Gamedev Framework (gf) 1.2.0
A C++17 framework for 2D games
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cgf::ActionAn action that can be triggered by different controls
 Cgf::ActionContainerA set of actions
 Cgf::ActivityA game activity
 Cgf::AllTypeSemantic type to represent "all"
 Cgf::AnimationAn animation
 Cgf::AnyTypeSemantic type to represent "any"
 Cgf::AssetManagerAn asset manager
 Cgf::BareTextureAn image that lives in the graphic memory that can be used for drawing
 Cgf::BasicSpriteA basic sprite
 Cgf::BasicTextA basic text
 Cgf::BlendModeBlending modes for drawing
 Cgf::BlockAllocator< T >An allocator of objects referenced by an index
 Cgf::BlockAllocator< Entry >
 Cgf::BlockAllocator< Node >
 Cgf::BresenhamState for the Bresenham's line algorithm
 Cgf::CellsThe properties of cells
 Cgf::Circ< T >Utility class for manipulating circles
 Cgf::ClipboardAn interface for getting and setting the contents of the system clipboard
 Cgf::ClockUtility class that measures the elapsed time
 Cgf::CodepointRangeA range over a sequence of codepoints in UTF-8
 Cgf::ColorBase< T >Predefined colors and utilities
 Cgf::ColorRampBase< T >A color ramp
 Cgf::ConsoleCharNamed console characters
 Cgf::ConsoleEffectA console effect on the background color
 Cgf::ConsoleFontA console font
 Cgf::ConsoleFontElementA console font element
 Cgf::ConsoleFontFormatA console font format
 Cgf::ConsoleStyleA console style
 Cgf::ControlA physical control
 Cgf::CoordinatesHelper to compute coordinates in HUD
 Cgf::CursorA mouse cursor
 Cgf::DeserializerA deserializer from a binary file
 Cgf::DiceA set of dice that can be rolled
 Cgf::DrawableAbstract base class for objects that can be drawn to a render window
 Cgf::DynamicTreeAn implementation of dynamic tree
 Cgf::EasePredefined easing functions
 Cgf::EdgeRef< T >A reference to an edge (two points)
 Cgf::EntityA game entity
 Cgf::EntityContainerA collection of entities
 Cgf::EventDefines a system event and its parameters
 Cgf::Flags< E >Bitfield relying on an enumeration
 Cgf::Flags< CellProperty >
 Cgf::Flags< Flip >
 Cgf::Flags< Mod >
 Cgf::FontA character font
 Cgf::GraphicsInfo::FormatAn OpenGL format
 Cgf::GamepadSome gamepad related functions
 Cgf::GamepadAxisEventGamepad axis event parameters (EventType::GamepadAxisMoved)
 Cgf::GamepadButtonEventGamepad button event parameters (EventType::GamepadButtonPressed, EventType::GamepadButtonReleased)
 Cgf::GamepadConnectionEventGamepad connection event parameters (EventType::GamepadConnected)
 Cgf::GamepadDisconnectionEventGamepad disconnection event parameters (EventType::GamepadDisconnected)
 Cgf::GamepadTrackerA tracker for the connection/disconnection of gamepads
 Cgf::GlyphA glyph
 Cgf::GraphicsHandle< Tag >A GL handle
 Cgf::GraphicsHandle< GraphicsTag::Buffer >
 Cgf::GraphicsHandle< GraphicsTag::Framebuffer >
 Cgf::GraphicsHandle< GraphicsTag::Texture >
 Cgf::GraphicsInfoA class for graphics info
 Cgf::GraphicsTrait< Tag >A trait to handle creation and deletion of GPU resources
 Cgf::GraphicsTrait< GraphicsTag::Buffer >Trait for buffer
 Cgf::GraphicsTrait< GraphicsTag::Framebuffer >Trait for framebuffer
 Cgf::GraphicsTrait< GraphicsTag::Texture >Trait for texture
 Cgf::HandleA handle to an object or an id
 Cgf::HeightmapA heightmap
 Cgf::ImageClass for loading, manipulating and saving images
 Cgf::Index2D< I >A two-dimensional array with no data
 Cgf::Index2D< int >
 Cgf::Index2D< unsigned >
 Cgf::InputStreamAbstract class for custom file input streams
 Cgf::CodepointRange::IteratorIterator for a range of codepoints
 Cgf::NeighborDiamondRange< T >::IteratorAn iterator for a 2D range
 Cgf::NeighborSquareRange< T >::IteratorAn iterator for a 2D range
 Cgf::PositionRange< T >::IteratorAn iterator for a 2D range
 Cgf::Range< T >::IteratorA range iterator
 Cgf::KeyboardSome keyboard related functions
 Cgf::KeyEventKeyboard event parameters (EventType::KeyPressed, EventType::KeyReleased, EventType::KeyRepeated)
 Cgf::LibraryA class to represent the library
 Cgf::LogLogging functions
 Cgf::Matrix< T, ROWS, COLS >General purpose math matrix
 Cgf::Matrix< float, 3, 3 >
 Cgf::Matrix< T, 2, 2 >A 2x2 matrix
 Cgf::Matrix< T, 3, 3 >A 3x3 matrix
 Cgf::Matrix< T, 4, 4 >A 4x4 matrix
 Cgf::MessageThe base class for all messages
 Cgf::MessageManagerA message manager
 Cgf::ModelA game object that can be updated
 Cgf::ModelContainerA collection of models
 Cgf::MonitorA monitor
 Cgf::MouseButtonEventMouse button event parameters (EventType::MouseButtonPressed, EventType::MouseButtonReleased)
 Cgf::MouseCursorEventMouse cursor move event parameters (EventType::MouseMoved)
 Cgf::MouseWheelEventMouse wheel event parameters (EventType::MouseWheelScrolled)
 Cgf::NeighborDiamondRange< T >A 2D range
 Cgf::NeighborSquareRange< T >A 2D range
 Cgf::RandomBinaryTree::NodeA node of the random binary space partionning tree
 Cgf::Noise2D2D A noise function
 Cgf::Noise3D3D A noise function
 Cgf::NoneTypeSemantic type to represent "none"
 Cgf::OutputStreamAbstract class for custom file output streams
 Cgf::PacketA packet of bytes
 Cgf::PathsSpecial paths
 Cgf::PenetrationData about the collision between two objects
 Cgf::PointSequenceA sequence of points
 Cgf::PositionRange< T >A 2D range
 Cgf::PredefinedConsoleFontFormatPredefined console font formats
 Cgf::QuadtreeAn implementation of quadtree
 Cgf::Queue< T >A simple concurrent queue
 Cgf::RandomA set of random utilities
 Cgf::RandomBinaryTreeA random binary space partionning tree
 Cgf::RandomEngineA random engine
 Cgf::Range< T >A half-open range of values
 Cgf::Rect< T >Utility class for manipulating 2D axis aligned rectangles
 Cgf::Rect< float >
 Cgf::Rect< int >
 Cgf::Ref< T >A reference wrapper
 Cgf::Ref< gf::Action >
 Cgf::Ref< gf::Activity >
 Cgf::Ref< gf::AdaptativeView >
 Cgf::Ref< gf::Control >
 Cgf::Ref< gf::Effect >
 Cgf::Ref< gf::Entity >
 Cgf::Ref< gf::Model >
 Cgf::Ref< gf::Scene >
 Cgf::Ref< gf::Widget >
 Cgf::RegionA region of a window
 Cgf::RenderAttributeInfoAttribute info
 Cgf::RenderStatesDefine the states used for drawing to a RenderTarget
 Cgf::RenderTargetBase class for all render targets (window, texture, ...)
 Cgf::ResizeEventResize event parameters (EventType::Resized)
 Cgf::ResourceCache< T >A generic cache for resources
 Cgf::ResourceCache< gf::Font >
 Cgf::ResourceCache< gf::Image >
 Cgf::ResourceCache< gf::Texture >
 Cgf::RotationA rotation
 Cgf::RStarTreeAn implemntation of a R* tree
 Cgf::RuneA character encoded in UTF-8
 Cgf::SceneA scene in the game
 Cgf::SceneManagerA scene manager
 Cgf::Segment< T >A segment with two points
 Cgf::SerializerA serializer to a binary file
 Cgf::ShaderAn OpenGL vertex and/or fragment shader
 Cgf::SharedGraphicsA shared OpenGL context with the main thread
 Cgf::SimpleSpatialIndexAn very simple spatial index
 Cgf::Singleton< T >A singleton that wraps a pointer provided by a storage
 Cgf::SingletonStorage< T >A storage for a singleton
 Cgf::SocketAddressA socket address
 Cgf::SocketDataResultThe result of a socket operation
 Cgf::SocketGuardA guard to handle library initialization
 Cgf::Span< T >A span
 Cgf::Span< const uint8_t >
 Cgf::Span< uint8_t >
 Cgf::SpatialStructureA spatial structure
 Cgf::SpriteBatchA sprite batch
 Cgf::SquareMapA square map
 Cgf::StaticSpan< T, N >A static span
 Cgf::SystemInfoA class for system info
 Cgf::TextEventText event parameters (EventType::TextEntered)
 Cgf::TextureAtlasA collection of sub-texture
 Cgf::TilesetA tileset
 Cgf::TimeRepresents a time value
 Cgf::TmxAnimationA tile animation
 Cgf::TmxCellA cell in a tile layer
 Cgf::TmxChunkA chunk in a tile layer (for infinite maps)
 Cgf::TmxFrameA frame in a tile animation
 Cgf::TmxImageA reference to an image
 Cgf::TmxLayerA layer in the whole map
 Cgf::TmxLayersA TMX map
 Cgf::TmxObjectA geometrical object
 Cgf::TmxPropertiesThe properties for TMX entities
 Cgf::TmxTileA rectangular part of a tileset
 Cgf::TmxTilesetA set of tiles in a single file (image or TSX file)
 Cgf::TmxVisitorA visitor for layers in the visitor pattern
 Cgf::TmxWangColorA wang color
 Cgf::TmxWangSetA wang set
 Cgf::TmxWangTileA wang tile
 Cgf::TouchEventTouch event parameters (EventType::TouchBegan, EventType::TouchMoved, EventType::TouchEnded)
 Cgf::TransformA simple transformation (rotation then translation)
 Cgf::TranslationA translation
 Cgf::TriangleRef< T >A reference to a triangle (three points)
 Cgf::Tween< T >An interpolation between two values
 Cgf::Tween< float >
 Cgf::Tween< gf::Vector >
 Cgf::Tween< gf::Vector< T, 4 > >
 Cgf::Vector< T, N >General purpose math vector
 Cgf::Vector< double, 3 >
 Cgf::Vector< float, 2 >
 Cgf::Vector< float, 4 >
 Cgf::Vector< I, 2 >
 Cgf::Vector< int, 2 >
 Cgf::Vector< T, 2 >A 2D vector
 Cgf::Vector< T, 3 >A 3D vector
 Cgf::Vector< T, 4 >A 4D vector
 Cgf::Vector< T, 4 >< float >
 Cgf::Vector< T, 4 >< uint8_t >
 Cgf::Vector< uint8_t, 4 >
 Cgf::Vector< unsigned, 2 >
 Cgf::Library::VersionInformation about version
 Cgf::VertexA point associated with a color and a texture coordinate
 Cgf::VertexBufferData in the graphics memory
 Cgf::VideoModeA video mode
 Cgf::View2D camera that defines what region is shown on framebuffer
 Cgf::ViewContainerA container of views
 Cgf::WidgetContainerA collection of widgets
 Cgf::WindowAn OS window
 Cgf::WindowEventWindow event parameters (EventType::Closed, EventType::FocusGained, EventType::FocusLost, EventType::Shown, EventType::Hidden, EventType::Exposed, EventType::Minimized, EventType::Maximized, EventType::Restored)
 Cgf::ZeroTypeSemantic type to represent "zero"
 Cgf::ZoomingViewAdaptorA view adaptor for zooming/moving with the mouse