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Oper) , Keycode::ClearAgain = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::ClearAgain) , Keycode::CrSel = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::CrSel) , Keycode::ExSel = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::ExSel) , Keycode::Numpad00 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Numpad00) , Keycode::Numpad000 = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Numpad000) , Keycode::ThousandsSeparator = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::ThousandsSeparator) , Keycode::DecimalSeparator = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::DecimalSeparator) , Keycode::CurrencyUnit = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::CurrencyUnit) , Keycode::CurrencySubUnit = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::CurrencySubUnit) , Keycode::NumpadLeftParen = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadLeftParen) , Keycode::NumpadRightParen = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadRightParen) , Keycode::NumpadLeftBrace = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadLeftBrace) , Keycode::NumpadRightBrace = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadRightBrace) , Keycode::NumpadTab = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadTab) , Keycode::NumpadBackspace = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadBackspace) , Keycode::NumpadA = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadA) , Keycode::NumpadB = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadB) , Keycode::NumpadC = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadC) , Keycode::NumpadD = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadD) , Keycode::NumpadE = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadE) , Keycode::NumpadF = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadF) , Keycode::NumpadXor = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadXor) , Keycode::NumpadPower = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadPower) , Keycode::NumpadPercent = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadPercent) , Keycode::NumpadLess = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadLess) , Keycode::NumpadGreater = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadGreater) , Keycode::NumpadAmpersand = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadAmpersand) , Keycode::NumpadDblAmpersand = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadDblAmpersand) , Keycode::NumpadVerticalBar = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadVerticalBar) , Keycode::NumpadDblVerticalBar = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadDblVerticalBar) , Keycode::NumpadColon = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadColon) , Keycode::NumpadHash = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadHash) , Keycode::NumpadSpace = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadSpace) , Keycode::NumpadAt = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadAt) , Keycode::NumpadExclam = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadExclam) , Keycode::NumpadMemStore = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadMemStore) , Keycode::NumpadMemRecall = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadMemRecall) , Keycode::NumpadMemClear = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadMemClear) , Keycode::NumpadMemAdd = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadMemAdd) , Keycode::NumpadMemSubtract = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadMemSubtract) , Keycode::NumpadMemMultiply = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadMemMultiply) , Keycode::NumpadMemDivide = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadMemDivide) , Keycode::NumpadPlusMinus = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadPlusMinus) , Keycode::NumpadClear = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadClear) , Keycode::NumpadClearEntry = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadClearEntry) , Keycode::NumpadBinary = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadBinary) , Keycode::NumpadOctal = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadOctal) , Keycode::NumpadDecimal = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadDecimal) , Keycode::NumpadHexadecimal = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::NumpadHexadecimal) , Keycode::LeftCtrl = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::LeftCtrl) , Keycode::LeftShift = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::LeftShift) , Keycode::LeftAlt = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::LeftAlt) , Keycode::LeftGui = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::LeftGui) , Keycode::RightCtrl = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::RightCtrl) , Keycode::RightShift = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::RightShift) , Keycode::RightAlt = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::RightAlt) , Keycode::RightGui = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::RightGui) , Keycode::Mode = getKeycodeFromScancode(Scancode::Mode) } |
Keycodes. More... | |
enum class | CellProperty : uint8_t { CellProperty::Transparent = 0x01 , CellProperty::Walkable = 0x02 , CellProperty::Visible = 0x10 , CellProperty::Explored = 0x20 } |
A property of a cell. More... | |
enum class | FieldOfVision { FieldOfVision::Basic } |
Algorithm for computing a field of vision. More... | |
enum class | FieldOfVisionLimit { FieldOfVisionLimit::Included , FieldOfVisionLimit::Excluded } |
Constant to indicate if the limit is part of the field of vision. More... | |
enum class | Route { Route::AStar , Route::Dijkstra } |
Algorithm for computing a route. More... | |
enum class | MessageStatus { MessageStatus::Keep , MessageStatus::Die } |
A message status. More... | |
enum class | MouseButton { MouseButton::Left , MouseButton::Middle , MouseButton::Right , MouseButton::XButton1 , MouseButton::XButton2 , MouseButton::Other } |
Mouse buttons. More... | |
enum class | AngularMove : uint8_t { AngularMove::None , AngularMove::Left , AngularMove::Right } |
An angular move. More... | |
enum class | LinearMove : uint8_t { LinearMove::None , LinearMove::Forward , LinearMove::Backward } |
A linear move. More... | |
enum class | OpenSimplexType { Super , Fast } |
enum class | OpenSimplex2DVariant { Classic , XBeforeY } |
enum class | OpenSimplex3DVariant { Classic , XYBeforeZ , XZBeforeY } |
enum class | Orientation : int8_t { Orientation::Center = -1 , Orientation::North = 0 , Orientation::NorthEast = 1 , Orientation::East = 2 , Orientation::SouthEast = 3 , Orientation::South = 4 , Orientation::SouthWest = 5 , Orientation::West = 6 , Orientation::NorthWest = 7 } |
Cardinal and ordinal orientation. More... | |
enum class | PrimitiveType { PrimitiveType::Points , PrimitiveType::LineStrip , PrimitiveType::LineLoop , PrimitiveType::Lines , PrimitiveType::TriangleStrip , PrimitiveType::TriangleFan , PrimitiveType::Triangles } |
Kind of primitives to render. More... | |
enum | Quarter { UpperLeft , UpperRight , LowerRight , LowerLeft } |
A quarter in a square. More... | |
enum class | RenderAttributeType { RenderAttributeType::Byte = 0x1400 , RenderAttributeType::UByte = 0x1401 , RenderAttributeType::Short = 0x1402 , RenderAttributeType::UShort = 0x1403 , RenderAttributeType::Float = 0x1406 } |
The type of an attribute. More... | |
enum class | SocketFamily : int { SocketFamily::Unspec = AF_UNSPEC , SocketFamily::IPv4 = AF_INET , SocketFamily::IPv6 = AF_INET6 } |
A socket family. More... | |
enum class | SocketAddressFormat { SocketAddressFormat::Unrestricted , SocketAddressFormat::Numeric } |
A socket address format. More... | |
enum class | SocketStatus { SocketStatus::Data , SocketStatus::Block , SocketStatus::Close , SocketStatus::Error } |
The status of a socket operation. More... | |
enum class | SocketSelectorStatus { SocketSelectorStatus::Event , SocketSelectorStatus::Timeout , SocketSelectorStatus::Error } |
The status of the selector. More... | |
enum | SpatialId : std::size_t |
A spatial id. More... | |
enum class | SpatialStructureType { SpatialStructureType::Object , SpatialStructureType::Node } |
A type of spatial structure. More... | |
enum class | SpatialQuery { SpatialQuery::Contain , SpatialQuery::Intersect } |
A kind of spatial query. More... | |
enum class | TmxRenderOrder { TmxRenderOrder::RightDown , TmxRenderOrder::RightUp , TmxRenderOrder::LeftDown , TmxRenderOrder::LeftUp } |
the render order of the tiles. More... | |
enum class | TmxDrawOrder { TmxDrawOrder::TopDown , TmxDrawOrder::Index } |
The draw order of the objects. More... | |
enum class | WidgetState { WidgetState::Disabled , WidgetState::Default , WidgetState::Selected } |
State of a widget. More... | |
enum class | Winding { Winding::None , Winding::Clockwise , Winding::Counterclockwise } |
The direction of a polygon's rotation. More... | |
enum class | WindowHints : uint32_t { WindowHints::Resizable = 0x0001 , WindowHints::Visible = 0x0002 , WindowHints::Decorated = 0x0004 } |
Hints for window creation. More... | |
enum class | EventFilter { EventFilter::TouchAsMouse = 0x0001 , EventFilter::AnyWindow = 0x0002 } |
Filter for events. More... | |
Functions | |
GF_CORE_API Vector2f | unit (Direction direction) |
Get a unit vector from a direction. More... | |
GF_CORE_API Vector2i | displacement (Direction direction) |
Get a vector from a direction. More... | |
GF_CORE_API float | angle (Direction direction) |
Get an angle from a direction. More... | |
GF_CORE_API Direction | opposite (Direction direction) |
Get the opposite direction. More... | |
GF_CORE_API Direction | orthogonalCW (Direction direction) |
Get the orthogonal direction clockwise. More... | |
GF_CORE_API Direction | orthogonalCCW (Direction direction) |
Get the orthogonal direction counter-clockwise. More... | |
GF_CORE_API Direction | nextCW (Direction direction) |
Get the next direction clockwise. More... | |
GF_CORE_API Direction | nextCCW (Direction direction) |
Get the next direction counter-clockwise. More... | |
GF_CORE_API std::vector< Vector2i > | generateLine (Vector2i p0, Vector2i p1) |
Generate a line between two positions. More... | |
GF_CORE_API std::vector< Vector2f > | midpointDisplacement1D (Vector2f p0, Vector2f p1, Random &random, unsigned iterations, Vector2f direction, float initialFactor=1.0f, float reductionFactor=0.5f) |
1D midpoint displacement More... | |
GF_CORE_API std::vector< Vector2f > | midpointDisplacement1D (Vector2f p0, Vector2f p1, Random &random, unsigned iterations, float initialFactor=1.0f, float reductionFactor=0.5f) |
1D midpoint displacement More... | |
GF_CORE_API Heightmap | midpointDisplacement2D (Vector2i size, Random &random, Span< const double > initialValues=nullptr) |
2D midpoint displacement More... | |
GF_CORE_API Heightmap | diamondSquare2D (Vector2i size, Random &random, Span< const double > initialValues=nullptr) |
2D diamond square More... | |
GF_CORE_API Polygon | convexHull (Span< const Vector2f > points) |
Compute the convex hull of a set of points. More... | |
GF_CORE_API std::vector< Vector2f > | simplifyPoints (Span< const Vector2f > points, float distance=Epsilon) |
Simplify a sequence of points. More... | |
GF_CORE_API std::vector< Polyline > | buildLines (Span< const SegmentI > segments) |
Build a set of lines from a set of segments. More... | |
constexpr Id | hash (const char *str, std::size_t sz) |
Get an identifier from a string. More... | |
constexpr Id | hash (std::string_view str) |
Get an idenfitier from a string. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr T | pi () |
Templated value of \( \pi \). More... | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr bool | almostEquals (T a, T b, T epsilon=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon()) |
Compare two floats. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr T | degreesToRadians (T degrees) |
Convert degrees to radians. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr T | radiansToDegrees (T radians) |
Convert radians to degrees. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr T | linearStep (T t) |
Linear step. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr T | cubicStep (T t) |
Cubic step (smoothstep) More... | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr T | quinticStep (T t) |
Quintic step (smootherstep) More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | cosineStep (T t) |
Cosine step. More... | |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
constexpr T | lerp (T lhs, T rhs, U t) |
Linear interpolation function. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr T | clamp (T val, T lo, T hi) |
Clamping function. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr T | square (T val) |
Square function. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr T | cube (T val) |
Cube function. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr int | sign (T val) |
Sign function. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr T | absdiff (T lhs, T rhs) |
Absolute difference of two values. More... | |
GF_CORE_API float | angularFactor (AngularMove move) |
Get the angular factor from the angular move. More... | |
GF_CORE_API float | linearFactor (LinearMove move) |
Get the linear factor from the linear move. More... | |
GF_CORE_API Vector2f | unit (Orientation orientation) |
Get a unit vector from an orientation. More... | |
GF_CORE_API Vector2i | displacement (Orientation orientation) |
Get a vector from an orientation. More... | |
GF_CORE_API float | angle (Orientation orientation) |
Get an angle from a orientation. More... | |
GF_CORE_API Orientation | orientation (float angle) |
Get an orientation from an angle. More... | |
GF_CORE_API Orientation | opposite (Orientation orientation) |
Get the opposite orientation. More... | |
GF_CORE_API Orientation | orthogonalCW (Orientation orientation) |
Get the orthogonal orientation clockwise. More... | |
GF_CORE_API Orientation | orthogonalCCW (Orientation orientation) |
Get the orthogonal orientation counter-clockwise. More... | |
GF_CORE_API Orientation | nextCW (Orientation orientation) |
Get the next orientation clockwise. More... | |
GF_CORE_API Orientation | nextCCW (Orientation orientation) |
Get the next orientation counter-clockwise. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr Rect< T > | computeBoxQuarter (const Rect< T > &other, Quarter quarter) |
Divide a rectangle in quarters. More... | |
GF_CORE_API void | sleep (Time duration) |
Make the current thread sleep for a given duration. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr Span< T > | span (T *data, std::size_t size) |
template<typename T , std::size_t N> | |
constexpr StaticSpan< T, N > | span (T(&data)[N]) |
GF_CORE_API std::string | niceNum (float num, float precision) |
Create a string representation of a floating point number. More... | |
GF_CORE_API std::string | formatString (const char *fmt,...) |
Format a string like printf. More... | |
GF_CORE_API std::string | formatString (const char *fmt, va_list ap) |
Format a string like vprintf. More... | |
GF_CORE_API std::string | escapeString (std::string_view str) |
Escape a string. More... | |
GF_CORE_API std::vector< std::string_view > | splitInParagraphs (std::string_view str) |
Split a string in multiples paragraphs. More... | |
GF_CORE_API std::vector< std::string_view > | splitInWords (std::string_view str) |
Split a string in multiples words. More... | |
GF_GRAPHICS_API TileLayer | makeTileLayer (const TmxLayers &map, const TmxTileLayer &layer, ResourceManager &resources) |
Create a tile layer object from a TMX tile layer. More... | |
constexpr Vector2f | transform (const Matrix3f &mat, Vector2f point) |
Apply an affine transformation to a 2D point. More... | |
GF_CORE_API RectF | transform (const Matrix3f &mat, const RectF &rect) |
Apply an affine transformaton to a rectangle. More... | |
constexpr Matrix3f | identityTransform () |
Identity transform. More... | |
Matrix3f | translation (Vector2f offset) |
Get a translation matrix. More... | |
GF_CORE_API void | translate (Matrix3f &mat, Vector2f offset) |
Combine the current transform with a translation. More... | |
Matrix3f | rotation (float angle) |
Get a rotation matrix. More... | |
Matrix3f | rotation (float angle, Vector2f center) |
Get a rotation matrix. More... | |
GF_CORE_API void | rotate (Matrix3f &mat, float angle) |
Combine the current transform with a rotation. More... | |
GF_CORE_API void | rotate (Matrix3f &mat, float angle, Vector2f center) |
Combine the current transform with a rotation. More... | |
Matrix3f | scaling (Vector2f factor) |
Get a scaling matrix. More... | |
Matrix3f | scaling (Vector2f factor, Vector2f center) |
Get a scaling matrix. More... | |
GF_CORE_API void | scale (Matrix3f &mat, Vector2f factor) |
Combine the current transform with a scaling. More... | |
GF_CORE_API void | scale (Matrix3f &mat, Vector2f factor, Vector2f center) |
Combine the current transform with a scaling. More... | |
GF_CORE_API std::vector< TriangleRef< const Vector2f > > | triangulation (Span< const Vector2f > points) |
Compute a Delaunay triangulation of a set of points. More... | |
Variables | |
template class GF_CORE_API | Index2D< unsigned > |
template class GF_CORE_API | Index2D< int > |
constexpr BlendMode | BlendAlpha |
Alpha blend mode. More... | |
constexpr BlendMode | BlendAdd |
Additive blend mode. More... | |
constexpr BlendMode | BlendMultiply |
Multiplicative blend mode. More... | |
constexpr BlendMode | BlendNone |
No blend mode. More... | |
constexpr std::size_t | NullIndex = static_cast<std::size_t>(-1) |
A null index in a block allocator. More... | |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Circ< float > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Circ< double > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Circ< int > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Circ< unsigned > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | ColorRampBase< float > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | ColorRampBase< double > |
constexpr ConsoleColorControl | ConsoleColorControl1 = '\x01' |
The constant for color control #1. More... | |
constexpr ConsoleColorControl | ConsoleColorControl2 = '\x02' |
The constant for color control #2. More... | |
constexpr ConsoleColorControl | ConsoleColorControl3 = '\x03' |
The constant for color control #3. More... | |
constexpr ConsoleColorControl | ConsoleColorControl4 = '\x04' |
The constant for color control #4. More... | |
constexpr ConsoleColorControl | ConsoleColorControl5 = '\x05' |
The constant for color control #5. More... | |
constexpr ConsoleColorControl | ConsoleColorControlStop = '\x06' |
The constant for color control stop. More... | |
constexpr GamepadId | AnyGamepad = static_cast<GamepadId>(INT32_C(-1)) |
A special identifier for all gamepads. More... | |
constexpr Id | InvalidId = 0 |
The invalid id (which is 0) More... | |
constexpr Flags< CellProperty > | EmptyCell = combineFlags(CellProperty::Transparent, CellProperty::Walkable) |
An empty cell. More... | |
constexpr float | Pi = pi<float>() |
The \( \pi \) constant. More... | |
constexpr float | Pi2 = Pi / 2 |
The \( \frac{\pi}{2} \) constant. More... | |
constexpr float | Pi3 = Pi / 3 |
The \( \frac{\pi}{3} \) constant. More... | |
constexpr float | Pi4 = Pi / 4 |
The \( \frac{\pi}{4} \) constant. More... | |
constexpr float | Pi6 = Pi / 6 |
The \( \frac{\pi}{6} \) constant. More... | |
constexpr float | Sqrt2 = 1.41421356237309504880f |
The \( \sqrt{2} \) constant. More... | |
constexpr float | InvSqrt2 = 1 / Sqrt2 |
The \( \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \) constant. More... | |
constexpr float | Sqrt3 = 1.7320508075688772935f |
The \( \sqrt{3} \) constant. More... | |
constexpr float | Epsilon = std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon() |
Machine epsilon. More... | |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Matrix< float, 2, 2 > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Matrix< float, 3, 3 > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Matrix< float, 4, 4 > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Matrix< double, 2, 2 > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Matrix< double, 3, 3 > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Matrix< double, 4, 4 > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Range< float > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Range< int > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Range< unsigned > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Rect< float > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Rect< double > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Rect< int > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Rect< unsigned > |
constexpr SocketHandle | InvalidSocketHandle = implemetation-defined |
An invalid socket handle. More... | |
constexpr NoneType | None = { } |
Constant to represent "none". More... | |
constexpr AllType | All = { } |
Constant to represent "all". More... | |
constexpr AnyType | Any = { } |
Constant to represent "any". More... | |
constexpr ZeroType | Zero = { } |
Constant to represent "zero". More... | |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Vector< float, 2 > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Vector< float, 3 > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Vector< float, 4 > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Vector< double, 2 > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Vector< double, 3 > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Vector< double, 4 > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Vector< int, 2 > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Vector< int, 3 > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Vector< int, 4 > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Vector< unsigned, 2 > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Vector< unsigned, 3 > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Vector< unsigned, 4 > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Vector< bool, 2 > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Vector< bool, 3 > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Vector< bool, 4 > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Vector< uint8_t, 3 > |
template struct GF_CORE_API | Vector< uint8_t, 4 > |
The namespace for gf classes.
strong |
strong |
Enumeration of the blending equations.
The equations are mapped directly to their OpenGL equivalents, specified by glBlendEquation() or glBlendEquationSeparate().
Enumerator | |
Add | Pixel = Src * SrcFactor + Dst * DstFactor. |
Substract | Pixel = Src * SrcFactor - Dst * DstFactor. |
ReverseSubstract | Pixel = Dst * DstFactor - Src * SrcFactor. |
strong |
Enumeration of the blending factors.
The factors are mapped directly to their OpenGL equivalents, specified by glBlendFunc() or glBlendFuncSeparate().
strong |
strong |
strong |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
constexpr |
Alpha blend mode.
Blend source and dest according to dest alpha. Also known as alpha blending.
constexpr |
constexpr |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |
extern |