201 using Value = std::variant<bool, int, double, std::string, Color4u, Path, Id, TmxProperties>;
202 std::map<std::string, Value> m_props;
484 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TmxObject>>
523 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TmxLayer>>
585 static constexpr std::size_t Top = 0;
587 static constexpr std::size_t
Right = 2;
589 static constexpr std::size_t Bottom = 4;
591 static constexpr std::size_t
Left = 6;
684 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TmxLayer>>
Represents a time value.
Definition: Time.h:65
The properties for TMX entities.
Definition: Tmx.h:62
bool getBoolProperty(const std::string &name, bool def) const
Get a boolean property.
double getFloatProperty(const std::string &name, double def) const
Get a float property.
void addColorProperty(std::string name, Color4u value)
Add a color property.
TmxProperties getClassProperty(const std::string &name, const TmxProperties &def) const
Get a class property.
Color4u getColorProperty(const std::string &name, const Color4u &def) const
Get a color property.
Id getObjectProperty(const std::string &name, Id def) const
Get an object property.
void addStringProperty(std::string name, std::string value)
Add a string property.
std::string getStringProperty(const std::string &name, const std::string &def) const
Get a string property.
Path getFileProperty(const std::string &name, const Path &def) const
Get a file property.
void addFloatProperty(std::string name, double value)
Add a float property.
void addBoolProperty(std::string name, bool value)
Add a boolean property.
void addClassProperty(std::string name, TmxProperties value)
Add a class property.
void addFileProperty(std::string name, Path value)
Add a file property.
void addIntProperty(std::string name, int value)
Add an integer property.
int getIntProperty(const std::string &name, int def) const
Get an integer property.
void addObjectProperty(std::string name, Id value)
Add an object property.
A visitor for layers in the visitor pattern.
Definition: Tmx.h:219
virtual void visitTileLayer(const TmxLayers &map, const TmxTileLayer &layer)
Visit a tile layer.
virtual void visitGroupLayer(const TmxLayers &map, const TmxGroupLayer &layer)
Visit a group layer.
virtual ~TmxVisitor()
virtual void visitObjectLayer(const TmxLayers &map, const TmxObjectLayer &layer)
Visit an object layer.
virtual void visitImageLayer(const TmxLayers &map, const TmxImageLayer &layer)
Visit an image layer.
Cell axis for staggered or hexagonal maps.
Definition: CellTypes.h:48
Cell index for staggered or hexagonal maps.
Definition: CellTypes.h:37
The orientation of the cells.
Definition: CellTypes.h:59
std::filesystem::path Path
A path in the filesystem.
Definition: Path.h:40
the render order of the tiles.
Definition: Tmx.h:50
The draw order of the objects.
Definition: Tmx.h:325
@ LeftDown
Left down order.
@ RightDown
Right down order.
uint64_t Id
An identifier.
Definition: Id.h:37
constexpr NoneType None
Constant to represent "none".
Definition: Types.h:45
@ BottomRight
@ Center
Centered alignment.
The namespace for gf classes.
A tile animation.
Definition: Tmx.h:543
std::vector< TmxFrame > frames
The frames of the animation.
Definition: Tmx.h:544
A cell in a tile layer.
Definition: Tmx.h:295
uint32_t gid
The global id of the tile.
Definition: Tmx.h:296
A chunk in a tile layer (for infinite maps)
Definition: Tmx.h:304
Vector2i position
Definition: Tmx.h:305
Vector2i size
Definition: Tmx.h:306
std::vector< TmxCell > cells
Definition: Tmx.h:307
An ellipse object.
Definition: Tmx.h:390
Vector2f size
The size of the ellipse.
Definition: Tmx.h:391
A frame in a tile animation.
Definition: Tmx.h:534
int tileId
Definition: Tmx.h:535
Time duration
Definition: Tmx.h:536
A layer with other layers.
Definition: Tmx.h:515
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< TmxLayer > > layers
The other layers.
Definition: Tmx.h:523
void accept(const TmxLayers &map, TmxVisitor &visitor) const override
Accept function in the visitor pattern.
A reference to an image.
Definition: Tmx.h:493
Path source
The path to the image.
Definition: Tmx.h:495
Vector2i size
The size of the image.
Definition: Tmx.h:497
Color4u transparent
The transparent color.
Definition: Tmx.h:496
std::string format
The format of the image.
Definition: Tmx.h:494
A layer with an image.
Definition: Tmx.h:504
std::unique_ptr< TmxImage > image
The image of the layer.
Definition: Tmx.h:505
void accept(const TmxLayers &map, TmxVisitor &visitor) const override
Accept function in the visitor pattern.
A layer in the whole map.
Definition: Tmx.h:268
Vector2i offset
The offset of the layer.
Definition: Tmx.h:288
std::string name
The name of the layer.
Definition: Tmx.h:285
TmxProperties properties
The properties of the layer.
Definition: Tmx.h:284
bool visible
The visibility of the layer.
Definition: Tmx.h:287
virtual ~TmxLayer()
double opacity
The opacity of the layer.
Definition: Tmx.h:286
virtual void accept(const TmxLayers &map, TmxVisitor &visitor) const =0
Accept function in the visitor pattern.
A TMX map.
Definition: Tmx.h:656
Color4u backgroundColor
The background color.
Definition: Tmx.h:679
Vector2i tileSize
The size of the tiles.
Definition: Tmx.h:673
std::vector< TmxTileset > tilesets
The tilesets used in the map.
Definition: Tmx.h:683
int hexSideLength
The length of the side for hexagonal map.
Definition: Tmx.h:675
void visitLayers(TmxVisitor &visitor) const
Visit the layers with a visitor.
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< TmxLayer > > layers
The layers of the map.
Definition: Tmx.h:684
CellAxis cellAxis
The stagger axis for hexagonal map.
Definition: Tmx.h:676
TmxProperties properties
The properties of the map.
Definition: Tmx.h:664
Vector2i mapSize
The size of the map.
Definition: Tmx.h:672
bool infinite
Is the map infinite?
Definition: Tmx.h:671
std::string tiledVersion
The tiled version of the map.
Definition: Tmx.h:667
CellOrientation orientation
The orientation of the map.
Definition: Tmx.h:668
int nextObjectId
The next object id.
Definition: Tmx.h:681
std::string version
The version of the map.
Definition: Tmx.h:666
bool loadFromFile(const Path &filename)
Load a TMX file.
TmxRenderOrder renderOrder
The render order of the map.
Definition: Tmx.h:669
const TmxTileset * getTileSetFromGID(uint32_t gid) const noexcept
Get the tileset corresponding to a global id.
CellIndex cellIndex
The stagger index for hexagonal map.
Definition: Tmx.h:677
A geometrical object.
Definition: Tmx.h:347
bool visible
The visibility of the object.
Definition: Tmx.h:375
double rotation
The rotation of the object.
Definition: Tmx.h:374
Vector2f position
The position of the object.
Definition: Tmx.h:373
The kind of object.
Definition: Tmx.h:356
@ Rectangle
A rectangle object.
Definition: Tmx.h:357
@ Polyline
A polyline object.
Definition: Tmx.h:359
@ Tile
A tile object.
Definition: Tmx.h:361
@ Ellipse
An ellipse object.
Definition: Tmx.h:358
@ Text
A text object.
Definition: Tmx.h:362
@ Polygon
A polygon object.
Definition: Tmx.h:360
@ Point
A point object.
Definition: Tmx.h:363
std::string type
The type of the object.
Definition: Tmx.h:372
std::string name
The name of the object.
Definition: Tmx.h:371
int id
The id of the object.
Definition: Tmx.h:370
TmxProperties properties
The properties of the object.
Definition: Tmx.h:368
virtual ~TmxObject()
Kind kind
The kind of the object.
Definition: Tmx.h:366
A layer with objects.
Definition: Tmx.h:474
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< TmxObject > > objects
The objects of the layer.
Definition: Tmx.h:484
TmxDrawOrder drawOrder
The draw order of the objects.
Definition: Tmx.h:483
Color4u color
The color of the objects.
Definition: Tmx.h:482
void accept(const TmxLayers &map, TmxVisitor &visitor) const override
Accept function in the visitor pattern.
A point object.
Definition: Tmx.h:467
A polygon object.
Definition: Tmx.h:419
std::vector< Vector2f > points
The points of the polygon.
Definition: Tmx.h:420
A polyline object.
Definition: Tmx.h:409
std::vector< Vector2f > points
The points of the polyline.
Definition: Tmx.h:410
A rectangle object.
Definition: Tmx.h:382
Vector2f size
The size of the rectangle.
Definition: Tmx.h:383
A text object.
Definition: Tmx.h:427
A horizontal alignment.
Definition: Tmx.h:443
HAlign halign
The horizontal alignment of the text.
Definition: Tmx.h:449
std::string text
The text of the object.
Definition: Tmx.h:428
Color4u color
The color of the text.
Definition: Tmx.h:433
bool bold
Is the text in bold?
Definition: Tmx.h:434
bool strikeout
Is the text striked out?
Definition: Tmx.h:437
VAlign valign
The vertical alignment of the text.
Definition: Tmx.h:460
bool underline
Is the text underlined?
Definition: Tmx.h:436
A vertical alignment.
Definition: Tmx.h:454
std::string fontFamily
The font family.
Definition: Tmx.h:430
int sizeInPixels
The size of the text in pixel.
Definition: Tmx.h:431
bool italic
Is the text in italic?
Definition: Tmx.h:435
bool wrap
The wrap mode.
Definition: Tmx.h:432
bool kerning
Is the text using kerning?
Definition: Tmx.h:438
A rectangular part of a tileset.
Definition: Tmx.h:553
std::unique_ptr< TmxAnimation > animation
The animation data of the tile.
Definition: Tmx.h:561
TmxProperties properties
The properties of the tile.
Definition: Tmx.h:554
int id
The local id of the tile.
Definition: Tmx.h:555
std::string type
The type of the tile.
Definition: Tmx.h:556
std::unique_ptr< TmxObjectLayer > objects
The objects in the tile.
Definition: Tmx.h:560
std::unique_ptr< TmxImage > image
The image of this tile.
Definition: Tmx.h:559
int probability
The probability of the tile.
Definition: Tmx.h:557
A layer with tiles in cells.
Definition: Tmx.h:314
std::vector< TmxChunk > chunks
The chunks of the layer.
Definition: Tmx.h:316
void accept(const TmxLayers &map, TmxVisitor &visitor) const override
Accept function in the visitor pattern.
std::vector< TmxCell > cells
The cells of the layer.
Definition: Tmx.h:315
An image put in the map identified by its global id.
Definition: Tmx.h:398
uint32_t gid
Definition: Tmx.h:399
Flags< Flip > flip
Definition: Tmx.h:400
A set of tiles in a single file (image or TSX file)
Definition: Tmx.h:617
Vector2i tileSize
The size of a tile in the tileset.
Definition: Tmx.h:622
uint32_t firstGid
The first global id of the tileset.
Definition: Tmx.h:620
const TmxTile * getTile(int id) const noexcept
Get the tile corresponding to an id.
int spacing
The spacing between tiles (in pixels)
Definition: Tmx.h:623
Vector2i offset
The offset of the tileset.
Definition: Tmx.h:628
std::unique_ptr< TmxImage > image
The image of the tileset.
Definition: Tmx.h:630
RectI getSubTexture(int id, Vector2i size) const noexcept
Get the rectangle of a tile corresponding to an id.
int tileCount
The number of tiles.
Definition: Tmx.h:625
std::vector< TmxTile > tiles
The tiles of the tileset.
Definition: Tmx.h:631
int columnCount
The number of columns.
Definition: Tmx.h:626
std::vector< TmxWangSet > wangsets
The wang set of the tileset.
Definition: Tmx.h:632
std::string name
The name of the tileset.
Definition: Tmx.h:621
TmxProperties properties
The properties of the tileset.
Definition: Tmx.h:618
int margin
The margin around tiles (in pixels)
Definition: Tmx.h:624
A wang color.
Definition: Tmx.h:570
int probability
The probability of the tile.
Definition: Tmx.h:575
Color4u color
The color of the wang color.
Definition: Tmx.h:573
TmxProperties properties
The properties of the wang color.
Definition: Tmx.h:571
std::string name
The name of the wang color.
Definition: Tmx.h:572
int tile
The id of the tile representing the color.
Definition: Tmx.h:574
A wang set.
Definition: Tmx.h:604
std::string name
The name of the wang set.
Definition: Tmx.h:606
TmxProperties properties
The properties of the wang set.
Definition: Tmx.h:605
std::vector< TmxWangTile > tiles
Definition: Tmx.h:610
int tile
the id of the tile representing the wang set
Definition: Tmx.h:607
std::vector< TmxWangColor > colors
Definition: Tmx.h:609
A wang tile.
Definition: Tmx.h:584
std::array< int, 8 > wangid
the wang colors of the corners and edges (top, top-right, right, bottom-right, bottom,...
Definition: Tmx.h:595
int tileid
The id of the tile.
Definition: Tmx.h:594
A 4D vector.
Definition: Vector.h:852